Member Reviews

This was a very interesting read! I thought at first it might be a picture book but it's more of an elementary read (3rd-5th grade). It does include pictures which add a lot to the story of children growing up on Alcatraz when it was a prison and help the reader imagine what life was like. The account of living on Alcatraz was generally positive and it was interesting to read that, at least for the most part, families and children (not prisoners) really enjoyed living on the island and had a great community there--and even were sad to leave when it closed. I think this would be an interesting addition to an elementary-based library, particularly if you have a lot of non-fiction-loving readers. It did get repetitive at times but I don't think most elementary students would mind that much. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

A good addition to nonfiction shelves to explain life on Alcatraz. It describes life for both the inmates and then staff and their families who lived and worked on the island there. Recommended for grades 4-7

A nonfiction book written for kids about what life was like for families of the guards and other employees of Alcatraz. Despite the dozens of some of the most dangerous people living together under one roof, Alcatraz the island was a very safe place considering the high ratio of guards to inmates. Children especially lived a life with lots of freedom, even though they had to take a ferry to school every day and often were unable to leave the island (or return to the island) if the weather was bad. Kids who love learning about history will enjoy reading this book and seeing some of the photos of life back on Alcatraz.

We found this book very interesting. Some of my children had a layover in San Francisco recently, and spent time doing some sightseeing. They enjoyed seeing Alcatraz, so they found this book especially interesting. I have never seen it, but I also found it fascinating to learn about life on that island. This book is full of original photographs and interesting facts—including what was done with the key to the steamship in order to prevent anyone hijacking it! This book is perfect for anyone interested in unusual places and ways of life.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, and these are my honest thoughts about it

A very interesting look at what life was like for those who lived on Alcatraz when it housed the prison [the wardens, staff and their children; at one point, over 70 children lived and played there] and what they did every day and the fun they had exploring the island.
Interspersed with photos from that time period [with quotes from former residents as well], this was a fun read about a life one can barely remember now [and what littles will be in awe of as it is explained to them]. Adults/parents will have a fun time explaining all the unknown things to those they are reading this too and it will be a great history lesson for all.
Very well done!
Thank you to NetGalley. Emma Bland Smith, and Capstone/Capstone Press for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was informative about the children who lived on Alcatraz with their staff parents. At first, it almost read like the information presented was going to be solely about the history of the prison, with little about the actual lives of the children. But, in hindsight, it makes sense to give that history to provide some context for how different the living situations were for these children. I know that these types of series books have a set number of pages and formatting, but I wish this book had been a bit longer so that it could have incorporated more of the anecdotes and quotes from the people who actually grew up on the island when it was a prison.

I didn't get to read the previous book, "The Gardener of Alcatraz", but I think this book was an excellent stand alone. I thought this was a well written book that was fascinating. I enjoyed the different perspectives from the kids point of view. I can't wait for more from this author. I will definitely recommend this book to others.
Thank you Net Galley ARC and Capstone

San Francisco author Smith follows up her previous book The Gardener of Alcatraz (Charlesbridge, 2022) with this look at children who lived on the island during the time it was a notorious prison. Topics include famous prisoners, the children’s play and schooling, and holidays. The last chapter briefly discusses the children who were part of the 1969 occupation by Indigenous people who took over the abandoned island. Filled with b&w and color photos, diagrams, and page decorations, this will appeal to a wide age range and those who enjoy local history as well as students doing research. Back matter includes an index, timeline, and a list of related materials. Contains California-specific content. Review based on an ARC.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed The Gardener of Alcatraz so I knew this book would be good too. Prison life is interesting to me and reading about life on Alcatraz for the kids of guards is a great perspective. The pictures of various parts of the island are fun to see as it brings back memories of when I toured Alcatraz.

I thought that this book was really good and even as an adult I definitely learnt from it.
The book is well written and I loved the little snippets of what happened there and what it was like to live in such a well-known and infamous place. I didn't realise that so many children lived on the Island and it was interesting to find out how they got too and from school, and the number of boat trips that took place from the Island to the mainland, and vice versa each day - it was a really busy route.
I haven't been lucky enough to visit Alcatraz myself but my mum and dad have been so after I read the book with my daughter we looked at the photos that they had taken - my daughter enjoyed the book and after we finished she wanted to find out more - I really like books like this that spark interest
It was well written and easy to follow and loved the addition of the photos. It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended and a great introduction about what it was like living on the Island

For people who like: original nonfiction children's books
Reading around the world: city of San Francisco - state of California (USA)
In five words: prison - Alcatraz - families - children - pictures
Positive points: The island of Alcatraz is well known for its former maximum security prison. But did you know that (most of) the guards lived there with their families? If you're wondering what it must have been like to grow up there as a child, then you'll find lots of interesting information and photographs in this nonfiction children's book.
There's also a timeline with a brief explanation of the other functions that Alcatraz had during its history. Especially the Native American Occupation in 1969 wasn't known to me and makes me curious to read more about it.
Negative points: A few things are repeated. But the book as a whole is way too interesting to be bothered by that.
More info: https://www.nps.gov/alca/index.htm
Rating: 5*
Publication date: 01.01.2025
*Thanks to NetGalley and Capstone for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book delves into the history of Alcatraz prison and the island itself, with a particular focus on the community and individuals who lived there. It offers a brief overview of the 1969-1970 Indigenous activist occupation. A valuable addition to public and school libraries, especially in the United States.

I found this book to be lacking. The writing style was geared towards a much younger audience than I expected, I suppose, as it was quite simplistic. The information delivered here was not quite enriching or engaging- it was mostly saying “yeah these kids grew up like normal kids, except they lived on Alcatraz”.
Not my favorite book.

When I’m looking for a quick history lesson or refresher, I turn to children’s books as they are engaging and easy to comprehend in a short number of pages. I didn’t know much about Alcatraz Island, aside from the main point that it was a federal prison in San Francisco Bay. This was an informative read — a good mix of text and images — about the families and children who lived on the island.
Thank you to #NetGalley and Capstone Press for the ARC of #GrowingUpInTheShadowOfAlcatraz. To be published Jan. 1, 2025.

Absolutely LOVED this book! This true story about the children who grew up on Alcatraz has a great balance between text and photos so it doesn't get overwhelming. Certainly all of the photos bring the story to life. Loved everything about it and I hope it's in libraries for kids! Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy of this book.

Growing up in San Francisco during the time Alcatraz was an active prison I never thought about families living on the island. Alcatraz was never discussed in school therefore as a child and teen we never knew much about it other than it was a prison.
This book was so well researched. I would recommend it to be used as part of curriculum in all San Francisco and California schools.
Life was so interesting there. Families were close with a sense of freedom and safety. It was a wonderful read.
Thank you to Netgalley and Capstone Press for the digital ARC of this book. This review is my honest and unbiased opinion.

That big rock in the San Francisco Bay is an attention grabber in itself, then to think of a prison there housing the most dangerous and nortiorious criminals in America heightens the intrigue. What we don’t think of is the regular folks who lived there to run the prison… guards, food service, mechanical, health professionals, etc. These workers had families who lived there.
In this 32-page middle-grade picture book, readers get glimpses into the everyday lives of the children who grew up on Alcatraz as their parents worked at the prison.
Emma Bland Smith blends engaging storytelling, historical photos, and real-life sources, to bring everyday life on the island to the reader.
Readers will learn of life outside the prison walls through the eyes of the children. Living on Alcatraz had its drawbacks, lots of rules, (many were broken), although only 1.25 miles away, getting to the mainland could be a challenge, bitter winds in winter, thick fog in the summer, yet folks were completely happy in this unique lifestyle. Living so closely, they were like an enormous family.
The book is well organized, and includes interesting graphics. The photograph on page 8 is an ariel view of the island which accurately depicts why it was called The Rock making it virtually inescapable by inmates. For families it was only an 12 minute ride to the mainland for school, groceries, health care, yet it was not a simple outing for basic needs.
I enjoyed learning about daily life for inmates, employees and their families. No cats or dogs were allowed but many had birds, hamsters and guinea pigs. It's amazing how much fun the families had, despite being bound to a prison!
This book will appeal to readers ages 8-12 who enjoy history and unique settings. As an adult I thoroughly enjoyed learning of everyday life on Alcatraz. Historical fiction fans will appreciate the authentic look at life on Alcatraz Island.

An informative and interesting nonfiction read. Growing Up in the Shadow of Alcatraz by Emma Bland Smith is an ideal book for younger readers looking to explore the history, social, cultural, political and economic aspects that shaped the creation and administration of the island prison facility of Alcatraz. The book follows the unique perspective of the families and children who worked and lived on the island and the surprising positive experiences and memories they had of this time. The book is a mix of writing, images and interesting facts and timelines that support the text. A great foundation book for young readers approaching history and social changes from the past. Accessible and engaging 4 Stars ✨.

What a fascinating history of Alcatraz! I had absolutely no idea that families lived on the island as well, although I suppose it makes sense when you think about it.
I really enjoyed learning about the ways families existed on the island and some of the strange rules they had to abide by (like no pets); and yet how normal their lives were considering they lived next to one of the most famous prisons in America.
My history loving son is going to devour this book! Great book, fun read, lots of cool facts with real black and white photos that show life on Alcatraz. I highly recommend this book.

My sister recently visited Alcatraz and was telling me about the guards and their families who lived on the island during its time as a federal prison. I didn’t know much about this aspect of Alcatraz history, so instantly wanted to learn more. It was perfect timing when I randomly discovered this book – I had to read it!
This is perfect for the young audience it’s written for, yet adults can easily read it too. I would’ve devoured it as a kid, though still enjoyed it (and didn’t feel dumbed down) as an adult. It respects young people’s intelligence, while providing enough interesting facts to hold their attention. I’ve always loved books with this kind of layout – a combination of pictures with memorable pieces of information ensured I learned plenty.
Is it possible for a book on Alcatraz to be wholesome? Emma has proved it so! The kids of Alcatraz had an idyllic childhood in their close-knit community, despite living beside the toughest criminals in the country. I was amazed to learn more than 100 children resided on the island, along with their families – and even the warden’s dog, Pat.
Emma captured the atmosphere of San Francisco Bay, along with the contrasting environments of the family community and inmate lives. Occasionally, the two overlapped, which made for some of my favourite moments.
When it comes to books on Alcatraz, you don’t expect to read about kids shaking hands with Al Capone, or to see photos of Christmas parties – but that’s the beauty of this one. It highlights a different, often untold side to the notorious former prison – something which makes it a joy to read for audiences of all ages.