Member Reviews

I can always rely on Gillian McAllister's novels to deliver top-notch suspense. "Famous Last Words" is an exhilarating thriller that captivates from the very beginning. The plot is outstanding, filled with action that immediately grabs your attention. Camilla is returning to work on her first day after maternity leave when she receives the shocking news that her husband, Luke, is involved in a hostage situation—not as a victim, but as the perpetrator holding hostages at gunpoint. The character development of both Camilla and Niall, the hostage negotiator, is exceptionally well-crafted. Be sure to add this book to your reading list!

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Camilla is getting ready to go back to her beloved job as a literary agent after a maternity leave. She is sad about leaving her daughter Polly for the first time but thrilled to get back to the career she loves. On her first day back at work, she's surprised to discover her husband Luke has already left when she gets up that morning. She had expected him to help with Polly, but she isn't unduly worried. While at work, she becomes aware that there is a hostage crisis going on. A man is holding three hostages in a warehouse. She is horrified when the police inform her that her husband is the one holding the hostages. Niall, the hostage negotiator, is thrilled to have a case to work on. He's working on other cases while waiting for a negotiation scenario to unfold, and he's eager to put his skills to work. However, things don't go as planned. The story then jumps ahead seven years and details what has happened with Cam and Niall, as well as their attempts to unravel the mystery of the hostage situation.

I found the beginning of the book to be exciting, fast-paced, and interesting. The wife being totally blindsided by such an out-of-character act by her husband was really intriguing. Then the action stopped, and we jumped seven years into the future and the story really bogged down. There were a lot of side issues, such as Niall's marital problems and Cam's sister's infertility, that took up a lot of space without really having anything to do with resolving the mystery at the center of the story. There were also a few things that didn't really add up, such as how Luke got involved in the situation in the first place. I with the pace and twists from the first part of the book had continued, but overall, the story was interesting enough to keep me going to find out the resolution.

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I love thrillers and this is one of my favorites yet! Such a new and cunning story that will have you in a grip until the end.

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I am the ultimate domestic suspense fan, so it is especially satisfying and exciting when I read a terrific representation of it. Gillian’s writing is superb, and the storyline prompts you to reflect on how well you truly know your loved ones.

Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for the complimentary ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I have loved all of Gillian McAllister’s books and this one was no different! Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow.

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I don't even know where to begin with this book. Once again, Gillian McAllister has outdone herself. I sat in stunned silence, thinking about the elaborate theme of this book. I know from reading all her books how good they are but this one blindsided me. There were so many layers to the story to unwrap and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. The story is told by two viewpoints.

Cam, a literary agent, is returning to work after her maternity leave. Her husband Luke was supposed to help her get out the door on that first day, but he is nowhere to be found. Thinking something came up at his work, Cam moves on with her day. But all her texts and calls go unanswered. This is so out of character for Luke and is starting to rattle her a bit. Then she sees on the news there's a hostage situation near Luke's workplace. Suddenly police are in her office and tell her Luke is not a hostage but is the hostage taker.

The second POV is Niall the hostage negotiator. Niall makes some decisions that day that will haunt him for the rest of his life. His actions cost him everything he holds dear and he has to learn how to live with that.

After the siege, Cam and Niall both try to move on. It takes time but we eventually learn what lead up to the events of that infamous day and what caused the funny, kind, extroverted Luke to snap.

This book is very fast paced and mind blowing. It definitely puts the thrill in thriller. I also love that Gillian was so descriptive about how Cam felt being among new books. It is so relatable. This is a must read for all thrill lovers.

Thanks to Netgalley and William Morrow for the advanced copy

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I’m always biased when it comes to rating any book by Gillian McAllister—I’m ready to give five stars before I even start reading! And once I finish, I feel validated because her work always turns out to be five-star worthy, mind-blowing as usual!

The same thing happened with this book, but two elements made me love it even more than her previous works. First, Camilla’s way of escaping into fiction resonates deeply with me. The portrayal of a bookish introvert's inner world and her reactions every time she opens a new book are so meticulously written that I wanted to scream, “Yes! I feel exactly the same way! I hear you!”

The second standout is the first third of the book—the bloody siege part—which may be one of the best examples of thriller writing I’ve read recently. The way unknown facts pile up, the escalating tempo, the building tension, the "what’s going to happen next" mystery—it’s all so nail-biting, heart-racing, and adrenaline-pumping that it left me sweating, screaming, and cursing. The first shocking twist is a punch to the face—entertaining and disturbing in equal measure.

As the story moves past the siege into the second act, I was left feeling impatient and restless. I kept thinking, "Come on, Luke can’t be bad! Even though he has a French name, he’s still a good guy! The sweet, extroverted, down-to-earth, Jaffa-cake-loving man who sent those clever texts can’t be a mastermind criminal! There has to be an explanation!"

The mystery continues to build, and McAllister keeps us in the dark for so long about what happened on the longest day, June 21st in Bormendsey. Why does literary agent Camilla find out that her husband left the house earlier than usual, on the worst day of all—her first day back at work after maternity leave—without even warning her? Why did he leave a cryptic note instead of his usual witty comments? Why isn’t he answering his phone? And why do the police insist that her husband has a gun and has taken three people hostage: two unknown men and a woman, who happens to be the wife of a cop? Has he been living a double life? What could have led to this? He couldn’t possibly kill anyone… could he?

And then—bang!—something irreversible happens.

After the siege, Camilla tries to move on with her life, still sending texts and messages to her husband's phone, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he’ll somehow read or listen to them.

The other perspective in the story comes from hostage negotiator Niall, whose life also changed on June 21st due to a misjudgment that cost him his career, his marriage, and his peace of mind. There are still dead bodies after the siege with identities that remain unknown—a baffling mystery. Niall can’t let it go until he uncovers the truth and seeks justice.

I’ll admit that the final third of the book was a little weaker than the earlier parts. Don’t get me wrong—pieces of the puzzle come together, and after many jaw-dropping twists, we do get answers, even if some of them are a little far-fetched. There are no plot holes, though. McAllister is a master at formulating complex timelines, weaving intricate details, and delivering twists you’d never anticipate. She did it perfectly in Wrong Place, Wrong Time (which is still my favorite of hers), and she does it here too, connecting dots you’d never think to consider, giving us surprising insights.

Overall, I loved this book with every fiber of my being. I have to say, though, the first third remains my favorite part. As a hopeless romantic, I rooted for Camilla and Luke, even though Luke turned out to be dangerous! The romantic thread running through the story made me connect with the characters even more. I also really enjoyed Niall’s chapters—his self-reflection, his determination to make up for his mistakes, and his obsession with cracking the bizarre case full of unknowns. He might be my favorite character—a sort of Cupid and justice seeker rolled into one, a workaholic who is likable despite his flaws.

This is now my second-favorite McAllister twisty, smart, and addictive thriller, easily a 5+ star read. My advice: go into this one blind, cancel your plans, and set aside time to immerse yourself in this rollercoaster of a book. You won’t regret it!

Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for providing this digital review copy of an unputdownable thriller in exchange for my honest thoughts, which I truly appreciate. And a huge thank you to Ms. McAllister for taking me on yet another smart, thrilling, and twisty ride!

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I was so excited to receive this ARC because I’d found Wrong Place Wrong Time to be stunning and really liked Just Another Missing Person as well! This book did not let me down. It was full of interesting twists and the characters were well-developed. As a person who also likes escapism in her books and completely blisses out while reading fiction, I understood the main character’s obsession with books and stories. The novel was a bit too sappy at times and also repetitive in its sentimentality, but those are minor quibbles. This was a really fantastic and satisfying read. 4/5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for letting me read an ARC of this book.

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How exciting to see a new book by Gillian McAllister! I loved her book Wrong Place Wrong Time and recommended it to my friends. Famous Last Words was everything I look for in an engrossing read. She kept me guessing the whole way through and gave this reader a satisfying ending to the story. In the acknowledgements, she explains that writing this book took longer as she had a baby. Here’s hoping her next un-put-downable novel will come along soon.

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This book is fast-paced, gripping, and un-put-down-able! A family drama tied up with a police procedural, the story will have you sucked in from the first couple of chapters. What would you do if the person you love--the person you know better than anyone--was accused of a horrible crime, so completely at odds with who you know them to be? How do you move past that? This follow-up to "Just Another Missing Person" was WELL worth the wait. I loved every last page.

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This is the story I've been hoping for. I love when a domestic thriller can pull me in right from the first page. Famous Last Words did just that. The writing is excellent, and the plot makes you think about how well you really know someone. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This had such good twists and turns that I was invested the minute I started this book. The characters were everything that I wanted and enjoyed the use of relationships and how characters use that. It had that crime element and it worked with the characters in this story.

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A great book by Gillian that skillfully layers tension & twists, yet manages to show how love and hope can persist even in the darkest moments. In this twisty, emotionally thriller, we follow a literary agent named Cam. On her first day back from maternity leave, she faces the unthinkable: her husband Luke has taken hostages in London. One of the hostages is released, meanwhile two are killed and remain unidentified. Luke no where to be found. As the years go by, Cam clings to hope that he may still be alive and will have the opportunity to find out how / why he ended up in this situation.

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Review coming soon!

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC.

Opinions are mine.

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