Member Reviews

I read just about everything written by Patricia Telesco. She is an experienced magickal practitioner with over 40 years of experience, (I have over 30 years of experience, and I've learned a lot from her.) Originally printed in 2003, "A Witch's Book of Wisdom" is Granny Magick based, and I wish there were updates, because our way of life has changed with the advent of social media. That said, I think this is a great book for the new witch, and seasoned alike. This book covers the A thru Z of magick (literally), it's a solid edition for your library.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crossed Crow Books for this ARC.

A Witch's Book of Wisdom is the perfect addition to a new witch's library. It has alphabetically organized topics full of magickal knowledge from a very experienced practitioner. I appreciated that there were mediations, rituals, or other similar spells in each topic with prewritten incantations and an invitation to make them your own with modifications. The prologue of the book also invites the reader to leave space for disagreements and human error, which for me, leaves me feeling like the author is a friend. Patricia Telesco goes into detail about what type of role she is taking on in the book and the history of the Archetype of the Wise Person. You will enjoy this book if you are needing help finding your footing in your practice or maybe are just wanting some fun, easy going wisdom from somebody who isn't in your usual circle.

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This was fantastic and full of knowledge for any witch on their journey! I knew some of the things inside the boom, however so much was learned.

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Patricia Telesco’s A Witch’s Book of Wisdom provides a detailed introduction to witchcraft, but it fell short of my expectations. While the content is broad and informative, the writing felt more like an academic essay, which made it difficult to stay engaged. Much of the material also feels a bit dated, and I think a modern update could make it more relevant for today’s readers.

I did appreciate the glossary, which helps in navigating specific topics, and while I don’t practice witchcraft myself, I found the historical background of some practices intriguing and the cover absolutely charming. However, overall, the book didn’t offer the engaging, practical insight I was hoping for, which is why I’d rate it two stars.

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This book is a gorgeous piece to add to your collection if you are into witchy things. You can tell that everything in this book is based upon lots of life experience, dedication, and care and that a lot of time and research was put into the topics.

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A thoroughly charming book, packed with folklore, charms, spells, and as advertised, plenty of wisdom. The author shares beautiful morsels of knowledge from her decades of practice, and her warmth shines through in her writing. Highly recommended for witches and cunning folk of every sort.

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"A Witch's Book of Wisdom" by Patricia Telesco offers an interesting dive into witchcraft, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. While it's packed with insightful bits of wisdom and information, it feels a little caught between two worlds—like it can’t decide if it wants to be a reference guide or something more narrative and engaging. The result? It doesn’t fully deliver on either front.

If you’re looking for a quick lookup on certain topics, it serves that purpose well. But if you’re after a more in-depth exploration or a modern approach, you might find yourself wanting more. It feels like it could’ve either expanded into a full encyclopedic work or leaned more into storytelling. Still, it's a good starting point for beginners, but I’d recommend pairing it with something a bit more robust for deeper learning.

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As far as I can tell A witches book of wisdom seem to be a reprint of Patricia Telesco's 2003 book of the same name with perhaps a few updates thrown in. Although some outdated references such as listings in the yellow pages have not been changed.
The book is a dairy of sorts of the authors views on various topics listed alphabetically pertaining to witchcraft with spells and rituals thrown in for good measure. I would say that the book is more suited to a beginner but having said that the authors claims about cunning people in history are not back up by any sources or quotes shared.
I feel this book is a little dated and looking at the bibliography we can see the source research is rather dated too

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A Witch’s Book of Wisdom by Patricia Telesco promises a one-stop guide for anyone curious about witchcraft. While the content is thorough and insightful, I found the book wasn’t quite what I expected. It reads more like an essay, and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I hoped. It feels a bit dated and could use a modern refresh to make it more engaging for today’s readers.

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NetGalley review

DNF - I’m a certified meditation teacher, studied and continues to Yoga/Meditation with a close linages to IYENGAR. within her meditation she uses harmful and unnecessary directions. Anger will not eat your like cancer. And in 2024 when everyone is about not doing harm - this is.

This is the problem- when the western world take beliefs and practices from on spiritual belief system and try to use it within another, having no formal education.
Let alone knowing the difference a witch and yogi, or authentically teach how to live both paths authentically. This book lacked every part of these major concepts. This is how spiritual mental illness happens. Also cults.
I know I was rais in a witchy community and when it didn’t work thier way or wanted to justify their actions they altered the beliefs and values. That is what she has don’t with this meditation.

I said what I said.

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This was an interesting read. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it was helpful. I think this book has some helpful life advice even if you don't practice.

I liked that there was a glossary to try and help you with specific topics you may be struggling with. I can't say if any of them work as I don't practice. I think the history of some of the topics was interesting to learn also!

Thank you Netgalley, Crossed Crow Books, and Patricia Telesco for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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