Member Reviews

An informative guide on Social Security. A good primer for those unfamiliar with this topic.

Thank you NetGalley and Adams Media for the advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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SOCIAL SECURITY 101 by Michele Cagan and Alfred Mill is the second edition of this self-proclaimed "Essential Primer on Government Retirement Aid." Cagan is a CPA who writes often about finance investing and accounting and Mill has crafted several texts on finance and economics in this 101 series. They begin with some historical background and basics (e.g., getting a social security card; defining full retirement age). The next section looks at benefits – for individuals, children with disabilities, spouses and so forth. Later, timing of benefits is discussed as well as related issues about Medicare and retirement planning. Cagan and Mill offer numerous examples with specific amounts to help illustrate their points. This relatively short (240 pages) text provides an accessible overview and may serve as helpful prep before heading off to the Social Security office to review your own circumstances, an action highly recommended by the accountants, lawyers, and other advisors with whom I have consulted on this subject. Good luck getting an appointment, though; at latest check the wait was over 6 weeks.

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Excellent resource. Written in easy to understand language. Recommended for everyone wanting to learn more about Social Security.

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Excellent and straightforward to everything you need to know about social security, planning to retire around it, and how it all works.

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