Member Reviews

I went into this book blind and chose to pick out purely based on the cover. I am so glad I decided to pick this one up. It’s such a unique take on the Cinderella/Stepsister/Fairy Godmother type story, and I loved every minute of it. I will say it’s a little slow to start and get the feel of the overall story but even during the slow start, it was an engaging read. Theo was such an interesting FMC. She starts out as someone that you don’t really want to root for but as you delve further into the story, you start to better understand her. Once you get a better understanding of her character, you can’t help but want Theo to succeed. How can you not end up rooting for a someone with such unparalleled insult skills. I also really enjoyed the world building that Mayo created as Theo worked to complete her bargain tasks. I also found the overarching plot interesting, and it kept my interest throughout. There are plenty of secrets and twists to be revealed as the story progresses. I combo read this with the ebook and audiobook. The audiobook is a pure delight and encompasses the essence of the story. I can’t recommend it enough. Overall, this book has great vibes and all I can say is if you enjoy fairytale retellings with a twist, make sure to give this one a chance.

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This isn't the first retelling of Cinderella from another perspective, or even the first to suggest that Cinderella isn't the angelic darling that the fairy tale made her out to be, but this retelling does have an interesting angle. One of the stepsisters, Theo, might not be as evil as the one in the tale and when she finds herself trapped in an engagement, she seeks out the fairy godmother that helped her stepsister become princess. But to Theo's chagrin, getting the help she needs takes a circuitous route. On her way, she meets some interesting characters, and may even learn a lesson or two. The story was a fun take on a familiar tale and the ending fit like a glass slipper. If this is the first in a series, I exuberantly look forward to alternative views of other fairy tales.
I enjoyed this book as an audiobook and the narration by Josie Charles was excellent.
I received advanced access to this audiobook thru NetGalley (for which I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher, Hachette Audio - Orbit) for an honest review. The opinion expressed here is my own.

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Laura J. Mayo’s "How to Summon a Fairy Godmother" is a delightful, imaginative twist on the classic Cinderella story, offering a fresh perspective on what happens after the fairy tale ends. With a witty and heartwarming plot, this debut novel brings together humor, magic, and romance in a way that will captivate readers from start to finish.

The protagonist, Lady Theodosia "Theo" Balfour, has certainly drawn the short straw in life, especially after her stepsister, Princess Beatrice, has tarnished Theo's reputation by spreading vicious rumors. Beatrice’s account of her life as a mistreated stepdaughter is not just exaggerated but downright damaging, casting Theo and her family as the wicked villains of the story. This clever twist immediately sets up the book’s central conflict: Theo is not the evil stepsister we expect but rather a clever, determined young woman desperate to save her family from ruin.

Forced into a bleak engagement to the elderly and foul-tempered Duke of Snowbell, Theo’s situation seems hopeless—until she learns of the mysterious fairy godmother who supposedly helped Beatrice secure her royal marriage. What follows is a fun, magical journey as Theo summons Cecily of the Ash Fairies, a far cry from the typical benevolent, wand-waving godmother. Cecily is unpredictable, sharp-witted, and more interested in smoking her pipe and bargaining for favors than doling out charity. This character is a highlight of the story, and her interactions with Theo are full of sharp humor and unexpected wisdom.

Theo’s assigned tasks add depth to the plot, pushing her to grow and discover her true desires. Along the way, the introduction of Cecily’s familiars—Phineas, the charming, flirtatious human-turned-mockingbird, and Kasra, the dashing yet aloof fox shapeshifter—infuses the story with further intrigue and wit. These characters not only serve as a comic relief but also challenge Theo’s perceptions of herself and the magical world she’s entered.

Narrator Josie Charles adds a wonderful layer to this audiobook, her warm, engaging voice drawing listeners into the world Mayo has crafted. She perfectly captures Theo's charm, wit, and frustration while breathing life into Cecily’s cunning nature and the various other magical creatures.

The novel also explores interesting themes, such as personal growth, societal expectations, and the nature of kindness. As Theo works through her tasks, she begins to question whether the human world and its rigid, often cruel expectations are truly where she belongs. The relationships she forms with the magical creatures serve as a meaningful contrast to the superficial connections she has in her human life.

Overall, "How to Summon a Fairy Godmother" is a thoroughly entertaining and clever re-imagining of the Cinderella tale. It gives voice to the "wicked stepsister" in a way that feels fresh and poignant, and the romance, humor, and magical elements are balanced in a way that keeps the story light but meaningful. Josie Charles’s narration only enhances the experience, making this audiobook a must-listen for fans of fairy tale retellings.

I found "How to Summon a Fairy Godmother" to be a charming and unique take on the Cinderella tale. It was particularly unjust for Beatrice to paint such a vile portrait of her stepsisters, especially Theo, who is neither wicked nor cruel. Theo's cleverness, charm, and resilience make her an endearing character, and it is impossible not to root for her as she navigates this magical, slightly chaotic world. The humor and deviousness of Cecily as a fairy godmother were refreshing, making this story a truly enjoyable experience.

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