Member Reviews

Pole Position is the story of two Formula 1 competitors. One is a driver with several years of experience and multiple championships under his belt, while the other is a irresponsible rookie with a very bad reputation, living day by day. Now they have to work together as a team. What could go wrong?

It had its ups and downs, but what mattered to me was that it kept me hooked. It did make me a bit frustrated at times ☝🏼, but sometimes a girl just needs to read some drama to stay entertained and keep going, and this book was exactly that. It's a quick and fun read.

Something I love about books with a Formula 1 theme is that it’s always so interesting to see how each author gives their own spin to it—how each Grand Prix plays out, the race scenes, and the dynamics with the team—and in my opinion, this book did all of that super well.

My only issue was with James. During the first part of the book, I found it impossible to connect with him because he was exactly the kind of person I dislike, and I feel like I spent the first half of the book with a very negative image of him. By the point in the story where I was supposed to empathize with him, it was just too hard for me to do so.

But in the end, everything works out. I’d definitely like to read more about these characters *cof* Jo *cof*

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review 💘

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What I expected: a Max Verstappen fanfic.

What I got: an engaging story about two drivers that was a great time for F1 fans and romance readers alike!

Yes, one of our MMCs was slightly Max-coded, but really not enough to be “distracting.” The M/M romance scene can fall into some stereotypes, but this did a really good job at avoiding any tired interactions. I was really refreshed by their whole journey.

If you’re even moderately an F1 fan, this book is for you, and if you aren’t, read it anyway and welcome to the show. You’ll soon be watching every weekend like the rest of us!

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Thank you to Netgalley & The Publishers for the arc of this book.

4/5 stars.
I really enjoyed this book and wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was. Kian and Harper being complete and total opposites really added to my enjoyment, the tension was also fantastic and I could not wait for them to kiss, I was on the edge of my seat literally waiting. This book made me want to get into F1 racing and actually sit down and watch it. I was a bit frustrated I won't lie with the miscommunication trope but I guess you cannot run and hide from anxious attachment not even in books. But I truly cannot wait to read more from this author!

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This was my first F1 romance and I honestly enjoyed a lot of parts of this book.

Both Kian and Harper are just misunderstood babies who need love. We have Kian, a 33 year old grumpy F1 champion and Harper, a bratty, immature at times, 25 year old “reformed playboy” rookie ✨

As far as their connection goes, I didn’t really feel it hit how I wanted it too sometimes but their banter was 🔥 and when they got together *waggles eyebrows* it was 😮‍💨

TW: There was a scene where Harper was piss drunk and Kian still felt the need to grope and kiss him. Like sir, consent pls?

Butttttt apart from all that, it was definitely an enjoyable ✨ vibes ✨ read. I would definitely pick up Johannes story if he got one 👀

Thank you NetGalley, One More Chapter & to Rebecca J. Caffery for gifting me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review 🫶🏼

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let me say this was a fast and easy read, but I really wanted to love this—Red, White & Royal Blue meets F1? Count me in! Unfortunately, it didn’t quite give what i thought it was going to give.i think the f1 elements fell a bit flat as well the miscommunication between Kian and Harper felt never ending. I hoped their relationship would improve, but it didn’t, and that was really frustrating for me.

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A cute, queer romance for all fans of motorsport! If you like the Dirty Air Series by Lauren Asher or Cross the Line by Simone Soltani, this book is for you!

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This book is advertised as a Red, White, and Royal Blue-esque F1 romance; and that's definitely what it felt like for me! Kian and Harper were sooo dang cute together! They both have so much from their own lives that they struggle through and while Harper is a wildin' party boy, Kian is reserved and quiet. But together they are the perfect grumpy x sunshine pairing and I just loved their character growth together and apart (loooove Kian's positive take of mental health treatment).

Final Rating: 4.25⭐, 2.5 🌶️

Thank you Netgalley and Harper 360, for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Pole Position" by Rebecca Caffery delivers all the charm and tension of Red, White, and Royal Blue, but with the exhilarating backdrop of Formula 1. I’m fully here for it! I’d choose an F1 romance any day over the more saturated genres like hockey romances, which feel overdone, even after just one read.

What really stood out to me in Pole Position was its refreshing approach to M/M romance. It avoids the overused clichés and awkward phrases that often appear in the genre, allowing the characters to feel authentic and their lives relatable. I found myself genuinely enjoying the story and just soaking up the ride

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When I saw that this book was being recommended for lovers of Red, White and Royal Blue I was immediately intrigued. After finishing it I can confirm that if you are a fan of that book, you will love this one! Instead of politics and royalty though we have F1!

This book has all of the great troped: grumpy x sunshine, reformed playboy, pining, opposites attract. I was swooning, giggling, crying and basically feeling all of the emotions.

Kian is our resident grump. He is at the top of his career, but is one of the oldest. He hates that the media is spreading rumors that he is planning to retire when he is not. On top of this he is dealing with his mother having Parkinson’s and not being able to be there for her and leaving his sister to take care of their mother on her own. As a cherry on top, his best friends and teammate recently got hurt and will not be able to race that season. Enter Harper.

Harper is our goofball playboy who is a commitment phobe. He is a rookie this season and idolizes Kian. These two do not get off to the best start as Kian hates change and Harper is about as opposite from him as you can get. Slowly those those walls are broken, starting when Kian takes care of Harper when he is sick. What starts as an antagonitic relationship turns to one of comfort and love.

The relationship is not all easy sailing though. Whenever things start to get serious, Harper instantly pulls away but always comes back sweeter than before. This starts to wear away at Kian who is ready to fully commit. We learn that Harper is the way that he is because of his abandonment issues stemming from his past, but he works through it to be with Kian. When Kian needs him most, Harper drops everything for his to be there, even when they are not on the best of terms.

This was a really great book set in the work of F1. I loved the dynamics between the two and the story as a whole. the plot, characters and spice were all so great.

Thank you to One More Chapter and Rebecca J. Caffery for an e-arc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Queer F1 romance featuring opposing teammates, a golden boy who is a four time Championship winner out to prove he isn't ready to retire and this year's rookie who has a reputation for breaking hearts and setting new track records... forced to be teammates and yet despite how much they get under each other's skin there might be more to it. Kian Walker is the golden boy of motor sport, he's a four-time Championship winner with a father who was a legend on the track... just don't bring up his dad near him ever. Kian is determined to be nothing like his father who lied and cheated on his wife and destroyed their family, he wants to be reliable, to be amazing... yet he's getting older and everyone keeps thinking he is going to retire. Kian is determined to prove them all wrong and win another Championship, yet that all goes out the window when his teammate is injured and he is forced to work with a new driver, someone he absolutely dislikes, Harper James. Harper James is this year's rookie who is determined to make it big. Harper might have scandal after scandal, might be the most reckless, self destructive person who has abandonment issues ever since he was a child bouncing from foster home to foster him, but he is determined to chase his demons away, be it on the race course or with the various partners and parties he has. Harper has a reputation, yet he has always idolized Kian, yet to his shock Kian takes an instant dislike to him. Kian can't stand how reckless Harper is, they are complete opposites and yet the more the fight and argue the more they put themselves at risk and their team at risk of losing. Yet the more they argue and spend time together the more this underlining attraction between them begins to grow... yet can they make it work when they are complete opposites in every way??? With how Harper is afraid of being abandoned and is self destructive while Kian is dealing with family drama and seeing just where his future in F1 is or if this is his final year? Oh I had a blast with this one, as a fan of F1 this was such a delight to read. It definitely gave me Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid vibes and I had fun with it. I adored Kian so much and this book had me tearing up in the end with how much Harper grew and how he worked on his own mental health and getting the help he needed. This was a fun romance read and the romance was cute. It's definitely a fun book to add to your list if you love queer sports romances!

*Thanks Netgalley and Harper360 for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review:

Release Date: March 11,2025

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

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