Member Reviews

3.75 stars. A short and sweet read!
Elle had to move back home because her grandmother Lovie’s Alzheimer’s progressing fast and she wanted to take care of Lovie before it’s too late. Arriving late at night and being so tired, Elle discovered a guy, Adam Wheeler, was sleeping in her childhood bed! As a live-in nurse, Adam is quick-tongued and complete opposite of Elle. They immediately started disliking each other. What’s worse, Lovie thought they were madly in love. They decided to pretend as lovers in front of Lovie and the romance begins…
I found this book very easy to read. It’s such a lovey-dovey romcom that it can also be a little boring because all the topes and plots are so familiar. The premise was interesting; however, the romance between the MCs are not convincing to me. I still do not understand how they became enemies in the first place. I would recommend it if you are looking for a no-brained quick read romance.

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Fake It Like You Mean It is the perfect balance of laugh-out-loud comedy, slow-burn romance, and raw emotional moments. It takes on the classic fake dating trope but with a refreshing twist that’s grounded in the deeply moving context of Alzheimer's and it’s done with care and compassion.

The story of Elle and Adam, two unlikely companions thrown together to care for Elle's grandmother Lovie, is equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. Lovie’s Alzheimer’s progression is portrayed with a sensitivity that truly resonated with me, as someone who has lost a loved one to dementia. Megan's depiction of Lovie's moments of clarity and confusion felt incredibly real and brought me to tears on more than one occasion and transported me back to my own experiences.

Elle and Adam’s relationship is everything I love about a good enemies-to-lovers dynamic. Their banter is sharp, their chemistry is undeniable, and the slow build to romance is so sweet and butterfly inducing that I found myself rooting for them the entire time. The fake dating scenario, brought on by Lovie's belief that they’re already in love, adds just the right amount of tension and humour.

Some of the quotes from the book will stick with me long after finishing - the line, “I don’t know who I am if Lovie doesn’t,” is a gut punch, expressing the raw vulnerability of loving someone who’s slipping away and having to face a world where they no longer recognise you.

Megan has an incredible skill for crafting likable, engaging characters that feel real and relatable. Her ability to handle difficult topics with such sensitivity and compassion is truly remarkable. The depth of emotion she brings to the story, while balancing it with humour and romance, speaks to her excellent writing skills.

Fake It Like You Mean It is much more than a romance - it is a beautifully written debut that tackles hard-hitting issues without losing the lightness and joy that make it such a delightful read. It’s a story about family, memory, and the complicated ways love shows up in our lives.

Thank you, Megan Murphy and NetGalley, for allowing me to experience this beautiful debut. This review is dedicated to my grandad and all those who have had to watch their loved ones disappear 💙

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Tengo sentimientos encontrados con este libro. Por un lado me gustó la temática, la forma en como se dio la relación amorosa e incluso las partes de Lovie (aunque fueran dolorosas). Por el otro lado me fue difícil simpatizar con Elle ya que se me hizo egocéntrica y como todo es desde su punto de vista, hubo partes que me costaron mucho.

Ojalá Adam tuviera povs, me gustaría leer que siente al cuidar a sus pacientes, como fue que se enamoró de Elle y su lucha por lo que quiere y su deber con su hermana.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was so damn precious.
I cried so much during this but it was truly a cathartic experience. Lovie reminded me so much of my grandfather and his experience with Alzheimer’s- it hurt but healed, if that makes sense.

If I could rate this higher than 5 stars, I absolutely would.

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Thanks to Alcove Press and NetGalley!

I wrote this book (wild), so I am incredibly biased, but this such a sweet book. It tackles heavy topics with lightness, humor, and love. It's spicy and sweet, balances body positivty and serious illnesses with obligation and love. Adam, Elle, and Lovie will have a place in my heart forever, and I can't wait for them to find their way to readers!

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