Member Reviews

I expected a queer, sci-fi, Ocean's 8-esque heist story, and this book delivered exactly that. I am going to link to another review ( that does a much better job than my singular braincell ever could in summing up so much of what makes this book stand out and what its themes are.

Okay, now that that's done, let me get into my own review, which will be much less eloquent but life's just full of disappointments, isn't it?

As mentioned, this book really delivered on what was promised, so if you're looking for any of that in a story - and honestly, you should be looking for all of that in a story - then Hammajang Luck is a book to take a look at. It was creative, fun, and full of so many things that I love. I didn't quite love how it all came together in this book, but I still appreciate the bones of it.

As far as sci-fi goes, this isn't hard sci-fi by any means, and doesn't really have a lot of sci-fi elements. It's set on a different world and in a different society, but you could pretty easily set in on Earth with only minor changes. A capitalist kind of society with an evil billionaire? Hmm, that does sound a bit familiar . . . I personally would have liked more worldbuilding, but I also did get a decent enough feel for the world, and if you're not a sci-fi fan, don't let that dissuade you.

I love found family. I'm a big fan of that trope and it warms my heart, gives me reason to live, etc. This has all the elements of found family, as the whole premise centres around putting together a group of people for this heist and obviously they're going to bond, what even would be the point of this if they weren't bonding, and the character archetypes themselves were all I could have asked for. So it was a sad day when I realized pretty early on that I wasn't personally connecting with any of these characters, and found them to be quite shallow. I really wanted to love each and every one of them, but didn't feel like I really got to know most of them beyond just, well, their archetypes.

What really connects with me in a book is characters. This book was more plot, and yes, a lot of that plot was the relationship between Edie and Angel (and I don't mean that in a strictly romantic sense by any means, but their past and how they could work toward some type of future), but it was just plot. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I never quite grew attached to anyone, which made it difficult for me to really love this book beyond the things on the surface that I connected with (which, again, because it can't be stated enough how great those things are: a very queer, very diverse sci-fi Ocean's 8, come ON).

Overall, a fun read that I do recommend, even if it didn't give me the emotional resonance (and damage, let's be real) that I so crave. 3.5 stars.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Voyager, and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Avon Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars rounded to 4. This is queer coded heist story. Edie is freshly out of prison, looking to start over, and immediately their old best friend, who turned them in, shows up. Angel is gathering the best of the best for a super hard job with a huge payoff. The world building in this story is really interesting. Space Hawaiian immigrants populate an industrial planet, but are slowly being pushed out and gentrified by a huge corporation. The story intertwines Hawaiian slang, pidgin, and culture with futuristic technology.

I love stories about stealing from rich corporations, and I love stories with a wide range of people and cultures. I did feel like a large majority of the drama in this book focused on a huge lack of communication, and I always find that a little frustrating. I would have loved the world to be explored a little more, and the characters to be a little deeper.

Honestly this story is VERY cozy core, but with a couple of stressful situations and one descriptive sex scene. I think readers of Legends and Lattes will enjoy this book as it checks off a lot of similar boxes.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Voyager for the ARC.

A solid heist story with a lovable cast of diverse, queernormative characters. The way this team is full of lesbians, including trans and nonbinary ones, is so refreshing. I do like the inter-team dynamic as a whole, but I'm not quite sold on the main romance between protag Edie and their former partner Angel. Especially when their sex scene came at a time where I felt it was completely unearned because at that point, Edie still believes Angel betrayed them for self-serving reasons.

The preparation and build-ups to the heist actually interested me far more than the heist itself, which didn't thrill me nor did my jaw drop at any time. Overall, it was fine.

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I had looked forward to Hammanjang Luck for several months before starting it. Perhaps that anticipation colored my reaction but I found the book to drag and not really offer anything new. There is nothing wrong with this as a heist story but it didn't really need to be SF. Seemed to rework familiar tropes. Not actively bad but nothing that excited me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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'Hammajang luck' has been a wildly anticipated book for me for what feels like years, I mean, there's everything you could possibly want, a lesbian space heist?? sign me the hell up!

And don't get me wrong, I had a great time, there were shenanigans, great family dynamics and heist elements I LOVED. But, for the majority of this, I felt bored and a little let down. For a book that promised so much, it felt like I was reading a normal heist story but they changed money to credits and did other small changes. For a sci-fi, it felt very contemporary, and almost felt disjointed when the sci-fi elements were brought up. But, for a heist story it was fun, had a great main character with a really distinctive voice, just fell a little flat in some areas. The romance was also a really fun sub-plot, I was eating up every one of those interactions. Very excited to read more from this author.

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I normally am not a big sci-fi reader, but this book was pretty light on the sci-fi and very approachable. The Ocean 8 comp is also pretty spot on as well. Hammajang Luck felt to me like a book focused on the characters and set against a sci-fi heist, so it was a nice book to dip into these types of books.

The thing I loved most was all the relationships in the book and how Edie was trying to navigate them all and still keep true to themself. I really enjoyed Andie and Edie's relationship the most and it was really refreshing to see their sibling bond. The rest of the crew was also a big draw. I would absolutely love to see where Duke and Nakano go from here because they were one of my favorite duo and I see a ton of potential for more stories involving them. I also want to know what Malia, Tatiana, Sara and Cy get up to after.

The Hawaiian culture and pidgin throughout the book also really drew me in because I was hearing and seeing pieces of my family throughout the book. A lot of this beautiful book just resonated with me and I had such a great time reading. The only reason this is not a 5 star for me was the way Edie and Angel's story got wrapped up (I want more stories with Edie in all honesty). I guess I was expecting something a little different instead of a sort of epilog wrap up. I still enjoyed everything about this book and will definitely be on the lookout for more stories from Makana Yamamoto!

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I was so excited for Hammajang Luck. It was described to me as a combination of Oceans 8 and Bladerunner. And I gotta say the comparison is pretty spot on. Like Ocean 8 we have a group heist of a few characters who seem like an unlikely rag tag bunch. Much like Oceans 8, there's a genuine sense of loyalty and friendship formed within. Similarly, the setting comes from the Bladerunner comparison. We have a futuristic society full of powerful corporations and technology.

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3.5 stars
This was definitely very heisty, and though I had some minor quibbles, I overall enjoyed this quite a bit. I'd definitely check out more from Makana Yamamoto in the future.

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You know it's going to be a good book when you haven't even finished the first page and you're already highlighting things that made you laugh.

I ADORED everything about this book, but I think my favorite part was the Hawaiian pidgin in the dialogue. I normally can't hear character voices in anything other than my own internal voice, so this was one of the very rare times that I could really HEAR the characters. The dialogue was just so, so well written. I was floored.

I also fell in love with the cast of characters - I love a good found family vibe.

There was something about the ending I didn't vibe with, but I can't really put my finger on what? But overall, this book is definitely entering my list of favorites.

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Equal parts sci-fi adventure and heist thriller, Hammajang Luck takes us to the Kepler Station, a floating city broken up into tiered wards. Our main character, Edie, grew up on the lower tiers, working their way up from petty crime to Kepler's best runner-until Edie is put away for 8 years. After being let out by the person whose betrayal put them in jail (their once partner-in-crime), Edie is invited for one last job with a payout that will make sure both them and the people they love will be set for the rest of their lives.

This book was so much fun for me. All of the main cast were well-developed and loveable, and I was rooting for them all to be successful. Edie's internal struggle after being locked up felt real, and their relationship with Angel in particular had me turning page after page. Though light-hearted much of the time, Hammajang Luck also addresses serious topics such as class disparity and colonialism, handling these with care. The easy intertwining of the author's Hawaiian culture as well as the place of lgbtq+ individuals in the setting of this book was refreshing and made it unique from other similar sci-fi adventures. The only negative I had was the pacing at times was uneven, and at the end I felt it sped up quite a bit compared to the first half of the book.

All-in-all an outstanding debut from Yamamoto that has me waiting for more! Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for providing me with an ARC!

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Hammajang Luck is fast-paced and punchy, and the characters are compelling and likable. I think Yamamoto introduces many interesting aspects to the story, setting the story with a far-future, space colony sort of vibe, but I didn't feel that anything about the plot surprised me much, to be honest. This book is held up by the characters, who are reacting to a fairly predictable plot. Though I appreciate the sort of character study that we're able to see take place, I wish the events of the book could have been a little more engaging. Regardless, I had a great time reading this book, and I'd read it again. 3.5!

Thanks so much to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for the opportunity to read this as an eARC!

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Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I didn't really like heist books until I read this one. That being said, everything else in this book was A+! The world-building, Hawaiian, trans, non-binary, and Sapphic representation were all *chef's kiss*. The characters were lovable, there was development and backstory. I absolutely adored all of that, I just wasn't really invested in the overall plot because of the heist element. And that's totally a me problem, not a shortcoming of the book! Because of that it still gets 4 stars

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This book starts with the main character Edie being released from prison after 8 years and immediately offered a heist job by the childhood best friend Angel who put them in prison in the first place. While the decision to participate in this heist at all seems highly illogical, I think the author does a good job of thrusting the reader into Edie’s position and feeling like it’s the only option they have.

This was an incredibly fun and fast-paced read. The first person narration is immediately immersive. I really liked Edie and felt like I understood them, even if I didn’t agree with every decision they made. The author did a great job developing tension between Edie and Angel in a way that didn’t feel artificial and that I was quickly invested in.

The weakest part of this book for me is its ending. The pace speeds up for the climax and doesn’t slow back down enough for my taste in the resolution. A lot of threads get tied up very quickly, both in terms of plot and interpersonal conflict. Angel’s character arc in particular is extremely steep at the end. She jumps very quickly from being emotionally repressed to quite open as soon as the source of the tension is addressed, and I would have liked to see that transition more. That being said, while the ending isn’t as strong, it didn’t undermine my appreciation of the rest of the book. I had a really good time with this, and I’m excited to see more from the author.

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Cyberpunk, super queer, sci-fi Ocean's 8?? SAY. LESS.

I was skeptical going into this one because...that is a lot of things to have in a book and do it well. Heist stories are some of my favorite, but I feel like they don't always translate to print compared to screen. I was skeptical for NOTHING because this was so much fun.

Sure, this is a heist story set in the future where we still have evil trillionaires ruining everything. But this is also a story about found family, redemption, and forgiveness. And yes. It's incredibly queer.

What would you do if you were betrayed by someone you considered family, your best friend, and spent 8 years in prison for that betrayal? Probably wouldn't connect with them the second you got out for one last job, right? Well....Edie may not be the brightest crayon in the box because that is EXACTLY what they did. Because one last job never really means one last job, does it?

We get to see the crew build from the ground up, Angel and Edie work through their crap, and the planning of the heist from start to finish. When I tell you I was STRESSED at multiple points in this book wondering just how things were going to go down, I'm not exaggerating. I LOVED this story and even when it was "slow" (which isn't really slow, just....not active heisting), I was continuously pushing to find out what happened next. I DEVOURED this book.

I loved the inclusion of Hawaiian culture--how prevalent it was despite no longer being part of the home planet, how they all fought to keep it alive, and how that connection to their roots played an important part in the story. From the language to history repeating itself (looking at you imperialism)--it worked so well in this book and added so much to the story.

If you love a good heist story, if you love characters willing to risk absolutely everything for the ones they love, and a good found family--DO NOT sleep on this one! This was such a fun story, and I want a million more books like this STAT.

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A scifi Ocean's 8 in a futuristic, cyberpunk Hawaii, but make it queer? I'm in. Hammajang Luck was an adventurous and action packed ride that was thrilling to read. It was filled with well written characters who you couldn't help to root for. I did feel, though, that the heist itself happened too quickly. All that build up and anticipation, and then the climax of the story was over in the blink of an eye.

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This was excellent--think Ocean's Eight but make it science fiction with a queer and BIPOC cast. I definitely recommend this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc! Opinions are my own.

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Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto is an adventurous and action-packed sci-fi debut that combines the chaotic thrills of a heist with heartfelt themes of redemption, all set in a futuristic, cyberpunk-infused version of Hawai’i. The novel centers around Edie, an ex-convict who has spent eight years in a frigid prison planet after being betrayed by her partner, Angel, during what was supposed to be their biggest score. Now, unexpectedly paroled, Edie is confronted by Angel once again, who offers her one last job—a chance to settle old scores by taking down the same trillionaire they failed to defeat before.

The novel masterfully blends elements of *Ocean’s 8* and *Blade Runner*, creating a fast-paced, visually striking narrative full of neon skylines and underworld intrigue. It touches on themes of trust, betrayal, and second chances, while also being a tribute to Hawai’i’s culture and the idea of building a new home. The story’s emotional depth is punctuated by its romantic undertones, with Edie wrestling with her feelings toward Angel as they navigate their latest (and riskiest) mission.

For fans of thrilling heist stories, rich world-building, and LGBTQIA+ representation, Hammajang Luck offers a swashbuckling adventure with a personal twist. It will appeal to readers of *Gideon the Ninth* and *Six of Crows* for its unique mix of action, emotional complexity, and sharp dialogue.

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I unfortunately DNFed this book - I had a hard time connecting to the plot, but it’s probably a matter of personal preference. The characters were really interesting!

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*spoiler alert*

This book did exactly as promised, but the end was too sickly sweet. I enjoyed the characters and the creation of the heist. The heist happened in a blink of an eye, which I found odd, for so much build-up. There were too many characters for a ton of depth, but it was a fun ride. There were twists, but downfalls, not sly heist twists, which made it feel less slick than any Oceans film. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes heist books or wants a good story with a queer cast. Thank you NetGalley for the arc.

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With thanks to Harper Voyager and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC!

This was one of my highly anticipated reads this year and it did not disappoint! I adored Hammajang Luck so much, and I’m so glad I got the chance to read it.

The world building in this was excellent. The way Kepler was described felt very real. I loved the mentions of the flyers, the wards. Everything felt natural and Sci-Fi all at once.

I loved our characters. Edie adored their family, their sister, the kids. There’s a real sense of family throughout this whole book, including found family in a way, and I loved the scenes with Edie and their sister. They felt very natural. And of course, Angel and Edie’s relationship was just the cherry on top.

I highly recommend this to people who love heists and Sci-Fi, especially those who love the TV show Leverage. This definitely felt like an episode of Leverage in space and I am thoroughly delighted by that.

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