Member Reviews

I was thrilled to find out that Wally Lamb is releasing his first novel since 2016. If you're familiar with his work, this book will not disappoint. If you aren't, "The River Is Waiting" is a beautiful place to start.

Lamb tackles a cacophony of social and political matters with this book. He tenderly handles subjects like racial inequality, drug and alcohol addiction and prisoner's rights, yet he also doesn't pull any punches when he addresses these matters. In beautiful language, he is able to lay these issues bare faced on the table in front of his reader and say "Here, experience this, feel this. Work it through your mind and heart and grab onto it." This book made me step outside of my preconceived opinions and put myself in the character's shoes. It was an amazing experience to go on this journey with them.

The book is primarily told through the POV of Corby, a middle aged father of twins with a spiraling drug addiction. When his addiction leads to a horrifying event that lands him in prison, Corby battles with himself to seek atonement for what he has done. Corby, for all his faults, is a fascinating character that you can't help but cheer for. I read every page waiting for the blessed moment when his life is his own again. While TRIW is not an "easy read" it is beautiful and haunting. Thank you Mr. Lamb for another beautiful story and NetGalley for the ARC.

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“The River is Waiting” by Wally Lamb is an absolutely incredible book on every level! Every one of this author's books has been stunning but this one rises to the top, it’s a book that will stay with me forever!
It revolves around a couple with two year old twins that face an unfathomable tragedy which tears their family apart. The story deals with the important societal issues of depression, addiction, abuse and dehumanizing incarceration. It is a hard and challenging read with flawed characters who could be people we all know. These characters so real and so relatable I found myself in tears several times. It is a lesson on how not to lose hope even in the toughest of situations and ultimately forgiveness in every sense of the word.

I could not put this book down and will never forget it, a must read for everyone!

Thank you NetGalley and Simon Element for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Wally Lamb did it again with this beautifully written novel. I couldn’t put this book down. I experienced a wide range of emotions while reading this heartbreaking story. Corby’s story is tragic and revolves around a drug and alcohol addiction, a heart wrenching accident, and his life after tragedy as well as his family’s. This is a poignant story that will be remembered.

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This is the 2nd book I have read by this author and I didn't know quite what to expect. The River is Waiting is a story that includes many hard topics (drinking, drug addiction, prison life, race wars, COVID, etc) but it does so in the most heartfelt ways. There were parts where I laughed and parts where I shed some tears. It's an easy, quick read and I recommend it if you're looking for a contemporary fiction novel.

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Wally Lamb is one heck of a storyteller.

I have loved all of his books and was excited to read this one - it's been a while. At the start, I wasn't sure I could continue. A devastating tragedy in the first chapter and a lead character that wasn't very likable in the early going got me wondering what I had gotten myself into. I needn't have worried. All of this was absolutely necessary to set up the conditions under which we watch Corby go through what comes next.

It's not a spoiler to say that the bulk of this book takes place while Corby is incarcerated for the crime he committed in the first chapter - all of this is in the publisher's description. Lamb resists the easy route of painting Corby as a stereotypical middle class man who ends up in prison and becomes our window into all of the harshness, lack of freedom and brutality on the inside. All of that is there, but the focus is on Corby, who accepts his fate and spends every minute working to deserve his family after he is released.

The question of how this is going to come about becomes the main focus of the final chapters, which were so tense I had to go to another room and shut the door so I wouldn't be disturbed. I'm still thinking about Corby and I imagine I will for some time. Many thanks to Wally Lamb, S&S/Marysue Rucci Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Wally Lamb is a master storyteller. This is another five star book from him.

The story is about Corby and mostly from his point of view. After he loses his job and becomes the caretaker of his twins, he turns to drugs and alcohol as his coping mechanisms. His wife,Emily, is a school teacher and becomes the breadwinner.
After a tragedy, Corby is sentenced to prison. His life in prison isn’t easy especially after he tries to stand up to bullies. He reluctantly takes a young teen under his wing who should never have been sent to this men’s prison.

This story is gut wrenching at times but it is a story that will stay with you.
Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schutter for the arc of this masterpiece of a novel.

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I have loved everything I've read by Wally Lamb, and this book was no exception. The opening chapter stunned and haunted me, and the ending was equally jarring. This river takes some steep turns along the way.

Corby spirals into a mess of drugs and alcohol, and the story focuses on his time in prison as he learns to live with himself after a terrible accident of his own doing. I felt a deep connection to every character—Lamb's writing brings them to life in such a vivid way. I especially loved the prison librarian and his cellmate, Manny.

Since finishing the book, I haven't stopped thinking about it, and I know it will stay with me for a long time.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of The River is Waiting by Wally Lamb. It’s been a while since I’ve read something by Lamb, so I was pleasantly surprised to see he had a new book. His writing is still superb. This book follows the story of the couple, Corby and Emily and their twins, Maisie and Niko. A tragedy happens early on landing serious repercussions for Colby, and ultimately their fractured family. That’s the gist of the story without giving away particulars. His writing is like I’ve always remembered- just easy to fall into and the pages seem to turn on their own. Excellent book, I highly recommend this as well as anything else Lamb has written.

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I'm still thinking about this book 2 days after I read it. You will laugh, cry emotions all over the place.
How one turn of events cannot only change your life but the life of others.

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Thank you Simon Element and NetGalley for my advanced copy.

It's not often that I cry when I read a book. I may feel some emotion while reading but it's not often that I actually cry. But this, this broke me. I felt so much of this story. It was as if I knew these people, I felt what every one of them felt. I will say I wasn't always a fan of the main character Corby, there were times when I thought man, get over yourself but oh my gosh there were also times when my heart broke for this man. There are several characters that I just loved and some that I just loathed. It's a story that will open your eyes to many things. It forces us to look at difficult situations in a way of compassion and understanding. It's about love, hate, forgiveness, kindness, anger, sadness - so much is told in this story. If you don't read this, you will be missing out on something really great.

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I had a hard time starting this book because of the subject matter. I was so angry with the attitude of the main character I almost stopped reading twice.
Im glad i continued reading and really got interested in the other book characters. I think the book showed the character’s remorse though I stayed more sympathetic with his wife throughout.
I think this was a fair rendition of actions and consequences and the penal system. Nobody is just good or bad. We are all so imperfect. Life just keeps going.

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I could not put this down. It will be troubling for some people to read and I understand that, but I could empathize with all the characters. I wanted to "fix" them all and hoped for the best for each of them. Though, you mostly know it might not all be OK. I have not read such a strong story in a very long time and just could not believe where the author took us on this journey.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for an ARC of this book.

Like many others, I read Wally Lamb years ago and couldn't wait to get a hold of this one. I should have known that a Wally Lamb book would present an emotionally compelling and sometimes challenging read. This is yet another Lamb book that I will probably not forget.

There are some deeply triggering narrative points here--but don't let that stop you from picking it up. I don't want to give anything away so I'll keep it general. The protagonist here is a flawed man, like most real people are. Everyone struggles at different times and in different ways, and we all are experts at justifying our actions, large and small, as we move along in life. Corby--an unemployed dad who is going through the ups and downs of being a stay-at-home parent and who is still dealing with baggage from his past--presents us with a truly believable, everyday man who encounters an unspeakable tragedy. It's harrowing because you can see his trajectory but you can also understand it--maybe you've even felt some of the same pressures yourself. And it's not just Corby that allows the reader to so fully relate. His wife, his mother, the secondary characters in the narrative--they all feel so real and keep reminding us that none of us are the sum total of the worst moment in our lives.

I couldn't put this down. Even when it got hard (and it gets really hard in places) I had to keep reading. I was totally invested in Corby. I loved him, I loathed him, I pitied him. By the end, I finally understood him.

I was unsure when I started this if I just had good memories of reading Lamb years ago and if he was really as good as I recalled. Well, I think I have my answer. This is a skillful writer, unafraid to tackle hard subjects, who forces us to engage instead of look away. Highly recommend.

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Wally Lamb has a way for getting into your head and The River is Waiting is no exception. This book is a rollercoaster of emotions from the first page. Follow Corby through the worst day of his life and the impact it has on him and everyone he loves.

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I’ve been a huge Wally Lamb fan since I read The Hour I First Believed. This book did not disappoint!!!

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This story moved me to tears, as all of Wally Lamb’s stories do. It took me a while to get into the book, as the main character, Corby, was not very likable or relatable. But when the story moves to prison, the narrative really begins. This is not just a prison story. It is a story about guilt, honesty, addiction, loss, and grief that only Wally Lamb can make us relate to. I thought the way it ended was a perfect way to round out all of those feelings. This is a must read on anyone’s book list and give it a few pages to get hooked. You won’t put it down after that.
Thank you NetGalley for a ARC.

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I will never forget this book, just like I’ve never forgotten anything Wally Lamb has written. He is not afraid to go to the most vulnerable and sometimes polarizing of places to open us up to perspective on the toughest of situations.

When I finished chapter one, I had to stop and take a couple of hours to think about if I was ready to continue, or if I even could. I am so glad I did. This was a tough read; there was plenty to feel triggered by. But it also gave so many opportunities to walk in the shoes of people living lives we can’t imagine.

This book deals with significant loss, grief, guilt, justice, love, addiction, systemic racism, hope, white privilege, abuse, mental illness, bullying, friendship, the dehumanizing of prisoners, the small ways people can make a huge difference, and sexual assault.

That is a lot to take, but was worth every word.

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A riveting and deeply emotional character study exploring forgiveness, guilt, shame, and redemption. Everything you have cone to expect from a Wally Lamb novel is here

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If you have been wondering what Wally Lamb has been doing these last 9 years then stop everything and get a copy of The River is Waiting (pub date May 2025).
I’m emotionally wrecked from reading this incredibly moving story of Corby Ledbetter. Everything in our fragile human lives seems more true and vulnerable now that I’ve finished it. It is a modern tragedy that seems so real and possible. Full of pain, joy and honesty. It’s one of the best books I’ve read in years.
Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC. The River is Waiting will be published in May 2025.

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I’m always excited about the arrival of a new Wally Lamb book, and this one did not disappoint. The material is heavy, but I was moved by it, particularly the ending. Highly recommended!

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