Member Reviews

Yes! I've been a fan of Wally Lamb's writing since I read She's Come Undone many years ago. I was excited to see a new one, The River is Waiting, is due to be released in May of 2025. Thankfully I didn't have to wait and was chosen to read an ARC version of this novel. The River is Waiting is a beautifully written, heart-wrenching story that deserves no less than a 5-star review! It did not disappoint! Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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I've been an fan of Wally Lamb ever since I dove into "She's Come Undone." What continues to astonish me is his remarkable talent for creating stories that feel both innovative and original. His latest book, "The River Is Waiting," is nothing short of extraordinary! This novel is infused with so much depth and emotion that there were moments when I had to pause, overwhelmed by the intensity of the narrative. The character development is exceptional; by the end, you feel as if you know these characters in real life.

I truly believe that the less you know going into this novel, the better—so I don’t want to focus on specific details. However, I urge you to trust me when I say this is a must-read for everyone. "The River Is Waiting" stands out as one of my top selections this year, and I find myself wishing I could rate it higher than 5 stars—it’s simply that amazing! Like all of Wally Lamb’s novels, this will undoubtedly become a book I revisit time and again!

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S/N: This book pulled every emotion out of me. I was sad, angry, I wanted to cry, I chuckled and it just went on and on. You really have to be an amazing Author to evoke such emotions from readers. I did not want Corby’s journey to end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The story starts with present day and the past. Corby & Emily met during Summer break in (2005) from college. Emily was enrolled at College in SoCal. The pressures of trying to maintain a long distance relationship was tough.

Corby decided to drop-out of school and drive to California to be with Emily as she wraps up her Senior year.

They get married and move back to their hometown in Connecticut when Emily’s mother Betsey faces a health scare.

Emily is the teacher she always wanted to be. Corby was laid off from his job and is Mr. Mom to their 26 month old twins, Niko & Maisie.

Corby’s addiction has grown since being laid off and taking care of the twins full time. Tragedy strikes one morning after Corby consumed prescribed Ativan and booze while preparing to drop the twins off with Emily’s mother.

Corby is sentenced to 3 years in prison. While incarcerated he’s counting down to when he’s released but he also faces challenges that come with prison life.

This story was amazing & gut wrenching. Fantastic job Mr. Lamb. The River is Waiting will live in my head for a long time.

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I was unbelievably excited for this book. Wally Lamb has been one of my favorite authors for years. As always with his books, I am blown away at his ability to touch my heart.

The River is Waiting is filled with heartache but also gives you a sense of hope. A perfect blend of emotional intensity and compassion. This book is deeply moving and will stick with you for years to come.

Thank you to Wally Lamb, NetGalley and the publisher, Simon Element for this ARC.

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This is one of those five star unputdownable books. No surprise as Wally Lamb is the author. A sad but totally engrossing story of a horrific accident that occurred due to drug and alcohol addiction. A child is killed, a marriage destroyed and the grief and life changing events are vividly depicted from inside and outside of a prison. It was a difficult story to read at times but well worth it.

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I have been a follower and fan of Wally Lamb since I first read She's Come Undone during my teen years. I am consistently blown away with the intentional writing of painful, and at times, controversial topics that are discussed in his works. The River is Waiting is no exception. Lamb carefully constructs a novel where you want to root for the main character, despite his role in the tragedy that opens the novel. When I read those opening chapters, I found myself filled with dread and pain. During the prison scenes, I was cautious to fortune tell the "typical" prison tropes that unfortunately are so common in today's world. Overall, I feel that Lamb effectively balanced the questions posed with mindful endings that left the reader satisfied. His works are never clean and cute, but make you think. Definitely would recommend to readers of his previous novels, and anyone who enjoys a book that makes you think and feel.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Wally Lamb though I’ve heard great things about his writing. This was a beautifully written heart-breaking book. Corby lost his job about a year ago and has been watching his twins while also supposed to be looking for new employment. He starts to depend more and more on substances to help him cope with his daily life when his actions result in the cause of a tragedy. He is sentenced to prison and he works to attain forgiveness from those he’s hurt.

Wally Lamb is amazing at creating characters that feel real and have a lot of layers. As the reader I both sympathized with Corby, but also extremely disliked him. The same went with many of the characters throughout the book, where you loved and disliked them at the same time. It was interesting to see this perspective.

The book started as Part One being so heart-wrenching which made it both hard to read and hard to put down. Then Part Two and on, it became a little too realistic. It was quite predictable and I became kind of bored reading it. It’s possibly because I’ve seen tragic events through my job and I’m familiar with the system of counseling and prison. I would have to say that this book is accurate in how it depicts them.

I would still highly recommend this book if you’re interested in heart-wrenching slice-of-life type books. This book wasn’t exactly for me, but I can see how many people would find this story amazing. I plan to check out more books by Wally Lamb.

Thank you Netgalley and Simon Element for allowing me to read this book early. The opinions on this book are my own.

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I love Wally Lamb books but I feel this one was not one of his best. It was a good story line but I found the characters were unlikable. I’m not really fond of books taking place in a prison so that influenced my opinion of the book. I feel it will be a big seller and would make for an excellent book club discussion.

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This was such a wonderfully done mystery to it and had that tragedy element that I was expecting. It worked with the description and I felt for the characters in this. Wally Lamb has a great way of conveying the story it needed to and glad I read this.

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This is hands down the best book I've read in years. I've long been a fan of Wally Lamb (who isn't), but honestly - this book rivaled I Know This Much is True for me, something I didn't think possible. The writing, the story, the emotions - this book is truly just next level and I know long time fans and new readers will agree when this releases May 2025.

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Thanks to Netgally and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for honest review!
WOW! This was such a tragic, heartbreaking, emotional novel that I could not put down. This is one of those 5 star reads that makes you second guess every other 5 star rating you've ever given because it's so much better. Corby's story will definitely break your heart. Most of this story is from Corby's perspective while he is serving prison time for an unimaginable, unbearable accident that occurs while he is under the influence of Ativan and alcohol. His struggle with addiction as well as his daily struggles with the bullies he encounters in prison are poignant, and i know this book will stay with me for a vary long time.

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I sure do love the writing of Wally Lamb. I received this digital ARC from NetGalley and the S&S/Marysue Rucci Books. Many thanks for allowing me to preview this book. Wally Lamb is way up there on my list of favorite authors and he does not disappoint with this novel. This book is written true to life. It is the story of Corby and Emily who fall in love, get married and have twins. Both Corby and Emily work outside the home. Corby gets laid off and becomes the primary caregiver. It is only supposed to be temporary but as time goes on and he does not get a job, he starts drinking and taking benzos. One day when he has overindulged a horrific accident occurs. This is the story of the ramifications of that. As a registered nurse, as well as in my personal life, I have know people with addictions/substance abuse. Some have been active users and are under the impression that they are fooling others. Some have been in recovery and some have relapsed and are in between. I have been to AA meetings to show support to those people close to me. I have worked as a paramedic and have responded to very similar incidents as the one that happened to Corby and his family. I have friends that are ex-cons and have heard some of the prison stories. This is all to say that this book is written very true to life. This book is cultural; it tells of life that many do not experience. It is disturbing. It is sad. It is also compassionate. This book is a five star read. I hope Wally Lamb never quits writing.These are my own thoughts and words.

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If you liked “She’s Come Undone”, you’ll definitely like this book, too. The drama was heavy, the story was deep, and the characters were well developed. Any fan of a good drama will enjoy this book. I would absolutely recommend it to others.

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This story will stay with me a long, long time.
Every possible emotion passed through my heart as I read slowly, sometimes needing to take a break to lessen my own pain for Corby and his family.
Corby has lost his job and until he finds another, will be the carer of his and Emily's sweet toddler twins.
The fear of not getting a new job and money worries creates anxiety and stress.
His physician prescribes an anti-anxiety medication for nighttime.
However, increasing apprehension gives Corby a reason to drink alcohol and take this medication through out the day together.

A severe error in judgement causes a horrible tragedy that gives this man a jail sentence for three years.
The journey for Corby and his family begins and it is intense, hard and unimaginable.
Yet, the lessons learned and the love that came forth were evident and I truly did loved this novel and believe you will too.

Thank you to @NetGalley and @Simon Element for this wonderful ARC and allowing me to read and provide my own review.

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Wally Lamb is one of my favorite authors and I was so excited he released a new book after almost a decade. The River is Waiting was wonderful. He hasn't lost his touch in bringing a heartwrenching, poignant story to life.

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Wally Lamb had written a new book. It's been so long since I've seen a new work from him and I was so excited to be granted this ARC. I Know This Much Is True if one of my favorite books of all time (right up there with The Bridges of Madison County) - which is strange because this genre is not my usual choice. It's a book I'll never forget. While I wasn't a huge fan of his books following IKTMIT, The River Is Waiting left me in a dazed silence, thinking to myself "wow". I thought about this book for days. And like IKTMIT, I won't forget it.

It's the tale of Corbin Ledbetter, a father and husband that has been harboring a lot of secrets in his life; secrets from the love of his life, Emily, and secrets that his addictions are trying to numb. Until one day, an accident that will change his life and the life of his family forever. It examines how one single choice can immediately become a mistake and leave a disaster in its wake. It's a story of the human spirit, strength, devastation, love, pain, and how those that are left behind move on.

Be prepared for this book. It's very long (I can't believe how fast I read it), It will leave you exhausted and uplifted all at once. It's a rollercoaster, so hand on tight. Bravo, Mr. Lamb. Well done.

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The River Is Waiting NG
Since being laid off from his job, Corby has been a stay-at-home dad, taking care of twins. When a tragedy
occurs, Corby wonders if he can forgive himself and if he will end up losing his family as a result. Sent to
prison for three years, Corby slowly adapts to the system and dealing with fellow inmates and correctional
personnel. Gut-wrenching story that is difficult to read at times, but so worth it.
#TheRiverisWaiting #SimonElement #S&S #MarysueRicciBooks #NetGalley

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I was so excited to see Wally Lamb has a new book coming out! I Know This Much Is True is one of my all time faves. The River is Waiting is a lengthy book, but it reads quickly. It’s not easy topic-wise, but the plot and the character development keeps the pages turning. I’d recommend it!

Thank you very much to NetGalley and Simon Element for the advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was an amazing read!!! It was about growing, loss, destruction, and the cycle of it. The writing was very well done, and it kept me intrigued from the very beginning. I loved it and would read more from this author

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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thank you for an advance copy of this book by one of my favorite authors Wally Lamb. This tells the story of Corby, who when we first meet him is clearly living on the edge of disaster and destruction. I was literally reading the first few chapters with this feeling of serious doom, not knowing what would happen but knowing something was going to happen and it wasn't good. This book is heartbreaking as we watch Corby destruct, try to rebuild, and see him struggle time and again. My heart broke for every character in this complicated, touching and devastating story. 5 stars no question.

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