Member Reviews

4,25 ⭐️
Soma was a cute and fast paced adventure! The art was beautiful and so does the story honestly. Plot wise nothing we haven’t seen before and yet, it works!
I loved the characters so much, all of them, from the primary to the secondary ones!
I also loved the Cult of The Lamb reference (if I didn’t imagine it but knowing they the artist on this worked on the game I bet I didn’t) anyway, I highly recommend this comic to everyone who loves sci-fi adventures with a cute little yet fierce alien!

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Soma is about the creative process of a comic book artist told through an alien invasion.

I loved the play on scenes, causing the alien invasion to happen after a conversation between teens about aliens is the perfect example of how the creators played around with the narrative of the scene to create a timely, witty element. This is then reflected in the larger plot as they are navigating stories within stories and successfully find a way to connect all of these together without creating an overwhelming and clogged up story line. I thought that comedy was the best way to do this within the narrative.

The characters were endearing although at times not fleshed out enough and came across as repetitive at times. I thought that they had a good ark and enjoyed their development but I just wish I could have been more engaged in their relationships as this was one of the only elements that felt really rushed, except for the relationships with soma.

The main stand out line for me was 'some will justify any atrocity in the name of following orders.' I actually found this scene to be very moving and thought the message behind this line was very impactful and timely.

Overall, I would recommend to younger readers, teens and children who are getting into graphic novels as this is a fantastic plot heavy book that engages the reader and flies by! An enjoyable reading experience.

3.5 star
Thank you to #netgalley for the arc.

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"I'll be polite and save your leftovers in tupperware so we don't waste anything."

Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for the ARC of Soma.

Soma had such a fun art style and surprisingly heartful storyline. Centered around Maya, a comic book artist struggling to find inspiration, Soma features a grim (but stunningly illustrated) look at an alien invasion. Maya finds and befriends one of the aliens, and it's up to the two of them to save the world.

The illustrator also worked on the Cult of the Lamb comics, and there are moments where I'm reminded of that art style (and there's a CotL easter egg in one art panel!). In general, I would say that the art of Soma stands on its own merit and we even get treated to whimsical interjections in different art styles, a few pages or panels at a time. Taken across the real world, Maya's comics, a game of d&d, Kingdoms of Rats (which I assume is an MMORPG), and a cute pixel video game style, Dalmau really got to show off his skillsets and give us a visual treat to accompany the story.

This was a cute read - I'm excited to see more from Oni Press. Happy reading!

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(I received this book from the editor and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
This was such a fun reading! I thought it would be an intimist story about a girl trying to meet her comic book deadlines but never imagined the importance of the alien in her room. I really liked Soma and its design, and the action-packed scenes made me read the whole comic book in one sitting. I personally really liked the way in which the artist made the reader aware that a character was no longer there: such a simple but effective choice.
I liked Juu’s story as well although I must confess, I thought I wouldn’t at first because he is a very intense person. And, even if she was not a very prominent character, I totally loved the “she’s been watching too many action movies” woman.
To sum up, I think this is an amazing comic book for anyone who is looking for something to surprise them. The story was amazing, the colours made it feel very much alive and all the characters were very expressive and unique.

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Soma was a blast! It follows a young comic book artist, who is stressed about meeting her deadlines, when an alien crashes into her living room. This graphic novel was so much fun! I loved the parallels between the stories that Soma is illustrating and the one she gets to live in the real world. The aliens designs were super cute, and the colors throughout this book were soo pretty!

Thanks to NetGalley, Fernando Llor, and Oni Press for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own!

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Soma follows the story of a comic book artist named Maya who is struggling with her creative output and wondering if her current life is really the one she ought to pursue. We also follow her friend Juu who is trying to find the perfect girlfriend but has trouble with the dates he has met up with so far. When an alien army attacks Earth, Maya must team up with one of the aliens trying to prevent the attack, while Juu does whatever he can to survive.

I enjoyed this graphic novel and thought the premise was super creative. The artwork was fantastic! It was really colorful, utilizing a lot of the primary colors (mostly red, yellow, blue, and green in various shades). I liked that if multiple characters spoke on a page, it was clear who was talking because each character was assigned a color for their speech bubble. I also really liked the style that the characters were drawn in.

What I found a little bit jarring were the constant scene changes; there was no indication that we were switching between Maya's perspective, Maya's comics, and Juu's perspective. It just changed page to page. It also was not always clear to me what was going on. I have a vague idea of how the ending occurred but nothing was quite clear, so I'm wondering if information or context was lost in translation. I also found Maya's character to look awfully similar to the other female character that Juu meets, and for the entirety of the book I thought the child Juu meets was a girl...until the last scene where we see the character topless in a boys bathing suit. So I think there could have been more character distinction, because really there are only around 6 characters total, and it should be easy to tell them apart. There could have also been a bit more character development, as I'm not sure how the 2 girls Juu met were related(mother/daughter or sisters?) These aspects led me to remove a star from the rating, but other than that, the graphic novel was super enjoyable to read!

I think this could be great for teen and adult audiences, and is in the sci-fi genre.

4/5 stars Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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SOMA was an excellent graphic novel! I devoured it in one sitting. I did find the storyline a little confusing at times, but I like the mix of real world and the main character's internal worlds (when she was drawing comics). It was wild, would make a great movie!!

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