Member Reviews

This was super helpful, although I’ve already created my bookstagram and booktok, it’s nice to refresh my information on it to make sure I’m keeping my content relevant. I would definitely recommend this to others.

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As a hopeful bookstagrammer, this was such a helpful resource! I appreciate having it to refer back to and am sure I will again and again.

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This was so helpful! I loved how well written this was. It was laid out well. Very easy to understand. Thankful for the information given too.

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A helpful social media handbook covering three broad sections: SM (Insta, X, FB), Video (Tiktok & YouTube), and Blog and review platforms.
Also contains general dos and don’ts of SM. Thanks for acknowledging that we don’t need a presence on every platform.
I was relieved to see that my chosen media of choice - Blog and Goodreads - suits my reviewing style (“long-form written content.”) .
This guide contains tips for professionals as well as amateurs. It is more suited to beginners, but there are plenty of tips even for those who have reviewed for longer.
“Engagement is a two-way street” – Agree!
Appreciate the guidelines on accessibility.
Worth a read even if you think you have mastered SM.

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I'm always on the lookout for better ways to craft social media posts about the books I read, and this is a great resource!

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Super helpful resource. The layout is simple and easy to understand. I’m looking forward to using some of the tips given!

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Great resource! Thanks so much for crafting and curate this! This guide had a lot of do's and don't which was really helpful to keep up with the recent trends. Definitely recommend for beginners.

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Great resource! Thanks so much for making and sharing this.
I like to see what the latest trends are in social media and keep up to date.

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Nice little starter guide with good tips and tricks for all platforms. The lists of do’s and don’t were particularly useful. If you are thinking about setting up a profile on any platform, this is a good checklist to get you started and not have you feel intimidated.

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A consistent theme in the bookish content is its accessibility. It is written to cater to a wide audience, from beginners to pros. This is a comprehensive resource to evaluate and course-correct your online presence as a Bookstagrammer. I enjoyed going over it and made notes for all the things to modify in my approach to publishing reviews online. Thank you to the Bookish team for supporting our growth as reviewers. It is heartwarming. I loved it!

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NetGalley recently updated their Book Advocate Toolkit, and as part of that they've separated out the social media side of things—leading to this new handbook. NetGalley's Social Media Handbook covers (surprise!) the basics of using social media to share reviews.

Though there are some tips here that apply no matter how well you know social media or how long you've been reviewing books, this handbook will be most useful for those who are just starting out. It breaks down various types of social media and how they are best used to discuss books. Some of the information repeats itself, which means that it's possible to jump to a specific section and only read about (e.g.) using TikTok, or if you're already reasonably well versed in social media but want some tips for better reading photos you can jump to that section.

I'm glad this material has been separated out from the more general Book Advocate Toolkit—keeps the toolkit more streamlined and opens up the option for NetGalley to put out further targeted handbooks. Also nice to see that they highlight ways to make your social media use accessible, from including descriptive text and captions to limiting emoji use.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing this handbook.

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PErfect handbook with a lot of suggestions and nice thing anyone can do to improve their social media skills.

Anybody should download it

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PErfect handbook with a lot of suggestions and nice thing anyone can do to improve their social media skills.

Anybody should download it

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This social media guide is a fantastic resource for new book reviewers looking to get started with social media, as well as for seasoned users who want to refine and elevate their content. What I love most are the platform-specific tips—it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather tailored advice for each space, whether you're on Instagram, TikTok, or Goodreads. Plus, the inclusion of helpful links to additional resources is a huge bonus, giving you everything you need to build and grow your online presence in one place.

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Thank you NetGalley for this wonderful resource! This resource will be very valuable to new and emerging reviewers as well as being a great tool for seasoned reviewers to polish their social media sharing skills! I loved getting new ideas for social media platforms that aren't my usual go-to's and these I'm sure will help me (and others) to find the confidence to step out of our comfort zones and reach more readers.

Always so thankful for these free resources being made available to us!

Thank you again!

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Book reviewers, promoters, bloggers, etc., will love the quick tips in NetGalley’s We Are Bookish digital handbook, which is now available on its App.

This colorful 35-page treasure is jam-packed with bite-sized tips in eye-catching graphics of easily accessible facts, dos and don'ts, and lots of other advice to help make written book reviews capture audience attention, Bookstagram and BookTok sparkle, and advice to improve content on other review platforms which you may be posting.

This objective review was submitted by JoyReaderGirl1, and I offer my heartfelt gratitude to NetGalley and the author/editorial team/publisher We Are Bookish for access to this digital handbook.

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I always look forward to information put out by We Are Bookish. This social media handbook included lots of strategies to use across multiple platforms. This was helpful to me, as I am pretty heavily focused in only one of the platforms. I particularly liked the information on review etiquette, since we want to make review spaces safe and comfortable for all participants in the process. This would be a great place for any new reviewer to start!

Thanks to We Are Bookish and NetGalley for an egalley of this resource for an honest review.

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This was very helpful thank you! I think that NetGalley's Social Media Handbook is a helpful tool for NetGalley reviewers

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I started a Bookstagram last year and I’m always looking for tips and new ideas to use. I think this handbook is perfect for those starting out. It breaks out different review platforms and gives tips on leaving reviews on each. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog so the section on blogs was helpful. If you are starting out and looking for some basic tips, I would check this out!

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A helpful handbook for any book reviewer, whether they're just starting out or have been reviewing books for years. I've been book blogging for ten years, and it never hurts to get a quick refresher. This was also a handy way of learning about different platforms to share reviews.

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