Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, author Cara Reinard and Bookouture publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I feel it was very predictable and not my favorite thriller of the year

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This book was very good! It was a quick read with a fast plot and was a mix of character & plot driven. The characters were fleshed out and realistic. The ending was good but was a bit more sudden than I would have liked. I read this book in a day.

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The clinic was a joy to review. This has an interesting cast of characters that carry the story along a nice pace and create depth to the story. Great plot and I found myself filling an afternoon reading this in one sitting as I found it so enjoyable. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest , unbiased review. 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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3.5 rounded up

Thank you to NetGalley, author Cara Reinard and Bookouture publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I’m on the fence with how I felt about it. It was good, but very predictable. I knew what was going to happen less than 20% into the book.

I feel the ending was disappointing. Again, knew what was going to happen. I think it had great potential but sort of fell short.

It was a fast paced read, done in a few hours but it was just lacking something to keep readers wanting to turn the page.


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"The Clinic" is a suspenseful and twisted story about a woman, her ex and his new wife. Emily works as an embryologist and after many years her ex and his new wife come into her clinic and ask for her help to conceive. But all is not as it seems as they all have secrets of their own and do things they are not proud of.
This book is written in great detail about IVF and all it entails. It also portrays the emotions and consequences in relation to IVF. On a whole other level though this book is gripping and twisted and has one hell of an ending!

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I felt like the premise of the story was really good idea but in practice, it fell very short for me.
The science was super interesting and I loved the genetic references
For me, there were too many loose ends on the characters side like Ben, Dr. Batey, Laurel.. I felt like they all could have went deeper into their own sketchiness. The ending seemed rushed and Ally going missing was the dumbest storyline, why didn't she just leave a note and why didn't Ben notice her carryon was gone?
I felt like the ending seemed quite rushed.

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This book was... a lot. The premise was interesting and the writing itself was good, but I really didn't like any of the main characters, especially Emily. I liked her for a split second when she seemed genuine about helping Ally, but then she did the unthinkable and became irredeemable in my eyes. Ally wasn't much better, but at least she didn't go to the lengths that Emily did to get what she wanted. Despite my dislike of the characters, I did enjoy reading the book.

Many thanks to Cara Reinard, Bookouture, & Netgalley for providing me with an ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this book, with my honest review below.

I was surprised I hadn’t run into a thriller with a similar premise as The Clinic and eager to see if this would go to a dark or heartwarming place. I can tell you it went to a very dark one, and I loved some of the unexpected plot turns that I hadn’t expected from a book premised on IVF.

This may be a book those struggling with infertility want to stay away from if your experience has you incredibly vulnerable, since it is focused on this subject matter. For those wanting an escape from your journey perhaps it will work, but be aware that this focuses on infertility and IVF fairly exclusively as a core component.

The main character, Emily, has a bit of a hidden god complex and when her ex BF who previously got caught up in her desire to bring relief to those suffering comes back into town - with his wife - Emily has already been obsessed with him for a long while. When he and his wife attend the clinic she works at as an embryologist in an attempt to get pregnant, it helps Emily realize that she is ready to be a mother. Emily will need to use her own clinic (and her not great boss) to do this because she is a breast cancer survivor who froze her eggs anticipating infertility as a result of her cancer treatments. So, to recap - Ben’s wife is about to undergo IVF just as Emily is, and Emily is her embryologist. Given the two women have some jealousy and secrets, this is not a recipe for anything good happening.

This read got incredibly dark and tense, helped by some supporting characters who had their own issues. It definitely made me glad I don’t have people like these in my own life (fingers crossed, but certainly not so many can be so twisted if they’re hidden away).

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The Clinic
by Cara Reinard
Pub Date: Nov 08 2024

The Clinic is about the world of IVF and two women's journey to have children. It's a great this thriller, a quick read and I enjoyed it the whole way through! You are reading through the POV of the two woman. I never saw the twist at the end!

Synopsis: I used to have it all. My ex-boyfriend and I were madly in love and dreamed of starting a family. When I found out I couldn’t have children, it broke me. Now, at my job at the fertility clinic, I give other couples what I could never have. The day my ex and his new wife walk into my clinic, my heart shatters all over again. He’s back.

Many thanks to #TheClinic #NetGalley and #Bookouture for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

The Clinic: An Absolutely Unputdownable and Addictive Psychological Thriller Packed with Twists by Cara Reinard is a masterclass in suspense and psychological intrigue. This novel takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through the dark corridors of a fertility clinic, where secrets and lies intertwine with the desperate desires of its patients.

The story centers around a fertility doctor who is confronted with a heart-wrenching dilemma when her ex-boyfriend and his new wife walk into her clinic seeking help to conceive a child. The protagonist, still reeling from her own inability to have children, is thrust into a moral and emotional quandary. She must decide whether to assist them, knowing her ex harbors a dangerous secret, or to protect his wife, who is now her patient. This setup creates a tension-filled narrative that keeps readers on edge from start to finish12.

Reinard’s writing is sharp and evocative, capturing the protagonist’s inner turmoil and the high stakes of her decisions. The plot is meticulously crafted, with twists and turns that are both surprising and inevitable. The author skillfully builds suspense, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. Each chapter peels back another layer of the characters’ secrets, drawing readers deeper into the web of deception and desire.

The protagonist is a complex and relatable figure, grappling with her own vulnerabilities while navigating the ethical minefield of her profession. The supporting characters, including the ex-boyfriend and his wife, are equally well-drawn, each with their own motivations and secrets that add depth to the story.

The novel explores themes of motherhood, betrayal, and the lengths to which people will go to achieve their dreams. Reinard delves into the psychological aspects of her characters, providing a nuanced portrayal of their struggles and desires. This adds a layer of depth to the thriller, making it a thought-provoking read.

The Clinic is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and anyone who enjoys a well-crafted, suspenseful narrative. Cara Reinard’s ability to weave a gripping story with complex characters and unexpected twists makes this novel a standout read.

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Emily is an embryologist at a renowned fertility clinic and a cancer survivor who managed to freeze her eggs, allowing her the option of having a child whenever she chooses. Her ex, Ben, and his wife, Ally, come to the same clinic after experiencing multiple miscarriages and are now turning to IVF. While Ally feels out of place and alone in this new environment, Ben is focused on starting fresh. After seeing Ben and Ally move forward with IVF, Emily decides to undergo the procedure herself using a donor. Both Ally and Emily have their own secrets👀👀

👀 Will Ally and Emily succeed in the IVF?
👀 Could Ally’s deepening loneliness drive her to do something!?
👀 Will that secret lead to bad consequences for Emily and Ally!?

This story is told from both Ally’s and Emily’s perspectives. At times, it felt like a cat-and-mouse story, with tension building between the characters. I kind of disliked Emily’s character at times. One of my favorite scenes was when Laurel and Cat were there to support Emily as she took the pregnancy test, it was a moment filled with emotion and friendship. While the twists weren’t as surprising as I hoped, the intrigue kept me reading because I wanted to see how it would all end. It was a fast-paced and easy read, keeping me engaged throughout.

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Title: The Clinic
Author: Cara Reinard
Genre: Psychological/Thriller
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: November 8, 2024
Star Rating: 3.8 rounded up
Pages: 331

Thirteen Years ago Emily Daugherty and her boyfriend Ben Holiday were so in love and dreamed of a happy life together with a family.
When they graduated from college - Ben stays in the Pittsburgh area and is looking for a teaching position. Emily goes to England and ends up at the University of Cambridge working as a Grad assistant to Sir Robert Edward a leader in the field of embryology. Emily is beyond thrilled. There are two things she loves~ Ben and Science. Right now science is winning.
Studying in England was wonderful however she developed breast cancer- the treatment was successful for the cancer but it left her with a 5% chance of having a child.

In the meantime, Ben now an ex-boyfriend was deeply hurt by Emily and moved on and married Ally.

Present Day ~Emily Daugherty is the head embryologist at a fertility clinic and wants to help other couples have a family; .however when Ben and new wife Ally walk into the clinic, Emily is not sure what is the best way to deal with this as her heart shatters again.

We readers soon find out how far Emily will go to get the child she has always dreamed about.

Things get interesting and I wasn’t sure where this was going.

The ending left me surprised but not shocked I did say to myself ~ Oh that Emily!

This turned out better than I expected and I liked it even better after I read Ms. Reinard’s ‘Acknowledgments’.
She tells us she finished the first draft of this story nearly eleven years ago with the title “A Tiny Secret’ but the publisher didn’t go for it.
She has a strong science background in the pharmaceutical industry as well as oncology so with a lot of research she was finally able to edit her original draft the way it was supposed to be.
She tells us she learned there is no expiration date for realizing your dreams
~Something we all need to remember! ~

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for granting me this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for November 8, 2024.

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I enjoyed this book. It was well written and had some good twists too it!! Overall a great thriller read. The sort you pack in your bag for travel reading!!

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The Clinic by Cara Reinard was a great read. I found it to be quite interesting, especially with all of the medical IVF process. As someone who struggled with infertility, The Clinic had me all in my feelings. I would highly recommend The Clinic to anyone looking for a book that will suck them in until the end. Thank you, Cara Reinard and Bookouture, for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review.

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I loved this book, it was twisted and cleverly written from early on in the book. Secrets are lies and this book was full of both. I loved the style of writing from Cara and can't wait to read more from her.

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Despite being the best Embryologist around, Emily's dating life is slim to none. When her ex and his new wife move back in town she's definitely caught off guard. Things get worse when the couple shows up at her workplace for IVF treatments. How far will Emily go to give her ex the life he deserves and herself the life she desperately wants?
I LOVE this thriller, it was a quick read and I enjoyed it the whole way through! You are reading through the POV of Emily and Ally throughout the story but it isn't hard to follow at all. I truly didn't see the twists coming. This is my first read from Cara Reinard and it definitely won't be my last!

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Emily works in a fertility clinic. She had cancer a few years ago, and fortunately had some eggs extracted and frozen for future use.
Her ex boyfriend and his wife come in for treatment, as Allyson has not been able to carry a child to term.
Emily makes a decision when she is preparing Allyson's eggs. One that might come back to bite her.

I liked the story. With all the strange things that happen in this world today, what Emily did is not impossible. I just did not find the writing inspiring. The twists didn't have oomph, and make my jaw drop.
For the story, I will give 3/5 stars. If the writing had more pizzazz, I would have given more stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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This is such a great mystery thriller read!!! It kept me up late to get this book finished, since I was so hooked! i love the twists and the turns and wondering what our medical professional would do!! It was so entertaining and really kept me at the edge of my seat

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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I'm going to be in the minority here, but I didn't find any thrills or exciting psychological twists in this 'just ok' novel about infertility, IVF, and adultery.

Written as a diary of sorts, it alternates between the thoughts of Emily, an embryologist who gave up her fiancé Ben for her career, and Ally, who is married to Emily's ex-fiancé. Emily survived breast cancer and saved her eggs before completing treatment. She is now 36 and ready to start IVF. Ally has had four miscarriages and is finally convinced to try IVF, although it is against her religion. Her husband Ben chooses Emily's well-known clinic to perform the treatments. It is pretty dry up to this point, but now it just gets boring. We eventually realize Emily is self-serving and devious, Ally is a religious fanatic of sorts and also devious, her husband is, well, just devious. We are introduced to several peripheral characters along the way: Emily's boss (devious), Emily's BFF Laurel (condescending), Emily's married neighbors (wife is a screaming harpy who abuses both her husband and her young daughter and husband is a shameless flirt). All in all, there is not one person with any redeeming qualities who you want to root for.

By the end, it was easy to tell how things were going to turn out, even though the author kept hinting there would be much worse consequences for everyone. There wasn't. And just as things were finally getting thriller-esque, it ended. We are left with absolutely no clue how things may or may not have eventually turned out for any of these people. Fortunately, I didn't much care by then, so it was ok.

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Found this tricky to get into to start with although once i did i found it an interesting storyline.
A tense and edgy drama with well written characters.
Something a little different.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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