Member Reviews

This was such a fun thriller! You will definitely need to suspend reality a bit - I suppose theoretically all of the things in the book could have happened, but wow. That would make for one hell of a Lifetime movie…that’s why I’m putting it in the popcorn thriller category, but this was a great story.

Emily is the head embryologist at a fertility clinic; ironic, because she’s barren after chemotherapy when she was younger. She was able to freeze some eggs before chemo though, and is just waiting for the right time to use them. She was getting close to the decision until her college boyfriend came back into her life. She broke up with Ben to go to grad school in England, and now he’s married to a woman named Allyson - a woman who has had four miscarriages, and despite her devout religious faith, has decided to turn to IVF for a child. They recently moved to Pittsburgh for a job opportunity Ben received and by chance, ended up at the clinic where Emily works.

I can’t tell you much more, or it would ruin the surprises you’re in store for! Emily and Ben have secrets, like really bad secrets that could send one or both of them to prison. One of the big shocks comes when you find out Allyson has a secret too, a huge one. This saintly, Catholic woman who has been through so much heartbreak may not be so innocent after all! Overall, this was a quick read that was quite entertaining, even when it got a little too inconceivable (pun intended). Four stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture, Cara Reinard and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on November 8, 2024.)

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This was a very tense page turner of a book! While some parts felt repetitive, all of the thriller elements were there and it wasn't as predictable as I had thought it was during the first half.

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When Emily's ex walks into her IVF clinic where she is the head embryologist, her emotions are skitted. He and his new wife are looking to conceive a child. Emily also wanted a baby with her ex and what we see is what choices her jealousy will make her do.

I loved this book. It is scarily real and OMG such a page turner. I was hooked. It is filled with tension and I loved the drama.

For me it was a quick read but I put this down to how much I wanted to see what would happen next..

This is a good book club novel.... lot's to debate..

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I really enjoyed this book. The science was well done and the characters were interesting. My only complaint is I wanted a few more chapters with Jasper.

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I really enjoyed this book, it had that psychological thriller element that I wanted and thought the twists worked well overall. The characters had that realism that I was hoping for and enjoyed how scary the idea of a doctor is. Cara Reinard wrote this well and had that suspenseful atmosphere that I was looking for.

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I just finished a great read. The Clinic by Cara Reinard was such an enthralling read. I enjoyed it immensely.

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Loved this book from start to finish, the story being told from different points of view really sucks you in and makes you root for the characters and try and find out what they are up to, highly recommend to people looking for a fast paced thriller with twists!

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 8th Nov. This the first book I’ve read from this author and it definitely won’t be the last.

This was great plot fast- paced and highly addictive I couldn’t put it down! My favourite character was Emily.

I’d highly recommend this book and this would be great as a tv adaptation.


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I found this book a little hard to follow in the beginning especially when it introduced the neighbours. However I finished the book and found it enjoyable read.

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Emily is the head embryologist at an IVF clinic. Her ex-boyfriend and his new wife show up at the clinic looking to conceive a child. Emily battles with jealousy and the feelings she still has for her ex, as well as her desire to have a baby too.

I found a lot of the book repetitive, with the plot not really going anywhere. After Emily makes a big questionable decision, that's when the story started getting exciting. I didn't connect with any of the characters and found them to be unlikeable and unhinged.

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This must be such a great job: making babies in a lab for a living and helping desperate couples or singles. But what if your ex suddenly walks in with his wife, desperate for your help? 

Em has always been good in her job. She wants perfection, because she knows how important her job is. Is this the moment her perfection shows some cracks or does she remain the professional she has always been?

I loved the way Em talked about her 'babies'. It warmed my heart and put a smile on my face. I also really liked the banter between her and her assistant. 

As an onlooker, I do see what she did or tried to do, but I doubt I would be so understanding if I was one of the parties involved. Some decisions were rightout selfish and mean.

So I really had a bit of a love hate relationship with her, but I had a love relationship with the story.

There was a bit of the cat and the mil k story, but of course, she still did make the decisions and took the actions. 

A story that had me taken by from the very beginning until the very end.  stars

Thank you

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