Member Reviews

I really really enjoyed this installement in the 3 piece series.
I always enjoy a good thriller!
This author has written a top notch story with twists and turns that you do not see coming.
If you are after a thriller that leaves you on the edge of your seat then this story is for you!
Thanks for the chance to read and review this title. I really enjoyed it.
5/5 stars

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MY HEART. This was such a brilliant conclusion to this series. I devoured books 2 and 3 in a single day. Daniel Hurst brings an story to life in the most brilliant way.
Book 3 pick up where book 2 ends, and the story catipults along.
I enjoyed this book so much, and love how much emphasis is placed on being a nurse, and also how bold and brave Darcy is. I highly recommend this series.

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Daniel Hurst has this insane way of making me love and full-heartedly root for the villains and it makes it such a fun reading experience. This series was sooo good. Hurst is officially one of my favorite authors!! 5 stars to the whole series.

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Got to enjoy a book that is filled with twists and turns, and keeps you guessing, I thought I had figured this all out and I was wrong! Would highly recommend as a fast read,

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I have enjoyed this whole series and would recommend to anyone. Daniel hurst is becoming a favourite of mine for fast paced keep me up all night thrillers!

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The Nurse's Mistake is the third instalment in The Perfect Nurse Series. I have read and enjoyed them all and would recommend to anyone that they read them all in order. The story was a fast paced page turner with plenty of twists and turns to keep my interest.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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This is the third book of The Perfect Nurse series. This installment, like the others, immediately pulled me in. I loved how the story played out from the point of view of the sibling nurses. Each perspective was filled with intensity, suspense, and a constant sense of foreboding. There were numerous twists throughout that kept the plot interesting and intriguing. Once again, Daniel Hurst creates an original, entertaining, and addictive thriller that is hard to put down. Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Daniel Hurst's "The Nurse's Mistake" is a chilling exploration of the dark side of the medical profession. This isn't a story of heroic doctors and miraculous cures, but of the devastating consequences of human error and the lengths some will go to cover their mistakes.

The novel follows a talented young nurse whose life unravels after a tragic medical error. Driven by guilt and desperation, she embarks on a dangerous path of deception, her actions spiraling out of control with each passing day. Hurst masterfully builds suspense, weaving a complex web of lies and deceit that will keep readers guessing.

The novel delves into the psychological impact of medical malpractice, exploring themes of guilt, grief, and the erosion of trust. The characters are complex and flawed, their motivations driven by a desperate need for redemption or a chilling disregard for human life. "The Nurse's Mistake" is a cautionary tale, a reminder that even in the most trusted professions, human error can have devastating consequences.

Recommended for readers who enjoy medical thrillers, character-driven stories, and suspenseful narratives that explore the darker side of human nature.

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**WARNING: Do NOT read this review if you haven’t read the first and second books in the series – The Perfect Nurse and The Nurse’s Lie**

I enjoyed book 1 and 2 so much and so I knew this one wouldn’t disappoint and it most certainly didn’t. Another great 5 star read!

Darcy, Pippa and their families are now officially on the run. However, whilst Pippa is with their mum, dad, her husband, Karl, and their 4 year old son, Campbell, Darcy is all alone. She is desperate to reunite with her family and so heads to the home address in Chicago, which is in her beloved notebook which has all she needs to remember, with her still suffering from amnesia. However, Darcy’s memories are starting to return. She has a flashback from her university days as a student nurse, so she goes to her old university hoping to uncover more memories, where she meets her old teacher Professor Wright. He says he will help her but for some reason she doesn’t feel like she can trust him and is unwittingly uncovering another morally corrupt man from her past. Whilst running from Professor Wright she ends up bumping into Cody, a friend from her university days and who she instinctively feels safe with. Cody, who is now a teacher at the university, manages to smuggle Darcy off campus and to his apartment in the city where Darcy hides at his home and starts to learn all about her life whilst watching the never-ending news about herself and her family. Meanwhile Pippa and her family are holed up in an abandoned secluded cabin in South Minnesota which her father heard about years ago from an old work colleague. Pippa doesn’t feel they are the only ones there though and that becomes very clear when Campbell runs away from them one day, hurts himself and Pippa comes across another man who lives in one of the cabins close to theirs. Pippa feels very uncomfortable in his presence and starts to wonder whether they are the most dangerous people in the area. Whilst all this is happening Darcy is hiding at Cody’s home and she makes a plan to use all the press coverage over her and her family to her advantage. She leaves the safety of Cody’s home and gets him to read a statement out to the press with a secret message in it that that only her family will understand. Will Darcy be reunited with her family and them all escape justice, or will the past finally catch up with them all?!

I was so excited to read this finale in the series and I wasn’t disappointed. The tension and suspense was written so well and I really had no clue how Darcy and her family’s story would end. I was quite conflicted as I actually did like Darcy and Pippa, although I felt with them being killers, I shouldn’t. However, I did feel both sisters were more victims of circumstance rather than cold blooded killers, and it seemed more survival; kill or be killed, that was the motivation for the body count racking up. That, I guess, did help me feel a bit better about liking them! Despite having really no idea how the story would end I was actually happy with the ending overall and liked how everything was neatly sewed up. As I have said before, I am so glad I waited and that I could binge this series all in one go!

What a ride this series and the final book was. I highly recommend this book and the series for any fans of psychological thrillers. So far, I haven’t read a single book from Daniel Hurst that I haven’t enjoyed, and I look forward to reading some more of his books that I have on my TBR list. Without a doubt a very deserving 5 star rating for this one and the whole 3 book series!

Thank you to NetGalley, Daniel Hurst and Bookouture for my advanced reading copy. Out now.

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I love Daniel just and following the nurse series.
Another great addition to her journey I’ve this and how she’s had her own health issues contributing to the journey. Such a great book

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Great book. This book gave me a lot of story I didn't know was missing or that I craved from the previous books. The author did a great job which can be very hard in trilogies.
There were some good twists.
Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

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Ein packender Thriller mit überraschenden Wendungen!

"The Nurse's Mistake" von Daniel Hurst hat mich von der ersten Seite an gefesselt und bis zum Schluss nicht mehr losgelassen. Als dritter Teil der "The Perfect Nurse"-Reihe geht die Geschichte rund um die geheimen und dunklen Seiten des Pflegeberufs weiter – und dieser Band hebt sich definitiv durch seine Intensität ab.

Der Thriller beginnt mit einer scheinbar harmlosen, aber immer beklemmender werdenden Situation. Die Protagonistin, eine Krankenschwester, begeht einen Fehler, der fatale Folgen zu haben scheint. Der Autor versteht es hervorragend, Spannung aufzubauen und den Leser immer wieder auf falsche Fährten zu locken. Die Frage, wem man in der Geschichte wirklich vertrauen kann, bleibt bis zum Ende offen und lässt einen ständig rätseln.

Was mir an diesem Buch besonders gefallen hat, ist die gut durchdachte Charakterentwicklung. Die Hauptfigur und auch die Nebencharaktere sind vielschichtig und nicht immer das, was sie auf den ersten Blick zu sein scheinen. Daniel Hurst spielt meisterhaft mit den Erwartungen des Lesers und führt uns durch zahlreiche überraschende Wendungen. Die Atmosphäre ist konstant angespannt, und es gibt mehrere Momente, in denen ich fast den Atem angehalten habe.

Das Ende war völlig unerwartet und rundete die Geschichte perfekt ab. Es hinterlässt den Leser mit vielen Fragen und einer starken, bleibenden Wirkung.

"The Nurse's Mistake" ist ein packender und intensiver Thriller, der durch überraschende Wendungen, komplexe Charaktere und eine durchgehende Spannung besticht. Daniel Hurst hat es wieder einmal geschafft, eine fesselnde Geschichte zu kreieren, die den Leser bis zur letzten Seite in Atem hält. Wer Thriller mit psychologischer Tiefe und unerwarteten Wendungen liebt, wird dieses Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen können.

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This is the 3rd book in the Perfect Nurse series. This is a book where you must read the first 2 to understand what is going on. It is unrealistic but you know what sometimes I like that in a book. This book is all about loyalty. If you also like short chapters, then you will love this author.

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The Nurse’s Mistake is a psychological thriller that doesn’t disappoint. Daniel Hurst’s ability to craft a tight, suspenseful story with compelling characters and unexpected twists makes this a standout in the medical thriller subgenre. Fans of Hurst’s previous works and readers who enjoy complex, morally ambiguous characters will find much to appreciate here.

The book strikes a delicate balance between fast-paced suspense and deep emotional conflict, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read. Whether you're a fan of medical dramas, psychological thrillers, or character-driven stories, The Nurse’s Mistake is a must-read that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

Highlights from the book:
1. Tension and Suspense: Hurst is a master at building tension. From the opening pages, the story grabs you by the collar and doesn’t let go. The mix of high-stakes medical drama with the psychological complexity of Sarah’s inner turmoil makes for a fast-paced, gripping narrative. Every chapter adds layers of mystery, and just when you think you know where it’s headed, Hurst throws in a twist that leaves you questioning everything.

2. Realistic and Engaging Characters: Sarah is a fascinating character — vulnerable yet strong, compassionate yet flawed. The complexity of her emotions and her internal struggle between guilt and self-preservation feels authentic, making her easy to empathize with despite the morally ambiguous nature of her actions. The secondary characters, including her colleagues and patients, are well-developed, and Hurst uses their interactions to slowly reveal more about Sarah’s psyche.

3. Themes of Morality and Guilt: One of the key themes in The Nurse’s Mistake is the moral weight of a single decision and the repercussions it can have on one’s life. Sarah’s journey through guilt, responsibility, and the question of what is right or wrong adds depth to the story and invites readers to reflect on how they might act in similar situations. The exploration of ethical dilemmas in a medical context adds an extra layer of complexity to the narrative.

4. Twists and Turns: Hurst’s signature plot twists are ever-present in this book. Just when you think you’ve figured out the mystery, a new revelation turns the entire story upside down. The final twists are especially satisfying, with some unexpected developments that ensure the reader is kept on edge until the last page.

Huge thank you to NetGalley, Daniel Hurst, and Bookouture.

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The Nurse’s Mistake" by Daniel Hurst is an absolute page-turner! I devoured this gripping suspense novel in just 3 days and could hardly put it down. The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. As a new author I’ve discovered, Daniel Hurst has truly impressed me, and I’m thrilled to have come across his work. I can’t wait to explore more of his novels. I recommend for anyone who loves a well-crafted psychological thriller!

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I absolutely love Daniel Hurst's books/writing style. I thought this was the best of the 3 Perfect nurse series. It was fast-paced, twisty and made me want to get in the book to help her !! My heart wanted a different ending even if I understand why the author chose to end it this way. Impatient to read more of Daniel Hurst.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Daniel Hurst does it again!! This third and final installment in The Perfect Nurse series is so good! This can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the first 2 books in the series, because they are all great reads.

This book picks up where book 2 leaves off, and Darcy and her family are all hiding from the law. There is so much tension and suspense throughout the whole story. I was engrossed in the plot, and my heart was racing through the entire book. This story was a roller coaster ride, and I was so anxious to know if Darcy and her family would get caught. How far would you go to protect your family? Could you be as loyal as the characters in this book?

In true Hurst fashion, we have short and addictive chapters that all end on mini cliffhangers, so you just have to keep reading. You will not be disappointed by this twisty popcorn thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I recommend the whole series. You won't be disappointed.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was immediately hooked in the story. Even though this book was the 3rd book in the series, and I haven't read the first two books, I could easily follow the plot. However I am going to read the first 2 books now. I loved the thriller feel, and the cliff-hangers in the chapters. Daniel Hurst has a particular way how he ended this book! Definitely recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am a big fan of Daniel Hurst; I usually enjoy and devour his books in one setting. However, I found this one over-written and far-fetched. Not for me this time.

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Daniel Hurst is one of my favourite writers I will always read his books! This series has been great & I'm sad it had to end!!!

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