Member Reviews

✨Epic Quest
✨Unique World / Magic System
✨Found Family
✨Instant Attraction / Slow Burn Romance

Bingeable, fast-paced read that had a really interesting storyline and magic system!

I think this author really excels at crafting intricate and unique worlds. While this story does have a Romantic element to it, the storyline itself is rich in history and lore; it also has a strong Fantasy element to it which I really enjoyed.

I thought the pacing, world building and leading characters were done really well. So much happens in the last quarter of this book, I'm looking forward to seeing where the author takes the story next!

I'd definitely keep this book on your radar if you enjoy reading books in the YA Fantasy genre, I'll definitely be recommending it.

On a superficial note, the cover of this book is fantastic and I can't wait to add a copy to my bookshelf.

Thank you L.E. Sterling, Net Galley and Entangled Publishing LLC for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

If you like a story full of action, stakes, an intriguing plot, a true love, and a unique plot and world, this is the book for you.

This is a book with plot twists and amazingly distinct and interesting characters. I also like the direction that this book went at the end, though of course, I don’t wanna spoiler anyone. But trust me when I say it’s really cool! It piqued my interest and made me want to know how the story continues.

The main character is courageous and strong. She’s incredibly selfless. The elder wright she meets and goes on a journey on is very cool.

These are the things I like. Now let’s get to what I didn’t enjoy. The love interest is 4 years older than the main character, and she is 18 years old. While some don’t mind this kind of age gap, I don’t like it all. It would be different if she was also an older adult, but 18 is just too young. It was also pretty insta-lovey. While it took a while for them to actually kiss and confess their love, the love interest talked about her at the beginning as if he already gained feelings for her so quickly. Many readers don’t like insta-love and I am one of them.

I also felt like the emotional scenes fell flat. I guess it’s just something about the authors writing style that made me not really feel what they felt. Not that the author is a shit writer or anything - her writing style is almost poetic and very fantasy-like - it’s just not my cup of tea, I think. Particularly the beginning of the story was something that I felt very disconnected to. We hardly really got to feel the life in that town/city/community. We only got to see the main character being hated on (lol) by the council, but we didn’t get to see her interact with anyone really except her family member and her best friend - and even then it felt very brief to me. I didn’t buy her relationship to her grandma and best friend, let’s say it like that.

Consequently to these things, I didn’t really enjoy reading the book, and my enjoyment plays into these ratings. But I believe that there will be many people who will enjoy this kind of book, and that it could go viral on BookTok because the romance later in the book is pretty decent and the story really is interesting. Just didn’t like the execution much.

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