Member Reviews

What a clever and intriguing book. It takes a little deciphering, but as the characters emerge, and the chronology too, so the skill of the author becomes apparent. Add to that the fluency and conviction of expression and you have something exceptional. There’s a lot going on in what is not an enormous work. But all of it is rich, smart, often funny, and appropriately haunting. Well done.

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Such a good book! The ghost of the boyfriend is able to see the girlfriends life and he now notices just ho many things in her life that he was blind to. It was very eye opening for the boyfriend, and I hope for other people reading this book to help notice tings they might not notice day to day that their own partners may be going through. Loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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