Member Reviews
While I had a digital copy of this book, I also had a print copy so I never dowloaded this one to review that way. I do want to thank NetGalley and Spencer Hill Press for providing me with a copy, however.
I loved Kelly's other books that she wrote so I am not surprised that I also enjoyed this one.
She took a concept (zombies) and made it totally different and something all her own.
There were some parts that weren't followed through on that kid of threw me off.
I liked the characters enough, though sometimes I wanted to bonk them on their heads for their inability to see what was right in front of them. They were relatable as teens, though, and I think that would appeal to the age group. I did find Sam let people step all over her a bit. I wanted her to stand up for herself more in some situations. But I also think that's not unusual for a teen when pressured in situations.
The romance was just ok for me. I didn't feel as much of a connection or as much chemistry as I would have liked. Lots of sacrifices from the MMC that the FMC didn't seem to totally appreciate, as well. But the overall angst was on par with a YA book.
The pacing was ok, slow in some spots and then full of action in others. And there are parts of the story I found were not needed and some answers to things I didn't get that I wish I would have. Maybe in book #2?
Overall I do think teens will enjoy this for the most part.
I would say that the story overall is a C+. I had a hard time not rolling my eyes, or screaming at Sam or Ethan for their continued ignorance and stupidity to be blunt. I think the beginning, and parts of the ending were good enough that I didn't lower my rating any further. I understand that this is being sold as a standalone, and perhaps that is for the best.
I requested this title back before my blogging break. I have ended up with a number of titles that are overwhelming to catch up on now I am back from my blogging break. I am regretfully not going to be reading and reviewing this title, but now I am back from my blogging break, I am looking forward to reading and reviewing some of your future titles. Thank you so much for the opportunity and apologies.
This premise/set-up was incredible. And partially wasted with lack of follow through. It started off great and stayed strong for most of the book, but there were twists that just didn't sit right or were super obvious and could have probably been fleshed out a little bit more to greatly improve the overall effect.