Member Reviews

This reads like a BBC documentary, and I loved every minute of it. You can hear the pauses as the camera pans across a moonlit sky, the panoramic shots of deer and foxes, and owls fluttering across the dark. This is a beautiful, heartfelt and carefully framed book; Atkin does not claim to be an expert, only an observer who feels very deeply for her shadowy neighbours. She keeps the distance of a nature documentary, bringing people into the story when needed, but never making them an overbearing presence that might be expected from a memoir.
Thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend to anyone looking for a poetic nature read.

One of my favorite reads of the winter. I savored every page. It’s written so cleanly, with gorgeous descriptions of nature and landscape interwoven with the unique struggle of surviving life during lockdown as a person with health challenges. Atkin handles both with grace, and the two come together to create the most beautiful memoir. It made me want to move to the English countryside and learn to spot owls in the wilderness.

It is fascinating that the Owl, a creature of the night, embodies such contrasting meanings across different societies. In India, an owl is often seen as an omen of events, and used as a slight to describe a foolish person — ullu ka pattha (where ullu means Owl), which contrasts sharply in the West, where owls are emblematic of wisdom largely due to their association with Greek Goddess Athena.
Polly Atkin’s The Company of Owls offers a fresh perspective that transcends these celebrated traditional symbolisms. Her heartfelt narration of her personal encounters with tawny owls in the Lake District, blends meticulous observation with through-provoking reflection. Atkins writing captures her curiosity and wonderment of these enigmatic birds, inviting readers to share in her discovery.
Atkin’s uses the narrative to intertwine her personal journey; chronicling her illness, with her observation of owls. She approaches them with the enthusiasm of a wildlife enthusiast, engaging in very methodical activities like introducing herself to the tawny owl up in the tarn, anxiously observing their behaviour to better understand them, worrying about the owlets whilst they ‘branch out’ and even taking on the somber task of burying the deceased matriarch found by the roadside. It is personal, but also academic; she intersperses anecdotes with scientific knowledge gleaned from the studies of others who have observed and studied owls, offering a multifaceted exploration of both the author and her owls. My only grouse, is the absence of illustrations or images. Atkins devotes pages to describing the turn of an owl’s beak and wings, its plumage, and its regal hues — white, grey, and beige— so it would have been wonderful to see them visually represented.
It is wise to recognise that Atkins consciously projects aspects of herself onto the owls, addressing this tendency with a meta sense of awareness and a relaxed, laissez-faire attitude. I find that this self-reflective approach enriches the narrative, allowing the author’s personal life to spill in, allowing for a deeper exploration of the author’s nature through the allegorical alignment with owls.
By intertwining her personal journey — her chronic illness, Atkins offers the readers a nuanced perspective on self-reflection and the universal quest for meaning. Her encounters with owls infuse her life with excitement, making this book a delightful read for anyone interested in nature, birdwatching, personal growth and the mysteries of the wild.

The author’s meditations on life via her extraordinary encounters with her neighbours in Cumbria.
The author talks about her life during the pandemic, her medical condition, and how she became more interested in the amazing creatures of owls.
There are some facts based on the author’s research, which highlight important messages and insights about the nature.
She takes a responsible and respectful approach, and her prose easily transports you to the owls’ habitats.

Polly Atkin may not confess to being an owl expert,,,, but she should !!! An incredible book about being at one with nature, and letting nature be as it is. I absolutely loved this book. I received this book as an advanced reader copy and am happy to say, this book will be a fixture on my bookshelf for myself and others to enjoy again and again

The Company of Owls is a beautifully gentle appreciation of the natural world in and around Grasmere, Cumbria. In particular, Polly documents the happenings of her local Tawny owls as they mate and raise owlets whilst she is home and able to observe them. This is a wondrous book especially as fluffy owlets branching leads to concern for their welfare.
The writing style is serene and poetic as documenting owl happenings is interspersed with appropriate facts on tawny owls, what was once understood to be facts about their nature, and what is happening in Polly's life at the time. A good blend of nature documentary and memoir. The company of Owls gave me peaceful balance to offset the hectic build up to Christmas. A wonderful gift for a nature lover, both touching and inspiring. A terrific find I truly enjoyed.

The Company of Owls by Polly Atkin
I am not sure what I was expecting but since my sister is an avid bird watcher and I have lived vicariously through her emails as she shares what she has seen, I thought this might be a book she would like and, I believe she would. I ended up skimming rather than settling in but did find myself more interested in the owls as I read and skimmed my way through the book.
Notes while reading:
* I wonder if short eared owls are the same as the burrowing owls cinde told me about?
* Interesting notes from authors and history about owls
* Is this a journal of sightings, feelings, information learned, or…
* Anthropomorphizing owls – I do that with animals and even shapes seen in nature
* I wonder if the owls in Lebanon are like the ones in the Lake District?
* Interesting tidbits about branching, vision/eyes, lifespan, predator vs prey, what happens when owlets outgrow their parents, history, community interaction, feathering, owl behavior…
* How Covid-19 and lockdown played a part in the writing of the book
* This would be fun to for if illustrated or there was an online link to photos of the owls
* I wonder if the photos shared online by the author are located somewhere easy to access?
Did I like this book? Eventually – it grew on me and made me think of the night sounds I hear on my hilltop…including the owls calling to one another and sometimes moving through the night.
Thank you to NetGalley and Elliott & Thompson for the ARC – this is my honest review.
3-4 Stars

This was a well-written and thoughtful memoir, with elements of nature-writing on the subject of owls, primarily tawny owls.
I especially appreciated the authors discussion of selfhood and identity as it related both to herself and her disability & the tawny owls she encountered who lived around her home--and each of their individual ecosystems, development & maturity, environmental challenges, personal tragedies & illnesses, & etc.
Throughout the book, the author references literary excerpts from poets and writers, scholarly publications and research studies, field guides and naturalist manuals, Additionally, as her knowledge grows, so does ours as we continue to progress through the book. At the end, she offers up a range of potential questions and highlights knowledge gaps in the contemporary field of raptor studies on owls--areas in which ornithological study would benefit from pursuing these gaps and questions.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre of memoir and would love to learn more about owls.

First and foremost a big thank you to NetGalley, Polly Atkin, and Elliott & Thompson for providing me with a copy of this publication in exchange for an unbiased review.
Polly Atkin definitely has a way with words especially when talking about her neighbors: a handful of owls she's become increasingly enamored with over the years while struggling with chronic illness. Miss Atkin herself will tell you right up front she's no ornithologist but this memoir is a true testament to how much heart and passion goes into proclaimed "expertise". Her extent of owl knowledge is not only impressive but fascinating as well, catching the reader up on all the important touchpoints one would need and want to know about these feathered raptors of the night that seem to have so much heart.
This work transported me into the author's shoes, whether she was having a not-so-great health day or going for a peaceful walk in the woods to escape from it all. Thank you for sharing your story and spreading your deep respect for nature, Miss Atkin. Your book is a work of art!

An enjoyable book, part memoir part owl book. I enjoyed learning more about owls and reading about the nature elements.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this arc. Opinions are my own.

The NetGalley reviewing process is a curious thing. One wants to be fair to the authors who have put their heart and soul into their creations, but reading books to a specific time schedule can work against giving a book or an author a fair go. When I feel pressured to get something read by a certain date, it can take away my enjoyment of the reading experience.
Also, how does one deal fairly with those books that you have requested which turn out to be ones that don't meet your expectations or don't turn out to be right for you? In a bookshop, once you have sorted through all the choices and finally pick one off the shelf, you read the blurb or flick through it before putting it back, until you find one that urges you to also read the first page or two. A number of these books also end up back on the shelf until, finally, that magical reading moment happens when you start reading...and can't stop. That's the book we buy and take home with us.
With NetGalley it is much harder to make such considered choices. All we can go on is the cover, the front cover quotes and blurb. It isn't until we've requested something that ticks all the boxes re interests, genre, topic etc that we can finally read the first page or two.
The Company of Owls was one such book. I was expecting a more factual book about owls, perhaps à la Helen Macdonald. However, this is more a lockdown memoir as the author gets to know the owls in her local area during the pandemic. For me, there were too many "I" statements and not enough stuff about owls.
Suitable for readers who have a special attachment to the Grasmere area of the Lakes District.

This was such a fascinating read. I’m a sucker for any kind of book like this, with peoples experiences with owls and birds of prey and this was no exception. I love to read how these animals have such an impact on people as they have had such an impact on myself.

"Lass mich dir erzählen, was ich über sie gelernt habe..." so beginnt die englische Autorin Polly Atkin ihre Erzählung über Eulen im Allgemeinen und über Waldkäuze im Besonderen. Die Vögel leben in der Nähe ihrer Farm in Grasmere. Anfangs hat sie sie fast nur nebenbei wahrgenommen, aber mit der Zeit wurden sie zu ihren ständigen Begleitern.
Polly ist nicht gesund und mit Tieren zu leben ist für sie oft einfacher als der Umgang mit Menschen, von denen sie sich oft nicht verstanden fühlt, weil sie sich nicht in ihre Lage hineinversetzen können. Aber ihre Krankheit soll in ihrem Buch nicht im Vordergrund stehen.
Das Buch über Eulen, sondern über das Leben mit ihnen. Wie Polly anfangs sagt: sie erzählt darüber, was sie über und von den Eulen gelernt hat. Gelernt hat sie viel: wie sie Eulen findet, die oft ganz in der Nähe sitzen, aber trotzdem fast unsichtbar sind, weil sie mit der Umgebung verschmelzen. Oder wie man die Plätze findet, in deren Nähe sie sich aufhalten.
Besonders Eulenjunge haben es ihr angetan. nicht unbedingt, weil sie niedlich sind. Das sind sie gerade zu Anfang nicht, wenn sie nur Flaumfedern und ein viel zu großer Kopf sind, den sie nicht aus eigener Kraft halten können. Sie beobachtet die Küken, anfangs neugierig, als das Wetter umschlägt auch besorgt, weil sie nicht sicher ist, ob sie überleben werden. Polly fühlt sich hilflos, weil sie nicht weiß, was sie machen soll, aber sie lässt sich von ihrer Hilflosigkeit nicht lähmen, sondern sucht nach Antworten.
Sie macht sich Gedanken darüber, wie ihre Anwesenheit und die von anderen Spaziergängern und Wanderern von den Tieren wahrgenommen wird. Nehmen sie sie als Bedrohung wahr oder haben sie sich mit ihnen arrangiert? Vielleicht beobachten sie sie ja auch genauso, wie wir sie. Diesen Gedanken habe ich aus der Lektüre mitgenommen, denn in der Natur sind wir alle nur Gäste und sollten uns auch so verhalten, damit wir wiederkommen dürfen.
Das Thema Natur und besonders Eulen ist für mich immer ein Anreiz, ein Buch zu lesen. In diesem Buch habe ich viel mehr als erwartet bekommen. Für mich ist es definitiv eines der Lesehighlights in diesem Jahr und wird nicht das letzte Buch der Autorin sein, das ich lesen werde.

This story of owl-spotting mostly in the Lake District, kept there through lockdown and occasionally widened by trail-cam, is light and enjoyable.
I love the descriptions of wooded and mossed landscape, the stone walls and bogs, the hills and hollows. Owls made their homes in this territory, drawn by abundant rodent prey. The author and her partner watched a nest in particular, finding the three owlets every evening after they branched - left the hollow to perch on branches. Tawnys, barn owls, little owls and more feature.
I learned a good deal along with the author, who kept looking the latest development up to reassure or inform herself.
We don't seem to have rodenticide as a big problem, but we learn of day-flying owls getting shot by ignorant gamekeepers. Traffic of course is a major hazard. Lockdown helped small wildlife recover, and I hope it can stay that way.
This book bears comparison with Raising Hare by Chloe Dalton, which is also set during lockdown.
I read an e-ARC from Net Galley. This is an unbiased review.

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. A well-written book about owls and their effect on people.

What an interesting and perfect novel. Polly Atkin has a way with words and story telling, the prose is simple and methodical yet lyrical.

Part diary, part nature observation logbook, part ode to owls and their resilience while facing the ever reducing territory and threats from humans!
Unfortunately The Company of Owls did not bring me as much joy as I have thought it will. I am saddened by this, but it is my truth. This probably stems from the fact I was expecting a lot of information/science about owl. And luckily(for me), Polly Atkins has included some of that, but this is not a popular science book, so if you are lucking for that, be warned! I really enjoy the idea of a nature observation logbook and especially the concept of citizen scientist - which is more what the author was doing, but the translation of that on the paper didn't really work for me. I've enjoyed the observations, but there was repetition and some of the description were somewhat tedious to read. Therefore it was a bit of a roller-coaster ride for me: with highs where I wanted more and lows where I skipped lines and/or paragraphs...
But I loved the message: the aware and try to attune to nature, the joy that bring is priceless!

Polly Akins writes so beautifully draws us into her world and her ode to owls.As she is recovering from an illness she starts to notice the owls their world their behavior.This is an intimate read of her life and the owls around her.I was drawn into this wonderful reflective story .#netgalley #thecompanyofowls.

Thank you NetGalley and Elliott and Thompson for this ARC.
Judging this book by its cover and title, one might think this is a field guide for bird watching (owl watching in this case), but it is not. This is a personal journey through the observation of owls. Polly Atkin combines her personal experiences in life (including her struggle with a chronic disease) with the observation of owls and nature it self.
I found this book very inviting to be more perceptive of nature and our surroundings. The writting is beautiful and soothing. I feelt very peaceful through the reading of this book. This is a heartwarming personal story. Although this is not a scientific work, I wish the book had included some illustrations.
The autor made it clear since the beginning “I am not a naturalist or an ornithologist”, but she acomplished her purpose “…I love my neighbours, the owls. I love them and I want you love them too”.
Thank you Polly Atkin for sharing your story.

This is such a beautifully descriptive book that really brings to the fore the author’s love of owls and how much they have impacted on her life. The Lake District is where Polly really encountered owls for the first time and her descriptions of the landscapes and natural history of the area are fascinating. The author brings poetry into this book and her narrative is poignant at times as it tells of her battles with poor health and how nature has healing powers that can never properly be understood.
I learnt a lot from this book as it describes not only the tawny owls of her Grasmere home but also other owls and other places she has lived. There are owls in the woods where I live, I often hear them but rarely see them, just an occasional silhouette at dusk so it was wonderful to share Polly’s encounters as it all really resonated with me. A truly wonderful reading experience and one that I will happily share with others.