Member Reviews

If you love Logan Echolls, you will love this book.

With Pretty Little Liars vibes all throughout, <i>The Thrashers</i> wove an interesting story about a group of teens maybe being haunted by a dead girl. I loved the feeling of not being able to trust any of the characters, even sometimes the main character. And while the mystery and the spookiness was good, what really shined through for me were Soto's characters.

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I absolutely loved The Thrashers! Julie Soto has a way of writing characters that feel so real—you get pulled into their world, flaws and all. The story kept me hooked with all the twists, but it’s the characters and their messy relationships that really stuck with me. Five stars, hands down!

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HOO BOY. Julie Soto does it again. I’ve loved and devoured every one of her books and this one was SO ENTERTAINING. Read it in two sittings because I truly could not stop flipping pages! We LOVE A GREAT YA THRILLER, BABY!

This book surprised me in so many ways. The Thrashers friend group was complex and interesting and continually kept me guessing. At first, I wasn’t feeling the romance subplot but because Julie Soto is amazing, by the halfway point I was LOCKED IN. I really enjoyed Jodi as a narrator. I particularly liked seeing her coming to terms with her father’s alcoholism and abuse, standing up to Zack and creating boundaries (HONESTLY ZACK THRASHER CAN ROT I HATE THAT MAN), dealing with the prosecution at the end, and discovering her passion for theatre set design.

There were so many twists and turns, and even things I suspected came with a bit of a twist! I wasn’t always 100% on board with the paranormal activity of it all, and the epilogue was just shy of cruel, but overall I just had a very good time with this. Soto is 3/3!

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Holy. Actual. Crap. This book was unputdownable FOR REAL. It was just the perfect blend of mystery, paranormal, suspense, and teenage drama (perhaps even a touch of romance). The prologue hooked me immediately and I legitimately did not stop reading until I finished the whole book. Jodi, Zack, Paige, Julian, and Lucy were all such fascinating characters and had such an interesting friendship dynamic. Groups of 5 never work out perfectly…and when Emily dies after trying to be the sixth Thrasher, things go haywire. I loooooved that this incorporated some paranormal elements into the mystery and I really loved the entire journal plot line. So. Good. I’m crossing my fingers that a second book will happen eventually with how the ending played out. I definitely have a favorite Thrasher. While this definitely is more YA as it’s set in high school and doesn’t have a strong romance subplot or explicit scenes, it’s also not super light and fun. There are some heavier themes in the book. Julie truly can do no wrong with her books in my eyes as I simply devour them the second I start reading. Literally I couldn’t have asked for a better mystery book.

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This book had me hooked from the first chapter and still hasn’t let go.

Thank you to Wednesday and Julie Soto for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Thrashers follows a group of five friends navigating life in their senior year, the rumor mill, and the legal system after someone on the periphery of their group dies.

Jodi girl, you’re better than me. She put up with so much more than she should have in the name of loyalty and love. And of course she was nicer than she should have been to Emily. She’s a Pisces after all!

The tension built up so much in the first half that I was genuinely on the edge of my seat for the second half. I thought it was going one direction but I had no idea. The epilogue had my jaw on the floor.

Overall one of my favorite reads of the year so far. PLEASE I need the sequel immediately.

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The Thrashers by Julie Soto is an enjoyable and fast-paced read that kept me hooked from start to finish. The writing is solid, and the plot moves along quickly, making it perfect for anyone looking for a quick escape. However, while the story was engaging, I found myself struggling to connect with the characters. In particular, the obsession with Zack felt a bit over the top and, at times, annoying. Additionally, the paranormal elements of the story didn't quite resonate with me; I found them a bit weird and unnessecary tbh.

On a positive note, I did appreciate the sweet subplot of romance, which provided a nice balance to the rest of the story. The epilogue, though, really piqued my curiosity and left me questioning things, making me eager to see if there will be more stories set in this universe.

Thank you NetGalley for the earc!!

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3.5 ⭐

Thank you to the publisher for an arc!

As someone who absolutely loved Julie Soto’s adult romances, I was so excited to read her YA thriller debut, and I was not disappointed. This book reminded me so much of Pretty Little Liars, which I loved when I was younger. It had suspense, drama, and a touch of romance that kept me hooked from the beginning.

The story revolves around Emily’s suicide, and I was immediately invested and wanted to find out what happened and why she took her own life. Emily was freaking crazy and it was so interesting to learn more about her and her involvement with the Thrashers. At times, the plot did feel a little slow, and I wasn't super eager to pick the book back up. The unexpected paranormal twist did take me by surprise a little bit, but I thought it was done well. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, especially since I didn't anticipate it going into the story. However, I think Julie Soto did a great job of incorporating it into the story to build the suspense and keep me wanting more.

Jodi, the protagonist, was a bit frustrating at times. I was a little annoyed with her obsession with pleasing Zack. It felt like her whole world revolved around him. I think she had good growth throughout the book and I liked that she was able to do the right thing in the end. As for the rest of the Thrashers, I thought they were really interesting to read about. I both liked and hated them at the same time, and found myself unsure whether I was rooting for or against them.

There was also a subplot of romance, which I was eating up! It was definitely a pair I did not expect at the beginning of the book, but I loved the slow burn and I was rooting for them so hard by the end.

The ending of the book was so worth it and it left me with my jaw on the floor. I cannot stop thinking about it. It did leave me wondering a little bit, and I would love to know what happens after the epilogue.

Overall, I would recommend reading The Thrashers if you are a fan of suspenseful YA thrillers, or if you want something with the same vibes as Pretty Little Liars.

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📔 13 Reasons Why/Pretty Little Liars
👻 Supernatural elements
💖 Enemies to lovers

The “Thrashers” make up a friend group that everyone wants to be in and everyone is terrified of. Jodi is the seemingly odd one out even though she has been friends with Zach Thrasher the longest. When a new girl, Emily, tries to force her way into the friend group, things get out of control and it ends with Emily dead. Everyone is quick to point fingers at the Thrashers but nothing is as simple as it seems.

At this point, I would read a phone book from cover to cover if Julie Soto wrote it. This is her first time publishing in the YA/mystery genre and she hit it out of the park. I was hooked from the very beginning and it never lost my interest. All of the characters were so interesting and I enjoyed seeing the dynamics of the friend group and how they unraveled.

I was surprised by the supernatural elements throughout the story and I actually really enjoyed it. My one complaint is that the ending was so absolutely insane but also a little anticlimactic. I would have liked to see how everything ended up settling down and how the Thrashers went on with their lives. Apparently, there will be a second and third book in the series that I cannot wait for. 4.25/5⭐

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High school is such a tumultuous time for people in general. You try to discover who you are and what you want your future to look like and, most of all, who are your real friends. The Thrashers was a story of the popular kids and the way they view the world around them.
This was such a rollercoaster of hidden truths, lies, and the price of popularity it has on the little people. Jodi Dillon was the outsider of the group, and her perspective made me doubt so much behind the death of Emily. The supernatural aspect behind all of the events leading up to judgment say for all of them had me wrapped in the story.
This book had me so wrapped up in Jodi's feelings I could not see until later thow excluded she was from the real story of how involved the Thrashers were in Emily's death. I wish there was more involvement with Hannah as she was so integral to the downfall of the Thrashers, but the suspense was also adding to the intrigue.
Overall, the story had me gripped, dissolving all of Jodi's thoughts, and seeing how she set her boundaries to start fresh was so fulfilling. I highly recommend this book if you absolutely love 13 reasons why and, in my opinion, a good girls guide to murder. These two stories had the same vibes as this gripping new story of Julie Soto. I applaud her for her diverse cast, subtle supernatural effect, and understanding most of all the mental toll that popularity has for those who don't see the consequences.

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This book was not what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it. Julie Soto did a great job of developing the characters and what it’s like to be in a popular friend group in high school and dealing with all the dynamics that come with that.

The mystery that evolved as the book went on was done very well and kept me guessing. The twist at the very end makes me want to read more. Please give us more!!

I found Julie’s book recently and loved her romance books and I think she did an excellent job with her first YA book.

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I was thrashed! This crazy trip back to high school to investigate Emily’s suicide went to places I was not expecting which I loved. Constantly guessing the direction and the quick pace was perfection. This is one of those books that will stick with you due to the moral responsibility vs. crime question along with all of the many questions that will ring in your head. Enjoy!
A heartfelt thank you to St. Jame’s Press for providing this book for my review via NetGalley. My opinions are my own.

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This book took me a bit to get into and I'll start by saying the writing style was never the issue. Julie Soto, as always, is an amazing writer and I think it's really a testament to how incredible she is at telling these stories that I'm rating this a 4/5 when I typically don't really like thrillers or mysteries. The first 50% sort of felt overly long to me and I was gripped by the writing style but not the story. But then, at about 50%, I was captivated and couldn't put it down.

It's hard to review this without giving spoilers away - who's 'good', who's 'bad', who's 'guilty', who's 'reliable'. But I think that's sort of the thing with this story is that there were no black and white answers anyway. Each character shows 'good' and 'bad' traits that really leave you guessing til the very end.

Zack is a golden retriever type MMC in many ways and as a reader, you're instantly brought into his inner circle and captivated by him much like everyone else is. Like you're right there with everyone else who worships the ground he walks on, saying 'Zack is just a lovable boy, none of this is on him!' Jodi is incredibly relatable and I think we've all had those moments of trying to keep up with our friends or wondering - on a bad day - if you're really as important to others as they are to you. Lucy & Paige were fun too. It was sometimes hard to tell if they were mean girls or if they were genuinely good friends. Julian - my love, my heart lol - he was the Chuck Bass of the group (perhaps season 2/3/4 Chuck though not season 1.) Oliver was also interesting, as the only character who didn't really have a 'redemption arc' of sorts. And Emily. Emily, Emily, Emily..... Girl.

The mystery was intriguing, though sort of anticlimactic at the end. I think that was the point though. I hate how Zack's story ended, honestly, but it does seem on par for how it would happen in real life, if that makes sense.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the digital eARC.

The book was very cliquey in a way it reminded me of Pretty Little Liars. There were some good moments in the book that made it interesting. I am interested to read more from this author in the future.

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I feel THRASHED after reading this book!! An emotional rollercoaster of a ride. So, so much fun! Thrillers are not my normal genre at all, but Julie made this ride so fun.

From the beginning, it’s so easy to slip into the Thrashers clique - wanting to be a part of the cool kids, even in the book! Julie writes the high school setting flawlessly, nailing the nuances of friendship, peer pressure, and seeking belonging.

The mystery surrounding Emily’s death is gripping, and I still have SO many questions. I was on the edge of my seat and tugging my hair in anticipation. It’s spooky, creepy, and leaves you hungry for more!

The romance is a small part of this story but probably one of my favorite parts.. I can’t say anything without spoilers but this was just written *chefs kiss*

But as always, the fun and thrill are also balanced delicately with deeper themes as Jodi digs deep into her own motivations and decisions in the past- considering where her loyalties have lain and who she wants to be in the future. Again, so high school (in the best way) - it was so relatable to look at the people and setting you feel so confident in and seeing it all upturned as you grow up and prepare for the future. I loved watching her grow and really, I CANNOT WAIT FOR BOOK 2 🥵😩😤 college aged thrashers??? Count me in!!!

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Thank you so much Wednesday Books and NetGalley for this ARC!

I want to preface this by saying I have read both of Julie Soto’s previous works before reading this which are amazing romances. This is a YA thriller, a completely different genre/area from the others, so I tried to not hold too many expectations when going into this novel.

That being said, I read this in one sitting. It kept me engaged the entire time. Soto’s writing style alone is so easy and melodic and keeps me entranced in the story easily. The characters were well developed, the plot had plenty of twists, and the overarching themes were full of depth.

This story revolves around Jodi and the Thrashers, an elite clique in high school, who are investigated after a classmate dies leaving speculative clues pinning them as the reason she’s gone. Jodi begins to unintentionally investigate the death and uncovers clues as spooky incidents haunt them all while their looming trials await.

I think if you are a fan of I Know What You Did Last Summer or 13 Reasons Why you will love this standalone. Just be sure to check trigger warnings before diving in!

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What happens when one minute you’re living what you think to be the best high school career, but in the next moment everything turns on its axis. The closest people to you have been keeping things from you. And the person you thought you needed to rid from your group may have been your closest friend. But worst, that girl has been found dead and you and your closest friends are prime suspects due to a secret diary. How do you know what real or fake. And who’s been lying to you or on your side.

The Thrashers is a Young Adult thriller. It’s got a feeling of 13 Reasons Why and Mean Girls. The Thrashers by Julie Soto is due to release May 6th, 2025.

I received this from @netgalley as an eARC and to say I was excited prior to reading was an understatement. I could not put this book down. The twists and turns, the betrayal and the turmoil. I just ate this up.

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Immediate 5 stars! I’m sorry Julie Soto but what even is this? You can write MULTIPLE GENRES fantastically. Save some talent for the rest of us please! This book was so good! And that epilogue? What? Go read this!

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I’m officially a Julie Soto STAN. I read her first two romances, both 5 stars with incredible characters and memorable romantic situations that perfectly straddled the line of descriptive without being too spicy, or over the top.

This style was definitely a diversion from her typical genre but she “thrashed it”. Gave me some vibes of 13 reasons why but with more suspense, while also containing some elements from her romance genre that made this feel like it was still Sotos writing and not a total turnaround. The only other author I’ve enjoyed such variance from is Ashley Winstead!

Also: the EPILOGUE! Mind blown!

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Thank you to Julie Soto, netgalley, and St Martins for the advanced reader copy!

If you are looking for a book with a similar style and feel as Pretty Little Liars, The Thrashers is it. Except without a teacher sleeping with 13 year olds. This book kept me intrigued and on my toes. Julie Soto is a great writer. It’s a thought provoking read about the complexities of high school and teenage mental health. I’m definitely a Julie Soto fan after this book and cannot wait to read more by her.

Most of my complaints with this book are really just complaints about YA books in general, so I can’t fault the book for that. The main characters very much act like toxic high schoolers, so while I may not enjoy that, it hits how it’s intended to.

There’s a lot of trigger warnings in this one. Suicide, death, abuse, many near death events, harassment.

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It was hard for me to pace myself and put this one down. It was a multilayered mystery/thriller with a powerful message about bullying, social dynamics, and family trauma. None of the characters were really redeemable to me, and that added a feel of authenticity to it. The twists kept me guessing and the ending was jaw-dropping.

Julie Soto proves that she has literary range with this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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