Member Reviews

I was all over the place with this book. At once, I liked the characters and then I didn't like some of them. When you read this book, I think you'll know what and who I mean.

There are ethical arguments in this book that change as the story unfolds. Basically, how honest does a person want to be, have to be, in the beginning of a relationship? It's hard to go into this question without providing spoilers, which I won't do. There are surprises, lots of angst and you'll be questioning yourself and and your feelings about the characters as you get into the story.

Tom and Honor and their young daughter Chloe, are on holiday in Paris, at the Ritz and a horrific event changes the lives of all three in an earth-shattering way. Enter Grace, whose life will also change in ways she never knew could exist. There are so many surprises in this book that it's a hard book to review without spoiling it, so I won't do that.

The only thing that could have been made better is that there are lulls in what's important in this story, filled in with what I thought were mundane, unnecessary details.

There are people I didn't like in this book and people I wanted to yell at to grow a spine, but all works out the way it should in the end.

Appreciation to NetGalley and the publishers for providing this ARC.

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A moving love story that explores the impact of choices and their consequences. While the storyline is sad I enjoyed the portrayal of a group of friends and family navigating deep love, loss and new beginnings. Lots of twists and turns.

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I was so looking forward to reading what was described as “deeply moving love story,” but instead was presented with a hot mess. I almost didn’t make it through the first chapter because Honor was such a selfish narcissist, but when the bomb went off I suddenly became intrigued. And the story did keep my interest for a few chapters, then went off the rails again. The characters were clueless and wooden, the situations contrived and it was painful to keep reading. If you are the type of reader who enjoys watching Hollywood movies that revolve around titillating sex scenes, an abundance of foul language and not much else than this is for you. For those who want to read an engaging story with well developed characters and plot lines, run away from this one. Thank to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What an interesting story. Tom and Honor’s group of friends Lauren, Annie and Oliver. Tom and Honor’s love story. As well as the ultimate love story told through every page of this book. This book kept me turning pages well past bed time. It was so worth every page turn.

I would highly recommend this book

I want to thank NetGalley and St Martins Press for this advanced reader copy and this is my honest review of this book.

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"Finding Grace" is a good debut novel, in that it sets up an immediate trauma, and provides an unusual narrator. However, I resented the sudden traumatic event/conflict because it felt so random, like a gimmick. Luckily, I kept reading. At times I thought the story seemed like a Hallmark movie, and at other times I felt sucked in despite myself. I enjoyed the quirky characters, the grandmother in particular, and I as rooting for the characters in the end to come back together. Recommended if you enjoy books that are emotional and romantic. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. Pub date: June 10, 2025


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The book opens with a family holiday that showcases the infertility problems that the couple is having. The reader sees the effect that the desire for a child is having on the husband, wife and young daughter. The love, the frustration of this family is left unresolved as a horrifying tragedy occurs. While this tragedy unfolds it is discovered that the infertility interventions have worked and the surrogate is pregnant. What happens next leads to a beautifully written story, but one that also creates a moral dilemma. This is a wonderful debut. I will be watching for more books by this author. I am very appreciative of the complimentary digital ARC from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. This review is my own opinion.

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Many couples suffer from infertility. One such couple, Tom and Honor, are facing issues of infertility. They find themselves disagreeing on the next steps. Honor's thoughts and emotions are completely understandable. She feels unfulfilled. Honor plunges headlong into that need without securing Tom's support. The couple's disagreement is their final conversation on the topic.
Tom moves forward. He is reactionary at first, only handling the things that need handling. As time goes by, he starts taking steps toward the future. He stumbles and over-corrects himself many times. He realizes that he wants happiness and tries to find his way. Will he be able to move forward with life now that he realizes he is ready?

Finding Grace is a book that defies conventional expectations. Traditional stories begin, lead the reader to a surprise or shocking event, and then navigate through the aftermath. Loretta Rothschild shocks the reader and then traverses the aftermath. The pace of the novel is excellent, keeping the reader engaged throughout. There are several surprises in the book adding to the reader's engagement. In conclusion, the author reminds us to be truthful, talk about feelings as they occur, and cherish our family.

Loretta Rothschild is a talented storyteller with great vision and ability. Her debut novel is phenomenal. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Loretta Rothschild for the advanced reader copy.

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Heart wrenching story of the next chapter in a life upended by tragedy.
Tom's wife and young daughter are killed in a terrorist bombing at the hotel in Paris they are spending the holidays at.
The story goes on to tell, from his dead wife's perspective, the story of a sorrowing man trying to find life after death.
Very tragic beginning and a lot of what follows does not get any better, as far as sadness and foreboding are concerned.
I found Tom to be less than likeable in many respects.
The storytelling, from his dead wife's eyes, was definitely unique and actually entertaining much of the time.
I could not relate to Tom's chosen path of deception and weak-kneed reactions, so it colored much of the
telling for me.

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This novel is hard to describe without giving away the story, suffice to say I was completely captivated. You could say it’s a love story with a moral dilemma - I predict it will be one of the “big” book club picks. Lots to discuss and the ending works!

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Wish the copy for this book was spoiling what happens just a chapter in, but the book itself was fantastic, and the premise intriguing. Explores a lot of questions of honesty as well as tragedy, with great dynamics of friendship and chosen family. Gripping and thought-provoking.

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This book hooked me from the first pages.
It starts out told in the voice of the wife / mother of the two other main characters in the book and to avoid spoilers, I'll avoid saying much more in detail. I will say, the author's method of laying out the story was unique and clever, including using the wife / mother's voice in the book !
And the book kept surprising me, not once, not twice, but repeatedly.
I don't typically ( maybe ever ? ) read thrillers or mysteries but this ( type of mystery and ) story evolution really struck a chord with me.

I especially celebrate a debut novel and this author hit it out of the ballpark.
Really cleverly written, well written and hats off to the author for the arch of the story... that kept me reading !
Thank you NetGalley and St Martin's'Press for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportuity to read an ARC of this debut novel. I appreciate that the synopsis didn't give away major points about the story, as I was pleased to not know a lot about it from the onset. While it was was well-written and dealt with a variety of themes including grief, friendship, honesty and regrets, I think what sets it apart is the point of view it is told from. I found this very intriguing.

The story was unique and had a lot of twists of turns, However, I felt like it was all a bit unlikely. Without giving too much away, I felt the relationsihp between Tom and Grace happened a little too easily and the middle part of hate book dragged on a bit, when Tom kept trying to tell the truth and then backing down. Also, there were a couple of chapters that I felt didn't seem to fit with the writing style,

Overall I think it was a great debut novel. I didn't love it, but enjoyed reading it.

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This book starts out with a big shock that grabs you from the beginning. It's unexpected and sets the tone for its effect on all of the characters moving forward. Themes of love and loss abound here as we meet Tom, a sudden widower who doesn't have the strength to move forward, until a surprise baby gives him the motivation he needs to keep living. The story blends heartbreak with hope and the determination of the human spirit. As Tom bonds with his new son, he resigns himself to the fact that he may never find love again. As Grace enters his life, he realizes he can love again and moves forward with a relationship despite the fact that he's hiding a huge secret that is bound to be revealed by his snarky, nosy friends. This novel is set in London, in the Notting Hill area and cliques and favoritism are in full swing with the neighborhood wives and preschool politics. Tom and Grace try to navigate this world without becoming the center of attention. This does not always work out as he hopes. As things come to a head, and the grand secret is revealed, you are rooting for Grace and Tom and hope they survive the outcome. This is a romcom story with elements of survival, grief, and loss. The writing is top notch and for a debut novel it's a unique and original plot. Bravo!

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This was an IMPRESSIVE debut. I will admit that I swayed to download by the Jodi Picoult endorsement and I definitely see what she means. I did want to scream at Tom over and over and over again in the book, and I kept waiting for the secret to be revealed (you knew it was coming, but you didn't know when). This was a sweet, complicated story of love, secrets, and second chances. I will certainly pick up whatever Loretta Rothschild writes next!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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So beautifully written yet so heartbreaking. I had to put it down immediately after the first chapter, picked it up again and set it back down after the second chapter… a tough book for me to get through. Watching someone grieve after the most tragic life event while picking up the pieces of their life back up one at a time? I cried through every other chapter. I was so upset, watching my own baby sleeping peacefully while reading this story and wondering how something so horrible could happen and then having to remind myself I’m just reading a book. I simply could not get over it. But aside from the emotional aspect, I truly did love the writing style and though it was predictable it was hard to put down waiting for the end to come. Incredible debut, cannot wait to see what other stories this author writes!! Thank you to NetGalley for the arc in exchange for honest feedback!

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I recently read ‘Finding Grace’ by Loretta Rothschild, recommended by Jodi Picoult. The well-developed characters were engaging, but the deceptive romance was excessive. However, the life lessons and unique narration by a deceased character made it an interesting read. I’d rate it 4 out of 5 stars.

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Loretta Rothschild’s Finding Grace is a heartfelt exploration of personal growth, relationships, and the search for meaning. The novel centers around the journey of its protagonist, Grace, who is grappling with loss, self-identity, and the weight of her past as she navigates through pivotal moments in her life. Rothschild’s writing is warm and accessible, and she successfully creates an emotional connection with the reader, particularly through her exploration of family dynamics and inner turmoil.

While the story has its merits, the pacing at times feels uneven, with some parts of the plot dragging while others rush through potentially more meaningful moments. The characters, though relatable, lack significant depth, and their development doesn’t always feel as fleshed out as one might hope. Grace’s transformation is central to the story, but it feels somewhat predictable, and the resolution, though satisfying, doesn’t have the emotional punch that the buildup seems to promise.

Rothschild’s prose is gentle, and there’s an underlying sense of hope that runs through the narrative, making Finding Grace an uplifting read. However, at times the story feels a bit too familiar, with some themes and character arcs that don’t break much new ground.

Overall, Finding Grace is a pleasant, easy read that will appeal to readers who enjoy character-driven stories about personal reflection and healing. While it may not leave a lasting impression, it’s still a worthwhile read for those looking for a quiet, introspective novel.

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What a good book! I just finished it on Christmas morning waiting for all the activities to start and I’m glad I did! When I first started it, I didn’t think I was going to like the storyline but I ended up loving it. The characters are very well written- as a matter of fact I wish I was Honor’s friend and maybe Grace’s too. The story is definitely different but very compelling. I won’t go into a book report, but I will say that I will be recommending it later today. Good book! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy for my honest review.

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This story "literally" starts with a bang. I found myself turning pages and ignoring my day to day obligations so I could get this book and find out the story of Tom and Honor. The story is told "from the grave". A devastating event will change the life of Tom and his army of friends. The story is about loss, friendship, loyalty, and truth. A family is lost and a new family is formed....but what how will this new family come to be. How will the past be linked to the future. All in all, I really enjoyed the story and the authors words .....I look forward to more work from Loretta Rothschild

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I felt like the synopsis was odd for what this book ended up being. I found the story unlikely and really slow in the middle to get moving. It started off really good but went downhill. Just ok for me

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