Member Reviews

It's hard to review this remarkable book (a debut novel, no less) without spoilers, so here's my best attempt.

Finding Grace by Annabel Monaghan is a beautifully written, emotional roller coaster that explores love, loss, and second chances. This poignant story will take you on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.

With a captivating plot and unforgettable characters, Finding Grace is a testament to the transformative power of love and the beauty that can emerge from the depths of despair. Brace yourself for an emotional and unforgettable reading experience.

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Wow! This is a phenomenal debut! I almost passed this book up, but the cover made me do a double take 😉, and I am so glad that I read this! This book took me by surprise, and just sucked me right in. There were many emotions throughout this book, and I even cried early on in Chapter Two!

I feel that I cannot give even the briefest description of what this book is about, because then I feel I would be giving away major spoilers. I suggest picking this book up, and just reading the pages. You will fall in love with Honor, Tom, and Grace. You will feel their thoughts, and feel each ounce of pain and grief that they go through.

This book is unlike any book that I have ever read, and I love the uniqueness. I learned many new things/facts from reading this book, and I now have a new favorite poem, “Hymn to Beauty” ~ by Baudelaire.

This book is about grieving, it’s heartbreaking, it’s about finding love again. I just loved everything about it! I say add this book to your shelf immediately as it is worth it!
(4.5 stars- rounded up!)

Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the author for a DRC of this book which I had the pleasure of reading. All opinions are my own.
Publication date: June 10, 2025

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy of Finding Grace by Loretta Rothschild!

I am having a hard time reviewing this book. It is about love, loss and secrets we keep. I really enjoyed the book but was not a fan of Tom the main male character. It’s hard to say more without spoiling the book.

Great debut novel!

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Finding Grace is a deeply emotional story about love, loss, and the true meaning of family. Without giving away any spoilers, the book explores themes of love, marriage, parenthood, and the complexities of what it means to be a parent. At its heart, the story follows Honor and Tom, a married couple with a daughter, whose lives are turned upside down by a shocking event. As they navigate this life-altering experience, the arrival of another child through an egg donor sets the stage for Grace. I won’t say more to avoid ruining the twists for future readers, but it’s a journey that will stay with you long after the final page. A big thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with this ARC!

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Finding Grace is an absolute gem of a debut. I’m not going to give a synopsis because the one already provided for the book gives as much detail as possible without giving anything away.

The gasps I gasped and the exclamations I exclaimed while reading this book!!! My husband kept turning to me and asking what I was reading so he could know what I was going on about.

This book takes serious subject matters and handles them with grace (pun intended). I felt genuine affection for every character. I was invested from the start. The connections between characters didn’t feel forced, it was all natural progression.

Bottom line: read this book, you won’t regret it. Can’t wait for more from this author.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to St. Martin’s Press, Loretta Rothschild and NetGalley for allowing me to read this story for review.

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Wow! It's not often that my jaw literally drops when I'm reading, but Loretta Rothschild accomplished that with her debut (?!?!) novel Finding Grace. I kept trying to think of how I could possibly review this book without including spoilers, but I just can't! To have the narrator/main character and her child (Chloe) die in the first chapter of the book by a suicide bomb no less was truly jaw dropping. I had only read the publisher's blurb that mentioned a "shocking event that changes their lives" and assumed it would be a typical "shocking" event that occurs in other novels - perhaps a family member being involved in a tragic accident? A lover/partner dying? A tragic attack like 9/11 involving the main character indirectly? But it was none of your typical events, and that fact alone made it almost impossible for me to stop reading. To then add to that that Honor's husband then raises the son that was conceived using a donor egg and carried by a surrogate *right* before Honor and Chloe are killed AND goes and falls in love with the egg donor? I mean this is almost soap opera level drama, but it was written and carried out SO well! I can't wait to see what comes next from Rothschild.

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This book could easily be made into a movie; at least a mini-series! The author takes the reader on a journey through every emotion that this reader felt possible.

Tom and Honor, husband and wife, each have their own separate goals. Tom's focus is his work and oftentimes has little left when he gets home for his wife and small daughter, Chloe. On the other hand, Honor is determined to be able to bring a second baby into their family. Oftentimes, their individual goals put a strain on their marriage. Additionally, each supporting character in the book is described in such a way that the reader feels they know them personally and can understand the choices they make.

I had a hard time setting this book down. Along with my normal reading time, I found myself picking it up while doing normal tasks, like making the bed, for "just 5 minutes". I held my breath on more than one occasion with both dread and/or fear of what was to happen, as well as tears on occasion. Reading this book was like a rollercoaster ride; just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, it took me on a sharp turn in a direction I had not expected.

If you are looking for a book that helps you go to sleep, this is definitely not the one!

I was surprised when I read at the end of the book that this is the first book from this author. I do hope she gives us the privilege of reading more of her work.

I highly recommend this book!

Thank you, NetGalley, for the privilege of reading this advanced copy of this book.

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So unfortunately there is not a lot you can say about this book without spoiling it. But I can say that the first chapter was a doozy; my jaw dropped at the very end a definite WTF moment. And the book takes off from there.

Tom is the main character and we have Honor, his wife and they are quibbling over whether or not to keep trying for a second child even though they have been trying for a while but Tom is truly emotionally burnt out and each round of IVF was unsuccessful. Now they have a surrogate who has a donated egg and Honor is waiting to hear if the surrogate is pregnant. This takes place at Christmas in Paris as Honor and Tom and their daughter, Chloe travel to a fancy hotel each year (as one does). An argument breaks out and after a tense night and still no reconciliation in the morning Honor and Chloe leave to have breakfast while Tom will meet them later on.

That's all I can say. The novel is about so. much. more. It's about marriage certainly and motherhood and about truth/ethics and mistakes and grief and how you set out to one thing but then something completely different happens and hindsight being what it is, you can never be sure you'd do it differently if you were in the same position again.

I was definitely turning the pages and wanted to see how xy&z would be handled because there were some twists that kept you wanting to know more.

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Honor and Tom seem to have everything until a tragic accident turns Tom's life upside down. In the aftermath, he does his best to pick up the pieces of his life and put his heart back together. But will he find love again?

This book was a page-turner and I found myself wanting to scream at the characters at certain points! I was frustrated by some of their decisions, then rooting for themselves in the next chapter. This was a quick read, even when the characters drove me crazy sometimes!

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This was a page turner! It was a little darker and twistier than I expected - sort of a thriller, but never scary. It kept my attention and I found the choice of narrator to be an interesting add to the story development. I would recommend - 4.5 stars.

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3.75-4 stars

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

This was the most unique lit fic I have read in quite a while. I was hooked from start to finish.
My jaw dropped so early on in the book and it kept happening again an again. I really loved the story and the writing. my main complaint is that the climax/ending happened so abruptly that it felt like it didn't get enough attention like the rest of the book, maybe it will be adjusted in the final print. I will still highly recommend this book because it's so unlike anything I have ever read and will pick up more work from this author.

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Loretta Rothschild does a fantastic job in writing this love story, it had that feel that I was looking for and enjoyed the overall feel of the story. The characters had that element that I wanted and was engaged with what was happening with them. It was everything that I was hoping for and enjoyed the way everything was told.

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FINDING GRACE began shockingly. I was amazed at the suddeness of events. And yet, the description of the beginning events was so subtle, I almost missed the scene's impact. I had to re-read it a third time to ensure I'd grasped all the scene's implications correctly. I was a bit surprised such a momentous event was given such a quiet description.
I thought the character of Tom, the main protagonist, was well done. His personality was defined and developed. The aithor did a great job getting into Tom's head. The reader is able to feel his nature, and understand his way of life, what kept him going. I was actually surprised he decided to follow through with his and his wife Honor's plan for bringing a child into the world via an egg donor and a surrogate mother. The reader didn't hear much about thesurrogate mother Rose. She was mentioned in a few places but not brought into the novel as a character. The egg donor, Grace, was a main character and was within the plot of the novel, as the title shows.
The reader learns about Tom, and how he begins a new life after following through with his getting a son, which he named Henry, after the surrogate mother Rose gives birth. He was once employed in a finance career that he quits after Henry is born. I'm thinking ne must have saved a boat-load of money if he could afford to leave his job to raise Henry. He was a good father, very loving toward Henry. He gives Henry all the love, direction and attention children need. He becomes curious about Grace, the egg donor, after he receives a piece of mail directed toward her in error. As he attemps to re-deliver the misdelivered piece of mail to Grace, he sees her through the window of her wine business storefront and is immediately attracted to her. He joins the group of women that Grace had organized at Sprezzatura (Grace's wine business) and begins to develop a relationship with Grace. However, Tom is keeping secrets from Grace: How he found her address; why he chose Grace as a girl friend; that Tom is aware she was the egg donor for Henry. These secrets come to light later in the novel, and cause their relationship to tumble. While Tom and Grace are forming a relationship, Grace is studying to become a sommelier. I thought this was an interesting and unusual choice for a career.
Their relationship comes to a hault toward the novel's end when a jealous friend, Lauren, who had eyes for Tom from the start, sabotages Grace and Tom's relationship by exposing Tom's secrets and subterfuge. After Lauren's revelations, Grace leaves Tom's life. Tom, is again bereft and lonely. However, the conclusion is a happy one.
This was a very enjoyable novel and well worth the read. We read about love and loss. The permanency of love, the pain of loss, and the human ability to bear our losses, feel pain and loneliness, but continue to carry on.
I've rated this novel as 4 stars because, though the ending was a happy one, it was too "pat". Too simple. It was as if the author grew tired of writing the novel and suddenly decided to end it. It wasn't as if the author left the reader hanging. Just the opposite. The conclusion was too clearcut. The secrets and lies were completely ignored at the end.
I was given an ARC of this novel by Netgalley to review. I have given this novel an honest review. Thank you, Netgalley, for the opportunity to read and review the novel.

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In all honesty, I didn't connect with this book. A horrible tragedy occurs at the beginning. The premise was a little disconcerting (a doppelganger). A person who was meant to remain anonymous but ended up intertwined with a family. The only characters that I really liked were Henry and Grace.
* mild swearing.
* fair amount of sexual aspects.

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from St Martin's Press via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was absolutely blown away by this debut novel. From the very first sentence I was invested in the main character. By the end of the first chapter I was picking my jaw up off of the floor. The level of writing is top notch and the author packs so many things into these pages. It’s only January and I have a feeling this will be one of my favorite books of the year.

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This story was quite a ride. It’s also a little like a train wreck you can’t look away from. The writing is excellent. My heart was in my throat the whole time. Choices the characters make are almost hard to endure, but I also couldn’t stop turning pages. I needed to know what happened next. An emotional roller coaster

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This page turner, by a debut author, starts with a bang. Literally. I enjoyed the novel and learning about a topic I was not too familiar with.. It’s a tale of friendships, love, new beginnings, and supporting one another through tragedy.. I did wonder what the point of some of the sex scenes were? They didn’t seem to add to the story. For this reader anyway. Overall, I thought the story was thought provoking, interesting, and a good read.

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Thanks to Netgally and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
It's hard to believe this is a debut novel. The writing is fantastic, the characters are great, and the feelings invoked are not usually something that happens for me with a new author.
This story was different than anything else I've read. It's told from a very unique perspective (I don't want to give anything away so I'm being vague on purpose). I loved most of the characters. I loved the way grieving and grief is portrayed and how everyone kind of has their own way of processing the events in the story. The ending seemed a little rushed, I would have loved to see how the lives of the main characters played our after the surprise reveal at the end. I read this book solely based on the recommendation of Jodi Picoult and I'm glad I did! If your looking for a unique, surprising, emotional read, you should check out this new author! I can't wait to read her next book!

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Founded on unusual circumstances - a man raises a son born of a surrogate mother with a donor's egg - Finding Grace takes us on an extraordinary journey told partly through the lens of the deceased woman who arranged the child’s conception and birth. What seems strange soon becomes real as the characters - Tom, Grace, and Henry - are well thought out and believable, We get a deep take on Tom’s inner turmoil as he mourns the tragic loss of his wife and daughter to a suicide bomber, his guilt over their last words, his failure at protecting his family. Meeting Grace seems almost serendipitous and she soon fills a hole in his life and heart, helping to heal his grief and providing a family for Henry. But secrets are dangerous things and soon Tom is wrestling with how to tell Grace the truth about their not-so-random meeting and what she really means to him - and Henry. This is a page turner that comes to a shattering climax. The ending is a bit trite, however, and the part of the omniscient narrator played by Tom’s deceased wife is awkward and confusing at times. Recommended for those who enjoy a suspenseful love story with a dose of intrigue.

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Wow, I don’t know what to say without giving away any shocking twists. I was initially drawn to this book by the glowing endorsements from Jodi Picoult and Chris Whitaker, as I admire both authors, and I’m happy to say I wasn’t let down. Though it had its heavier moments, the story remained dynamic, moved along well, and carried an underlying sense of hope and resilience. The characters were richly developed and truly captivating. I highly recommend this book!

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