Member Reviews

This was a first time read for me from Christy Carlyle. It was intriguing and paced well for a mystery. The characters where delightful and the story was well developed. A great first read for a series. Looking forward to the next! Free ARC from net galley for honest review.

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Enjoyable romp with mysterious twists and turns.
Inspector Drake is involved in a serious investigation when Allie comes into his office to report a serious threat overheard at a coffee shop.
Allie is the youngest child and is often overlooked, first by her parents then by her siblings.
Allie was left behind on her siblings new exploration to run the Princes antique shop.
Allie’s shop is burglarized and their investigations become entangled.
Drake wants to kiss her, shake her but mostly wants to protect her as he comes to care for her.
Adventure abounds as Allie gains confidence and Drake learns to heal himself.
Special love story.

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A cute, fast historical romance with no big misunderstandings. Overall the story was enjoyable, but the romance was a bit too quick for me.

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In The Duke and Lady Scandal by Christy Carlyle, Alexandra (Allie) is out on coffee run when she overhears men talking about stealing the Crown jewels, so he goes to report the plot and alert authorities. After her claims are at first dismissed, Allie and Inspector Detective Benedict Drake work together to try and thwart the planned robbery.

Along the way, Allie finally has adventures like the rest of her family, has a romance with Benedict, and the chance to hopefully stop the jewels from being stolen. (No spoilers)

Ms. Carlyle makes her characters fun to read about and to root for. Benedict is working another case that has ties to this one, Allie wants to be her own person in the big personalities in her family and the instant attraction she writes between the main characters is actually believable.

I really enjoyed this book and hope to read more of the author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in lieu of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Alexandra Prince comes from a family of adventurers. While they’re off galavanting the world, she gets left behind to mind their antique store. She’s working on a book about lady pirates, though she longs for adventures of her own. When she overhears a trio of men plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, she decides this is the adventure she’s been waiting for. But she can’t stop them alone.

Detective Inspector Benedict Drake believes that his tenacity is what makes him great at his job. He takes everything seriously. When a bold beauty comes crashing into his office claiming there’s a plot to steal the Crown Jewels he tries to dismiss her at first. But when it becomes evident that she’s on to something he decides to investigate the case. The two team up in an unconventional way to stop the heist from taking place.

We get an instant introduction to who these two characters are as people. The story begins with Benedict on the hunt for a mysterious blackmailer who has been blackmailing the Prince of Wales. When he finally receives a lead for his whereabouts, he goes on a mission to unmask them; however, his plans are thwarted when an associate of the criminal forewarns them, and they leave the scene.

Alexandra longs to be treated seriously by her two older siblings, who are well known adventurers. Impulsive by nature, she believes in rushing in if the situation calls for it, which often leads to a scolding from her older brother. She wants to be seen as an equal by her siblings, but all they see is the baby sister who minds their family shop.

I liked how Ms. Carlyle gave Allie agency. She’s resourceful and quick-witted. I really liked her as a character. Even though Allie inserts herself into the investigation she does so in a way that does not hinder it. It’s very well done on Ms. Carlyle’s part, as oftentimes in HR, independent heroines run head first in to danger to the point of endangering their well being, which leaves the reader questioning their intelligence. This is not the case here; however, as Allie is very calculated and careful with how she approaches aiding Ben.

When Ben and Allie meet there’s an undeniable spark. They instantly see one another for who they truly are. For Allie, it’s a breath of fresh air. He sees her as she is, which is something her siblings fail to do. There’s an attraction sure, but also a curiosity to get to know the other person fully. There’s mutual respect and a connection that builds gradually and organically. Ben accepts her as she is, without chastising her impulsiveness or direct way of speaking. I enjoyed their playful banter. I couldn’t get enough of them! Their chemistry was page turning; the romance was swoon worthy; and the action complemented the romance and helped to further the plot. This book delivers on the adventure and romance it promises.

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Allie comes from a family of adventurers, and they also own an antiquity shop. Allie has never been on one of her family’s expeditions. She’s always left behind to run the store. However, one day she’s out to get coffee when she overhears a plan to steal the royal jewels. Ben is an ambitious detective who only has time to rise through the ranks. When he listens to Allie about what she heard, the two will become embroiled in their own adventure. Strong characters, a sweet romance, a little action, some intrigue….this has a little of everything. It works for this book. I love Christy’s writing and her stories, this is no exception. I do wonder why she never gave us the answer to something that was brought up a few times? (No spoilers) Just seemed like it was kinda important but never went anywhere.

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