Member Reviews

This book is just about perfect - . a story of a dying small town, its residents and a couple of home town heroes. There is discussion about a sports stadium to be built in the area - one town really doesn't want it but they are one of town in the running. Petitions are signed, events planned all to prevent the state from taking over their farms. There is also a interesting love triangle in the picture. The culmination of all their efforts aren't entirely successful, however.....
This is such a fun boojk. It's a welcome and worthwhile addition to her catalog.

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Small town, everyone knows everyone and all their history. Some want to escape, some never want to leave, some end up coming back and maybe getting a second chance at the one that got away. And everyone bands together to try to save the town from changing. Secrets abound, and maybe what you are looking for was there all along. Cute and engaging.

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This was a very Hallmark-eque story with the small town all coming together against the big bad corporations. It was very cheesy in that sense, so if you can get past that, then the story itself gets better and is enjoyable. It was a bit predictable as all Hallmark type movies are. It was pretty good!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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Sing Me Home to Carolina
By: Joy Callaway
Pub date: June 10, 2025
Publisher: Alcove Press

5 🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠

I have loved all of Callaway’s books, BUT this is my favorite.

Hattie comes back to Mountain View, SC to help her parents. She works in the city but is taking time to help in her hometown. She runs into an old flame who broke her heart years ago.

The town gets some news which divides the town. Their little town is being scouted to build a new Carolina Panthers stadium which puts landowners businesses and/or livelihood in jeopardy.

Along with Hattie’s old flame Lee she meets another guy, Fox who owns the hardware store. Hattie finds herself drawn to both for different reasons.

I loved how the town helped each other out when her family needed help. Hattie’s parent’s barn becomes another storyline which brings people together.

An absolutely charming southern novel which would make a perfect Hallmark movie. Callaway’s novels always take me away. I read this in one sitting.

Thank you Alcove Press for the gifted e-ARC.

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Sing Me Home to Carolina by Joy Callaway had me hooked from the first moment that Hattie sees her ex- boyfriend major league baseball star, Lee, singing in the hardware store being run by new to town and handsome and mysterious, Fox.

Sounds like a lot? Throw in a possible town buy out by an NFL team, trying to reconcile being back in your hometown helping your parents, confronting the feelings for the Fox, new feelings for both him and the hardware store guy, AND trying to keep your career going and fun secondary characters and you have this book.

I couldn't put it down and both empathized and wanted to shake Hattie. Both good things!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher fire this ARC? All views are my own.

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Such a feel good, cozy book with an ending l absolutely adored! Joy nailed the charm of a quirky small town and I immediately fell in love with each and every character.

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I was obsessed with Sweet Magnolias and Heart of Dixie, and this is both together, times ten. It was SO gosh darn good! I loved the darling story. The characters felt like friends, the setting felt like home, and the storyline pulled all the heartstrings. It was so beautifully written. Highly recommend! Can this be made into a show now please!?!

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This is not your average small-town romance. Our FMC, Hattie, is at a crossroads, pulled between the demands of her career and the needs of her family and the community in which she was raised. The family farm is failing, the town she loves is dying, and her high school sweetheart is back in town, causing her to feel all kinds of ways. Add in the hunky hardware store owner with a mysterious past and a heart of gold, and we've got ourselves a love triangle. The quirky cast of characters adds charm--think Gilmore Girls, set in a town that has been neglected for far too long. Hattie's struggles feel all too real as her carefully constructed world falls apart, and the themes of abandonment, betrayal, and forgiveness come to a head. Fans of small-town country romance will not be disappointed.

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