Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!!

I’m a Kit Vincent Stan now. I will read everything they write. This was a super fun book and I enjoyed the characters. This is a perfect blend of grief and trauma with cute and fluffy moments.i said awww and laughed quite a few times. There were also plenty of moments where my heart ached. I was a little concerned in the beginning about it being professor/student but that was even discussed in the story. This being set in the 80s threw me a few times cause I wanted to be like “Google it” or “look it up” and it was hilarious when they were talking about one day being able to read books digitally and having to carry around a computer. I also will read anything with hope vampires. It’s my weakness. This comes out right in time for Halloween season as well

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for approving my very eager request to read an arc of this much anticipated book

“What if I am buried along with those things, and no matter how much I try to dig myself out, to climb up this endless dark tunnel, it still feels like I’m only falling deeper into the darkness?”
“Then it is best to make friends with the shadows, Mr. Evergreen. For if you’re shrouded in darkness so complete, so all consuming, that there’s no telling the skies above from the ground below, then what is the difference between falling and flying?”

Having loved all of Kit Vincent’s books so far, I was so excited when I heard about their upcoming release and looked forward to seeing updates about the writing and editing process on Instagram. I had high expectations for Love Immortal, and without giving any plot away, I can say that it exceeded them easily and I was absolutely captivated by Johnathan and Darcian’s story.

Make sure to look up trigger warnings before reading, but if none of them are going to hinder your enjoyment of the book, then I would highly recommend sinking your teeth into this story

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