Member Reviews

Well, this series had completely passed me by – only for the end notes to say that this, the sixth in the franchise, was the very last. Ho hum. It gives strong evidence for a bit of charm from all books – certainly this has a levity, a warmth and a light way with messages that the other books should share. Megabat and Birdgirl – a fruit bat and a pigeon – are with their humans at a Bird Scouts' winter outing, where the bird seems to fall head over talons for an ice sculpture of a real-sized eagle. Megabat is miffed at this, and tries his best to prove his love for the pigeon – and his superiority over the eagle – all to really quite no avail. What is a bat to do with the enemy of unrequited love?
The results involve a lot of funny cod-English dialogue from the Bat, who can talk – more or less, a great amount of very PG-friendly slapstick, and lessons about love, diligence, and keeping a hand on the minor Scout character who likes nothing more than getting lost from the group. I can't swear by the quality of the earlier books, but this at least feels pretty self-contained, and is a gentle bit of whimsy, with huge print making it a credit to those youngsters who haven't yet read many full-sized novels. Stopping a series that seems in good health feels a bit of a disappointment, but this won't disappoint fans – or those who want more, when there are five previous volumes to try out.

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.
It seems my reviews are always to same for the Megabat series. At first Megabat's way of speaking grinds my gears a bit, but I quickly get over it.
I love this series so much and reading Megabat's adventures as a honorary Bird Scout was no different. There was more conflict to resolve in this novel then in most YA and Adult. I have read this year.

From Megabat with Love follows Megabat, who wants to tell Bird Girl that he likes her, but doesn't know how, and Daniel, who is trying to earn his Caring and Sharing Bird Scout badge. Will either find success? They illustrations are very cute and the talking animals would be a sell for kids.
I consider this a beginning chapter book and probably suitable for 2nd-4th grade readers, as some of the vocabulary and the overall page total would be a challenge for younger readers. If you have a kiddo who likes to read series, this is a good option.
Thanks to Tundra Book Group and NetGalley for an eARC of this book for an honest review.

From Megabat with Love is story about a young boy bat trying to express his love for young pidgeon, Birdgirl, in a comedy of errors. With sense of humor similar to the Marx Brothers, Megabat makes silly mistakes with each attempt he makes to let his crush know he cares about her. This book features boy scouts, Valentines Day, and hand-made giftingmaking projects.
As a former pre-school and elementary after-school counselor, I recommend this book for children ages 7-9. Megabat's unique speech pattern is the most challenging aspect of this read, in which younger children may struggle to understand his dialogue - The struggle still a healthy struggle and a good first step for reading idiosyncratic or vernacular text. The book embeds a lesson in idioms and expressions through character discussion to further develop this subskill of communication.
Additionally, this book encourages healthy habits such as holding hands with a buddy, tidying up, only petting strange dogs with the owner's permission. The most prominent feeling this book explores is jealousy.
The illustrations are spunky, cute charcoal sketches, ranging from a half pages to a full page in size. They accompany each storybeat generously. I appreciated how one child was illustrated with very curly hair, adding diversity to the cast of children characters, where physical descriptions are missing from the text.
Thanks to Anna Humphrey and Tundra Books for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

From Megabat With Love is a story that follows Daniel and his little bat friend, Megabat. There is a Scouting element which will be relatable to readers who may be in scouts themselves. While at a scout meeting, MegaBat meets the bird love of his life, and he decides to make a plan that will make her fall in love with him as well. Except things don’t go quite as he had planned.
I would say that this book is an early chapter book with relatively easy vocabulary for young readers. The story itself was cute, but I didn’t personally enjoy the baby-talk speech pattern of Megabat’s dialogue. I read some of the dialogue to my 9 year old son, who said it was a little hard for him to understand. Other than that, though, I thought the story was engaging, and would be a great Valentine’s Day read for kids.
🧚🏻 A huge thank you goes out to NetGalley, Tundra Book Group, and author Anna Humphrey for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

It's Valentine's day and Megabat wants to tell his crush Bird Girl that he loves her... but how? A adorable book in the Megabat series! Filled with shenanigans, adorable drawings, and a very sweet bat as he tries to impress his crush. It's a cute read and I think this series is absolutely adorable. It's one I'd definitely recommend for young readers and its a super easy read as well.
Release Date: December 10,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Tundra Book Group | Tundra Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you, Tundra Books, for the ARC.
As much as the book cover and the blurb talk about “love”, “crush” or “Valentines” I would say “pick up this book for a fun, adventurous read with birds, as main characters, which can actually speak!
Daniel, our little boy, is trying to earn his scout badge as much as he can for the retirement home residents. But things do not turn out as he thought as his Bird Scouts are rather chaotic and tend to get into trouble along the way.
However, things do turn out well with team work and effective communication amongst them. Well, we also get to learn about caring about some of the animals we keep as pets.
Well, a little disappointed as I expected to read more about the valentines/cute parts. The illustrations are awesome.
I wish there were more illustrations!
Overall a fun enjoyable and wholesome read.