Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for allowing me to read this ARC of The Ghost Woods.

This chilling and gothic story about two unwed mothers sent to Lichen Hall in the 1950s and 60s was just so good! It was so atmospheric it felt like I was right there with Pearl and Mabel in that spooky crumpling manor and ghostly woods, on the edge of my seat dying to find out how it would end. This is as my first time read anything written by C.J. Cooke and it definitely will not be my last.

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This book gets a few points for the gothic-themed atmosphere, but it did not read as well as other books by this author. I'm not sure if I had too high of hopes? It honestly didn't draw me in and it took a while to finish.

The premise intrigued me, and I was eager to dive into it. Gothic tales are a favorite, but this one didn’t quite meet my expectations. The witchy, gothic elements felt unconvincing, leaving me unable to fully immerse myself. Additionally, I struggled to connect with the characters, which kept me at arm’s length from the narrative.

The novel is told across two timelines set a few years apart, alternating in blocks of chapters. I found the transitions between these timelines somewhat jarring, and the similarities in plotlines and overlapping characters occasionally left me confused.

In the end, while the book showed potential, it didn’t completely hold my attention. However, this is my first experience with this author’s work, and I’d still be interested in exploring more of their writing to see if this was a one-off disconnect for me

Thank you Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for this ARC!

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The Ghost Woods overflows with a haunting gothic atmosphere that completely captivated me from the start. Pearl, an unwed mother in 1965, goes to Linchen Hall to give birth to her baby. This is supposed to be a safe place where she can keep her privacy and reputation in tact, give her baby up for adoption, and return to her life. Linchen Hall and its residents are, however, not what they seem and Pearl tries to unscramble the secrets hidden within the manor before it is too late.

In an alternate 1959 timeline, we follow Mabel who is also pregnant, but she insists she’s a virgin and has no idea how she is pregnant.

I had a hard time putting this book down! Highly recommended for anyone who wants to get lost in a fantastic gothic mystery.

Thanks for the opportunity to read!

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_The Ghost Woods_ by C.J. Cooke is a suspenseful and atmospheric gothic horror read. Located in the Scottish Borders, Lichen Hall is a refuge for unwed pregnant women wishing to birth their children and give them away to couples looking to adopt. Pearl arrives in 1965 hoping to find a safe haven for her and her unborn child, but she soon finds things may not be as they seem and that those living at the hall are keeping secrets. With folklore of an evil witch and a strange child, Pearl must discover the hall’s secrets in order to escape. Well-developed characters and a menacing mood will keep readers intrigued to the end.

This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Ghost Woods by C.J. Cooke follows Mabel in 1959 and Pearl in 1965 as they are sent to Lichen Hall in the Scottish Borders. Linchen Hall is run by the Whitlock's as a home for unwed mothers to just the select few that are recommended by friends of hers. Once they deliver their babies they are then adopted out at six weeks of age. Mabel who has never had sex isn't exactly sure how she became pregnant. She is bullied by the other young girls at the house. Morven the midwife is the only one that befriends her while she is living at Linchen Hall. Pearl is a young nurse and after she has her baby she wants to go back to work and just move on with her life. Both Mabel and Pearl have noticed strange things in the woods and are sure that their is something else out there. If legands are true there is a witch named Nicnevin from an old Scottish forklore that is some how posessing Mrs. Whitlock . Peral must somehow make sure that everyone but the Whitlock's escapes Lichen Hall before it is too late. Like with all of C.j. Cooke's books The Ghost Woods has strong female charachters that you will not be able to forget. The book touches on the reality of what is was like to be unwed and no support from family and having no say in what they wanted to actually do. They didn't recieve any kind of counseling after they were forced to give their babies up. These women didn't have access to brith control or abortions it was an eye opener to find out in the author's note that in Northern Ireland abortion became legle in 2019 while in the UK it was legel in 1967. I absoulutly loved this book. I would like to thank both NetGalley and Harper Collins for letting me read an advanced copy of The Ghost Woods. I can't wait to read the next book by C.J. Cooke!

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The atmosphere that C.J. creates is incredible and just draws me in. This one kept me on the edge of my seat, I loved it! Very dark and mysterious. Highly recommend!!

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Lichen Hall is a remote estate in England where unwed mothers are sent to have their babies to later give them up for adoption. This is the story of two girls, years apart, who end up in this creepy mansion where all is not what it seems.

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Another C.J. Cooke book that could not be ripped from my hands. As soon as I started it, I knew there would be little else going on that day. My family were thrown snacks and water bottles were handed out. I settled down for one intense atmospheric read that I flew through in one day. The atmospheric setting is one for the books. A truly gothic read, which entails Scottish folklore, deadly mushrooms, a mansion that becomes its own character, and a mishmash of characters who all appear to be different yet are similar in more ways. I loved how Cooke brings up the nightmare scenario of becoming an unwed mother in the 1950s and 1960s. The woman is already petrified, not knowing what is to become of her. Many were sent to little known unwed women's homes. Will Lichen Hall become a home of warmth and understanding or another layer against them in the circumstance they find themselves in?

Mabel has found herself pregnant and unwed. In 1959, this is a major problem. Her mother and stepfather will not have her around the house bringing down their credibility in the community. Where can she go? Lichen Hall seems to be the best bet. As soon as she steps into the enormous house, her breath is sucked out of her. The house feels off, the people inside appear to be hiding something, and she has nowhere to go. In 1965, Pearl Gorham finds herself heading toward Lichen Hall. She feels as though she has had the wind knocked out of her. She is a nurse, she knows better.
She knows she needs to give this child up for adoption and give it the best life possible. She has heard the stories about Lichen Hall, the witch that lives in the Ghost Woods. She is not ready for half of the mansion being closed off due to mold. It seems like the entire house, and the surrounding woods are pulsing with energy. What is going on behind the closed front doors?

Can I tell you how much I love when a dual timeline connects, and it makes sense! The book is masterfully written. Every story line comes together for an explosive ending. I am so intrigued by unwed women's homes. For the most part they were a horrifying part of every nation's history. How can we treat mothers and babies in such a way? This is not all the Cooke ties into the story, you must read it to find out more. Thank you to C.J. Cooke and Berkley for my gifted copy.

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Lichen Hall is such a beautiful setting and a wonderful character on its own. I really enjoyed the character development and the atmosphere that this author was able to craft. Plus, it actually managed to creep me out a bit.

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I am not a slow burn kind of girl. Our FMCs' timelines were separate, but also not separate enough. It's a very character-driven book, and I'm more of a plot-driven reader. Great talent here, but this book just wasn't for me.

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This author writes some really good gothic horror stories. I love how immersive they are and this book was just that. I felt like I was right there with the characters in Lichen Hall. This one is told with dual point of view and one pov takes place in 1959 and the other in 1965. Both are women who are unwed and pregnant and are staying at Lichen Hall. During this time, being unwed and pregnant was frowned upon and both women become outcasts of society. Both women give their babies up for adoption and we explore how they are dealing with this development in their life. It’s a heart wrenching story in a way and full of grief, but also something more sinister. This book was so atmostpheric and just downright creepy at times. I loved how it gave me goosebumps along the way. I enjoyed the pacing of this one, it is gothic so on the slower side, but things pick up in the last third of the book which by then I was also hooked and fully invested. I was shocked at the twist and didn’t see it coming.

If you’re looking for a very atmospheric and creepy read, then check this one out.

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The Ghost Woods by CJ Cooke is the genuinely spooky story of a home for unwed mothers in Scotland.

In 1959, young Mabel goes to stay at the Whitlock’s grand house in the woods to deliver her child, miffed at how she has become pregnant, claiming she never had sex. This is followed by twenty-two year old nurse Pearl Gorham’s similar story of unwed motherhood that occurs in 1965. The reader learns about strange happenings in these woods that occur during both of the both of these stories. Also mentioned is the creepiness of Wulfric, the Whitlock’s grandson. Are the woods haunted by a witch or something more even more sinister?

The plot was well thought out and brilliantly executed. And hey, I even picked up a bit of Latin! Though we shift narrators and timelines, it is easy to follow and the characters are well thought out and crisply executed. The quirks and, alternatively, responsible air of Mabel and Pearl, our narrators. This story is genuinely creepy and times both gruesome and captivating. It’s a fantasy/sci-fi mashup (with some mad scientist thrown in) that will keep you guessing along with its various twists and turns. Four stars—if you don’t mind creepy, pick it up and enjoy.

I received this advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and feedback.

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I loved the fungi aspect of the book. Fungi horror/fantasy is a favourite subtrope of mine, since fungi is just so strange.
Witches. I’m always here for witches.
I liked the historical aspect of showing the places where unwed and pregnant women and girls would be forced to go. Seeing how horrible they were treated and the kids not even having legal adoptions is horrible but mostly likely historical accurate. There was an authors note saying the last one closed in 1990 😳😳.
I just felt like I wanted more of the book. The ending felt rushed to me and I started to lose interest as it went on.

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I enjoyed this book. It was a bit longer than necessary but still good. It kept me wanting to read to see where it was going. Though it was obviously going to a home where unwed mothers stay. Little did they know what awaited them. And you won't find out until the last third of the book. It's quite good but I did feel that the ending was a bit rushed. Like it went from the friends being made to the horror of what the father did. The father of the home. It's not what you think....

Two young women are pregnant in different timelines. One in 1959 the other in 1965. This is each woman's story. Though one is in my opinion just a child. A teen. Not a full on woman at all. You get to know each and how they came to be at Lichen Hall, the home for unwed mothers.

How Mabel, in 1959, and Pearl, in 1965, come to know each other or how their lives cross is interesting also. Each of these young women have hardships. Mabel is from a very poor family and she honestly can't remember ever having sex. What could have happened to this young lady? Pearl was a respected nurse who fell pregnant after her boyfriend/fiance broke up with her and she slept with another to somewhat make herself feel better. Back in this time an unwed girl/woman was cast out. Considered fallen and undesirable as marriage material.

After each gives birth you see how they deal with placing their babies with strangers. It's for the best don't you know. One child ends up staying and you will love him. Or I did. The couple running the house are very strange. Certain things have caused them to be strange and one being the many mushrooms that they seem to love growing.

There are other girls that ended up living at Lichen Hall. Their home lives were that horrible. They live and work for the Whitlocks. For Mrs Whitlock more so that her husband. He's in his own world until he develops dementia. It is said that the Whitlock's son Wulfric was killed then his parents took his body away from the morgue. Also that he was seen sometime later in town very much alive...

When one of the girls disappears the others start a frantic search. What they find is not good but Mrs Whitlock is hesitant to bring in the police. She also will not allow doctors or trips to the hospital. That was a bit puzzling at first. There are lots of rules living here. And you have to do what you are told. You have to be careful of going into the woods also. There is something out there. Something terrifying.

The ending was good but I wish it would have been explained in more detail without adding a lot. That doesn't make sense unless you know how rushed the ending kind of was. I think some of the first half of the story could have been skipped and more of what happened to the survivors added. What exactly happened to them and how were they saved. Maybe....

Thank you #NetGalley, #Berkly, for this ARC. This is my own thoughts about this book.

4 stars.

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A gothic horror historical fiction? Yes please. What's going on at Lichen Hall? Mabel and Pearl are both pregnant in the 1959 and 1965. Both are sent to live and eventually give birth at Lichen Hall. The portrayal of unwed mothers during this time is heartbreaking, they are treated like a pariah by society. This is a gothic haunted story based on folklore. A very enjoyable read.

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Spooky and delicious, C J Cooke has come up with an original gothic and scary novel that keeps you guessing until the explosive ending. The Whitlocks, who own Lichen Hall, take in unwed mothers and make money by giving the girls babies up for private adoption. I found the two timelines very confusing as they’re only a few years apart and the same characters appear in both. I had a hard time keeping track of what character and what timeline I was reading until further on in the book when it finally makes sense. Still a fast taut gothic thriller.

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"Pearl Gorham arrives in 1965, one of a string of young women sent to Lichen Hall to give birth. And she soon suspects the proprietors are hiding something."
Lichen Hall is full of stories, including witches, ghosts and more. Pearl sets out with help to find out about Lichen Hall with help. The depiction of motherhood, especially those who were unwed in the 1960s was sad due to their treatment and lack of assistance. There is a great deal of scandalous rumors about the Hall, and Pearl immerses herself right in. As the story unfolds, events become more horrifying. Definitely a perfect read for people who like Gothic horror with supernatural elements.

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In The Ghost Woods by C.J. Cooke, my latest Net Galley review book, two women, Mabel and Pearl, have babies at different points in time in the same place: Lichen Hall. The story shifts back in forth, Mabel in the past (50s) and Pearl in the “present” (60s) showing how each deal with giving birth and what happens to their children. Eventually the two stories intertwine in a frightening manner. There is even more to the story, but you’ll have to discover that spooky mystery for yourself.

The Ghost Woods is a slow burning story. It takes it really long time to get going. I found it very interesting and yet I kept wanting the pace of the story to pick up. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like the book in the end, but when this story picked up, I could not put the book down. The last few chapters go at a breakneck pace and left me completely stunned. The revelations of the book and the final fates of Pearl and Mabel took my breath away.

This is a book you have to be a patient with. It has a lot to say and it says it very well. Pearl and Mabel are both complex characters and so are the other women who appear in the book. The Ghost Woods is largely a character story, though it does have a really good mystery there too. The writing is excellent, especially the dialogue. In the end, I enjoyed The Ghost Woods much more than I thought I would.

If you enjoy slow-burning gothic stories with a bit of mystery and complex characters, then you should check out The Ghost Woods when it comes out next year. Its a really good story!

The Ghost Woods by C.J. Cooke will be released on April 29th, 2025. Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for providing an early digital copy of this book for review.

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This had a horror element that I was looking for and was enjoying from this type of book. The concept was a great way of using the Gothic manor and how everything felt like it belonged in that genre. I was invested in the characters and was glad I got to read this book. C. J. Cooke always does a great job in writing this type of book and leaving me wanting more.

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📖 Book Review 📖 Now and then…when your whole life has felt haunted by spirits and shadows, time moves in such a fluid manner while simultaneously remaining stagnant. Deep in the mysterious woods of northern Scotland there lies Lichen House, a hidden away manor for unwed mothers to disappear until babies can be adopted to their forever homes. But something strange lurks in the trees and the line between reality and the unknown blends together marvelously in C.J. Cooke’s The Ghost Woods. This hauntingly beautiful gothic horror novel captures a moment in history where unwed mothers were cast aside in the dark while still casting light on the stigma and shame that still casts shadows and haunts vulnerable populations. Told in in a dual timelines, The Ghost Woods is an enchantingly atmospheric read bristling with secrets and folklore.

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