Member Reviews

I have read all of the books that have been released in the A Day to Remember series and this one was a great addition. I have been amazed at the disasters that have happened across America and the damage that occurred as well as the effect on the lives of the people who experienced the tragedies. The characters are well developed and you will become connected to them and their lives. It was interesting to watch Griffen grow and develop into an individual who finally respected himself and value his contribution to the world. I also enjoyed getting to know Lillian and watch how she made a difference in so many lives. This book will have your heart aching at the loss experienced as well as the beauty of the relationships that develop. Watching how God can use even difficult situations to bring people together and help people develop a close relationship with Him is encouraging. While part of a series, you can definitely read each one as a standalone novel. This book will tug at your heartstrings and you will find that you will be invested in the lives of the people affected by the avalanche. It is a tale of love, loss, hope, fear, support, anger, God’s amazing grace.
Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Fiction for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.
For more reviews, please visit my blog at: https://www.msladybugsbookreviews.com/. Over 1000 reviews posted!
Historical Fiction

I struggled with this story. The characters were fine, the writing was good, and the story was fine. I just didn't relate to the characters' struggles or their personalities. It was an important story to tell, and the townspeople banding together was encouraging. And the faith messages were well-done. I have enjoyed this series so far.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This is really 3.75⭐️!
I enjoyed the themes in the book & the theme of faith is really woven throughout. Both main characters likable & sweet. I think there were some cheesy moments/writing that kinda took me out of the story for a second.
Would still recommend if you don’t mind some cheesiness, because it was a powerful book with good reminders of faith, hope & trusting God’s character even in hard times.
Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

The disastrous Avalanche of 1910 is the topic at the heart of the story. In a Great Northern Railway stop, Wellington, difficult weather with unceasing snow lead to an avalanche taking the lives of nearly 100 people.
The author brings the story to life, giving backgrounds to historical people and a couple fictional people. Trapped eight miles by way of a treacherous trail from the town of Scenic, WA, the village of Wellington was the center of the disaster.
Debutante Lillian of Everett, WA ends up in Wellington to distract herself while he intended takes care of business in San Francisco. Her cousin, Elizabeth, is in Wellington and soon to give birth. Lillian is there to lend a hand. The unlikely yet loveable hero is Griffin, a laborer for the railroad. He has a reading deficiency which makes him an object of ridicule among his coworkers. But, his heart and his faith are large enough to overcome the disdain.
I think it is important for stories of the past to be told to us, so we can understand and appreciate the circumstances.

A single instant. Nothing will ever be the same....
The Day To Remember series has been a fascinating one. Each story featuring a different disaster that changed the lives of the survivors and the landscapes around them. Some of them changing history as well. I'm honestly a bit surprised that I had never heard of the Wellington Avalanche before this book, especially considering my love of history and relatively close proximity to its location. Part way through reading When The Avalanche Roared I looked it up online and found a photo of the disaster and I must say that it is impossible to even begin to comprehend the power of nature and the horror of what the people went through.
I must admit that the story started out slow for me. And, as important as the disaster itself was, it was the aftermath that really spoke. The grief, questioning, and anger of the characters as they grapple with how God could have allowed such tragedy is where When The Avalanche Roared truly shines. Lauralee Bliss' heart wrenching portrayal of a town pulling together through unimaginable loss and horror, coming to terms with what they've been through, and slowly forging a new life is one that won't be quickly forgotten. It was that part of the story that I read straight through unable to put the book down.
As with the rest of the A Day To Remember series, this book was emotionally moving. Lauralee Bliss' contribution to the series is not to be missed especially if you enjoy fiction based on true and dramatic events.
(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

When the Avalanche Roared is a fun historical fiction novel that brings you the facts of the catastrophe but with fiction to make it fun. This is part of a six-book series. The entire series focuses on natural disasters and their aftermath. They bring horrible times in history to life and let you see what people might have been doing or what it might have felt like. They bring history to life!
I’ve had the pleasure of being able to read all of the books so far. And I can say with certainty that they are amazing. The authors really pour themselves into the work. They must have spent hours on research. And then they create a story that allows them to be where the disaster happened.
Griffin is our hero.
He’s not your typical swarthy handsome and oh-so-strong hero though. He’s described as slow. Maybe even a bit dim-witted. But reliable. And faithful. And true. When push comes to shove he’s also the one who is going to do what is right no matter the cost.
Lillian is our heroine.
She’s unsure of herself. She’s not sure where she belongs. And she’s waiting for her fiance to come rescue her from this backwards town.
Griffin likes Lillian but she doesn’t even see him because she’s waiting to leave. She’s not getting involved. And she’s definitely not looking for anything good to come from her stay.
But then disaster strikes. And they are forced to work together to save people. During that time she sees Griffin for who he really is. And she gains respect for him and maybe something more.
This was a great book! I truly enjoyed reading it. It’s going on our shelf of historical fiction to pull out when we study events in history. Because I don’t believe a book has to be non-fiction to allow you to learn about history. And because it’s a great piece of history plus it’s a clean read for my older kids.
I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

Barbour Publishing always develops fantastic series for their readers with a Powerful Message that doesn’t shy away from God’s Truth. Barbour Publishing’s A Day to Remember series continues this standard, creating a series where each book centers around a different day in history where life changed forever. When the Avalanche Roared is the fifth book in the A Day to Remember series. When the Avalanche Roared by Lauralee Bliss centers around an avalanche disaster in the town of Wellington, Washington in the 1900s. Before the avalanche. Lillian arrives in Wellington to help her Cousin as her Cousin awaits the birth of her first child. Plus, it gives Lillian a chance to escape planning her wedding. When Lillian arrives, she meets Griffin, a railroad worker. Griffin is a wonderful man–always helping others, working hard, and having a deep Faith. The only thing that Griffin lacks is the ability to read. Being sheltered all of her life, Lillian was in for a shock as to how life in Wellington would be. Lillian soon fell in love with Wellington–it’s life and it’s people–not only helping her Cousin, but also those in need, and taking a job helping the Town’s Postmistress. Lillian also helps Griffin learn to read. When the trains are stalled on the tracks in Wellington and people are stuck on the train for days due to the weather, Lillian and Griffin help the Passengers and Train Workers. When the unthinkable happens, Griffin and Lillian struggle with Faith in God and where life will lead them next, and whether they will continue to be in one another’s lives.
I loved getting a chance to read Lauralee Bliss’ When the Avalanche Roared and enjoyed reading it! I thought Ms. Bliss did a wonderful job setting up the story of the events leading up to that fateful day. I enjoyed meeting Lillian and Griffin. I love how Lillian was written to be sheltered and spoiled, or at least that was how she was perceived by others in the community, and me, at first, but that when Lillian arrived in Wellington, her true nature shined and blossomed. I love that even when Lillian was afraid or hesitant to do something new, she stepped up and did it anyway. I believe Griffin is my favorite character in When the Avalanche Roared. Griffin, to me, was an all around sweet guy. I love that Griffin wasn’t afraid to go above and beyond the call of duty if that was warranted and that Griffin wasn’t ashamed of where he came from or to be bold in his Faith, despite being mercilessly bullied for it. I love Lillian’s Faith Journey in the book! I love how Lillian was real about the state of her Faith to Griffin and, how, because of her honesty, Lillian’s desire for a deeper relationship with God grew, giving the opportunity for a relationship with Jesus to grow and blossom, should Lillian choose to accept it. I love the way Ms. Bliss portrayed the Faith Journeys of Griffin and Lillian, showing both sides of the spectrum and that we all have questions about Faith in God at times and how hard it is to hold onto our Faith in those moments at times. I loved learning about avalanches through When the Avalanche Roared. I thought Ms. Bliss did a wonderful job of portraying the incident well, writing the incident delicately while staying true to what happened and including interesting tidbits that surrounded the event into the storyline. I enjoyed the escape that When the Avalanche Roared gave me and loved learning about a day in history that I did not know about before. If you are looking for a great escape that teaches you lessons of working through your Faith and encourages you to Trust God regardless of what is going on, then I highly recommend When the Avalanche Roared by Lauralee Bliss! I am also looking forward to reading more of the A Day to Remember series in the future!
Have you read When the Avalanche Roared? What did you think of the book?
I would like to thank the Publisher, NetGalley, and Celebrate Lit Blogging Tours for giving me a copy of When the Avalanche Roared to review, for letting me be a part of When the Avalanche Roared Celebration Tour, and for providing the information needed for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
My review is also on Amazon (Review Pending), Goodreads, and my blog Leslie's Library Escape.

I have enjoyed every book from the "A Day To Remember" series, and When the Avalanche Roared is no exception. I enjoy learning about these little-known natural disasters; I guess I'm nerdy that way.
I enjoyed watching Lillian's faith grow throughout the story, and how steady Griffin is in his walk with the Lord, and in life in general.
If you enjoy historical Christian fiction, based on true events, with a touch of romance, you'll want to add this to your TBR list.

I thought this was a good story that captured the heartache of this natural disaster. I grew up in WA so it was interesting to read about this event since it is one that I had never heard about. I liked how well the author described the scene because I have traveled through the Cascades multiple times and could image an avalanche happening. I thought the author did a good job of making us feel connected to the characters and helped us to feel what they felt. I liked how each person had to deal with the trauma in their own way and how it changed them. I liked how the tragedy shaped Lillian and helped her to see who she really was and where she wanted to be. I also appreciate the research that went into this story and the author was sensitive to the lives lost in this tragedy. I think the books in this series are very well done. Not only do they give us a glimpse into events that are not widely known but they also help us to see the hand of God in tragedy. I would recommend these stories.
I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors. A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

“While tragedy appeared to tear lives apart, it also had a way of knitting people together for God’s great purpose.”
What an amazing series Barbour has produced with this series, A Day to Remember! Each book recounts a little-known tragedy in North American history. Though related by theme, each novel is a standalone. Lauralee Bliss pens the latest, exciting release, When the Avalanche Roared.
I am pleased to say I didn’t cry as I read this book. But I’m pretty sure my heart did. My heart broke for the “gentle giant” of a man, Griffin Jones, a Wellington, WA rail worker in 1910. Unable to read, possibly mentally slow (I couldn’t decide on this one), his fellow workers play pranks and denigrate him at every opportunity. Life in the Cascade Mountains is brutal, but Griffin’s coworkers make it nearly unbearable! Yet, Griffin, because of his faith, is kind, seeking to help others whenever he can, and resists retaliation against his enemies. What if it could be said of all of us Christians as it is to Griffin: “You showed me a God who wasn’t some steeple or pages in a book but a living Person who cared.”
Lillian Hartwick travels to the small railroad town of Wellington to help her cousin Elizabeth, who is expecting. When Lillian becomes depressed by the difference between her home city and this hamlet, Griffin takes it upon himself to suggest Lillian help in the mailroom. Lillian learns to love the Wellington people, but how will her rich fiancé (who has been away) feel about the town and her growing friendship with Griffin? Will he understand the town’s desperate needs following the tragedy?
Besides Griffin, I loved the characters of Sarah Covington and Mrs. Bailets. Sarah Covington does not give in to the peer pressure of those around her and succumb to panic, but rather quotes and truly believes verses like Isaiah 40:31-“They that wait on the Lord renew their strength and will mount up with wings like eagles.” Mrs. Bailets seems to be present wherever and whenever there is a need.
I received a copy of the book from the publisher via Celebrate Lit. I also bought my own copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.
Notable Quotables:
‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.’ When you got Him leading you, you don’t need nothing else.”- Griffin’s mom
“His understanding is a picture much bigger than ours. And we can leave our hurting questions with Him.”
“You can’t pretend before the Lord. He knows your heart, everything about you.”
“Give this to God… He can carry it.”
“He couldn’t give her hope, though with God there was always hope.”

When the Avalanche Roared is the fifth book in the A Day to Remember series. The series is based off historical events. This story is written by Lauralee Bliss. I have really enjoyed this series. Some of the events I have read about, but some, like this one is new to me. I always love when I can learn.
Lillian Hartwick is engaged. She is waiting for her fiancé to come from California. She has been in the small railroad town of Wellington, Washington, caring for her cousin and assisting the postmaster. However they experience a lot of snow and everything comes grinding to a halt. Griffin Jones, who works odd jobs for the railway has been trying to catch Lillian's eye. Griffin is made fun of because he is not the brightest crayon in the box.
On March 1, 1910, a devasting avalanche happens. Griffin and Lillian rush to help those affected. What I love is despite how bad Griffin has been made fun of, he jumps right in to assist even those who hurt him. I love how the author not only wrote about a literal avalanche, but life that was changing for those in the story. They have real struggles. I thought the author captured the time period beautifully.
Thank you to the author, publisher and Celebrate Lit or allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 is the fifth book in the 𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 series. Each book features a historic disaster. It grabbed my attention quickly.
This story covers a historic avalanche in Wellington, Washington in the early 1900s, and the many tragic events happening in recent days made this tale especially moving. Though an avalanche is a different kind of catastrophe than the tragic hurricanes, fires, and plane crashes that have recently impacted the US, each of these tragedies are similarly dreadful, memorable, and life changing.
This story features themes of faith, hope, and love amidst tragedy, and follows the journey of characters Lillian and Griffin. The story reveals dark events, damage, and heartbreaking loss, but through it all, the light of faith shines bright.
“𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘣𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴.”
~A quote from the book
Lillian and Griffin are intriguing characters. It is so rewarding to witness their growth, in both their faith and their relationship. Lillian’s spiritual journey is touching and relatable, and Griffin stole my heart as he carried his difficult load with faith and temperance. Because of this, quiet, resilient, warm hero, this book is my favorite in the series.
First Line: The hand shook in a voiceless plea for help.
Series: A Day to Remember, book 5
Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Mystery & Suspense
Author: Lauralee Bliss
Page Count: 256
#CoverLoverBookReview received an advanced reader copy of this book. Opinions are 100% my own.

This story was not my usual type of read, but it left a lasting impact. Experiencing a romance unfold amidst such a heartbreaking tragedy was incredibly difficult, especially knowing it was based on true historical events. The loss of life, the trapped passengers, and the devastating day that changed so many lives made this an emotional journey. It was a challenging read, yet a necessary one.
I found myself deeply engaged with the historical events and drawn into Lillian’s struggle with her faith, as well as Elizabeth’s challenges as a new mother. Griffin’s character was especially compelling,his struggles with literacy and the way he was treated because of it added depth to his story. This book is one that will stay with me for a long time. It wasn’t an easy read, and after finishing, I even found myself researching the real-life events, moved to tears. However, I’m grateful that Lauralee highlighted this part of history and wove a powerful story of love, faith, resilience, and new beginnings.
The story follows Lillian as she travels to Wellington to assist her pregnant cousin. There, she meets Griffin, who quickly becomes a close friend. Upon discovering that he cannot read, she agrees to tutor him, strengthening their bond. However, Lillian is engaged to someone else, forcing both of them to suppress their growing feelings. When a devastating avalanche brings the town to a standstill, Lillian and Griffin work tirelessly to help their community, and in doing so, their connection deepens. But when her fiancé returns to claim her after the disaster, Lillian is left at a crossroads. After everything she’s experienced, she cannot simply return to her old life unchanged. Is it Wellington itself that holds her heart, or is it her friendship with Griffin that makes leaving so unthinkable?
This book is not a lighthearted read, but I would definitely recommend it. It has sparked my curiosity about the other books in the series.
I received a complimentary copy of this book, and this review reflects my honest opinion.

This is another good addition to the series drawing attention to major disasters in U.S. history. Bliss's book reveals the emotional toll of such a disaster. She weaves human stories around the historical facts, incorporating fictional characters as well as historical ones. Her Author's Note identifies the factual people who did historic recovery work after the disaster.
Bliss includes a few additional sociological issues. One is the class distinction of the day, the wealthy looking down on the common laborer, especially one who could not read. Another is the after effects of experiencing such a disaster, both on those who lost loved ones and those who helped after the most deadly avalanche in U.S. history. The novel has a very good faith message too. I recommend it.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

I have read books by Lauralee Bliss before and generally enjoyed them. I was interested to read When the Avalanche Roared because I live in Washington State and recognized the places the author describes. I have read some great reviews for it, but this book just didn't float my boat. I didn't connect with the characters and the story felt forced. I only finished it to fulfill a review through NetGalley.
When the Avalanche Roared is about a young woman who feels like life is giving her no option but to marry the only man interested in her and she wants something more. Lillian jumps at the chance to visit and help a very pregnant cousin and sort out her mixed feelings. While there, a huge avalanche wakes the town to catastrophic circumstances. Lillian needs to reach deep in herself to find out what's she made of and how she can help those around her.
This book really is a Christian fiction read. Unlike some fiction labeled "Christian" that don't even mention God, this book has Scripture, old hymns, and a general theme that God is in control. I like that. So, while this wasn't my favorite book, you might like it!

When the Avalanche Roared by Lauralee Bliss is a hopeful yet serious look at an actual natural disaster and it’s aftermath. This book while being serious and true to the story beautifully shows God’s love and care for His children even when we don’t understand His reasons or ways. This book deals with hard subjects while pointing to Christ and His love. I give this book 5 stars. I received complimentary review copy of this book.

So hard to read but couldn't put it down. This is a fantastic fictional account of the real avalanche that killed nearly 100 people including travelers stuck on a train. Sweet and romantic, inspirational and utterly heartbreaking. Lillian, transforms from the rich socialite to a young lady who truly loves and exhibits grace to all around her. She and Griffin meet while she is engaged to a wealthy business owner back home, but Griffin's simple ways and his deep faith appeal to her more and more. When tragedy strikes Lillian and Griffin work together with other survivors to do what they can to help friends and strangers alike, and even a few enemies. The aftermath of the avalanche is so horrific that the survivors are forever changed as they fight their own fears, heartaches and depression brought on by the disaster.
Will Lillian and Griffin find a way past the death and destruction and into each other's hearts? Read this book full of historical facts and heartfelt fiction. You will remember it long after the final page is turned.

Several years ago I read a very detailed account of the horrific 1910 avalanche that devastated the remote town of Wellington, WA and caused the death of dozens of stranded railroad passengers. I still remember the photos of the huge train engines outfitted with circular snowplows meant to keep tracks and tunnels clear. But after days of unending snow followed by an unseasonal thunderstorm, a roaring avalanche pushed train cars off the tracks and buried them in huge piles of snow. Lauralee Bliss has written an emotional fictional account of that real life event. When Lillian Hartwick's fiancee announces that he will be away for months for business in California, she follows her mother's advice and travels to small town Wellington to help a young cousin who is pregnant with her first child. Elizabeth's husband works on the plows of the railroad and is gone for long periods of time, but once Lillian arrives she finds that she, too, is lonely and with not much to do. Raised as a genteel lady, she knows her mother would be horrified, but Lillian takes a job helping sort the mail. And she also meets a large, kind(but uneducated) laborer who seems to be sweet on her. It is through Lillian, Elizabeth, and Griffin that readers will learn the story of the avalanche and the stories of those who perish and those who survive. Underlying is a tale of faith tested and faith triumphant.

This is another offering from Barbour Publishing’s Days to Remember series. This one continues the precedent set by the other stories. Suspenseful and tragic circumstances that test the characters’ strength and faith. These stories are all based on actual events which adds an element of believability.
This story is set in the state of Washington in 1909. Pampered Lillian has traveled to the railroad town of Wellington to help her cousin who is preparing for her first baby. While she’s there, she also helps out in the post office. She is accustomed to having maids and servants and the lifestyle change is eye opening for her as she has to become more independent. She becomes friends with Griffin, an illiterate railroad worker whose faith helps him endure the harsh weather and living conditions and the heartless taunts from his co-workers.
One morning in 1910, the snowstorms and ice buildup cause a devastating avalanche, taking with it two trains, several buildings and many people. Lillian and Griffin work together, trying to rescue and care for the survivors. Even though Lillian is engaged to a man who is successful in the timber business, she begins to have feelings for Griffin.
This is a story of tragedy and sadness and the aftermath of disasters. It’s also about the power of faith and prayer. It deals with the stereotype of literacy, the role of women in society, the contrast between the worker and management, and barriers between the wealthy and the poor.
The characters are well developed and engaging and the suspenseful story line will draw you in.
This is from the publisher’s website:
“The Day Hope Seemed Swept Away
Enjoy a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.
Lillian Hartwick has been in the small railroad town of Wellington, Washington, caring for her cousin and assisting the postmaster when February snows bring all train traffic to a halt. Slow-witted but kind Griffin Jones, who works odd jobs for the railway while enduring taunts from other workers, has tried his best to gain Lillian’s interest, but she is engaged and waiting her fiancé’s arrival from California. Predawn thunderstorms on Tuesday, March 1, 1910, trigger a devasting avalanche, sweeping two trains down Stevens Pass. Lillian and Griffin work together to help survivors, including Griffin’s tormentors. In the midst of the catastrophe their feelings for each other grow. But is it enough when Lillian’s fiancé finally arrives in the spring, ready to claim her as his own?”
This is the third book in the series that I have read. I look forward to reading the remaining stories.
I received a complimentary ARC** of this book from Barbour Publishing via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.
**A word about ARC books. Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs) are a preview copy and are not a finished product. They may differ from the final published work and may include additional editing. My reviews may include some things that vary from the final published book.

When the Avalanche Roared is Lauralee Bliss' contribution to the multi author series, A Day to Remember. I enjoyed reading this installment of the series. I found it to be an emotional story with the vivid descriptions of the devastation. Despite the trauma the characters were experiencing, it offered hope and faith that I found to be inspiring. There were other powerful messages within the pages that many readers would learn from. I loved every single page.
I am going to give When the Avalanche Roared five plus stars. I highly recommend it for fans who love clean historical fiction based on real events. I would be interested in reading more from Lauralee Bliss in the future.
I received a paperback copy of Lauralee Bliss' When the Avalanche Roared from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.