Member Reviews

Thank you so much Netgalley and the publisher of this book for the copy of my arc. I am enjoying this book and will read more. I’m loving this book.
Pub date is on November 12,2024 and I definitely need to grab myself a physical copy of this book so I can highlight and annotate it.

Full review to follow but it is already 5 stars for me.

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This book uses recent scientific research to show the real impact of screen addiction. The book itself is pretty short and I love the research done. It's mainly about how social media is causing us to have a short attention span. Some parts, like evolution, I didn't agree with, but overall it was an interesting read.

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This is an important and well-written book. I appreciate that most of the author’s claims were backed up by evidence. Additionally, there were a lot of practical suggestions for how to improve attention and health. Even though this book is similar to many others being sold today, there were still a few points that I hadn’t seen before. The book talks a lot about how evolution explains the humans are today, which was interesting, even though I didn’t always find it convincing considering that some of what we do today is very adversarial to our health and survival. I still think this book is a necessary read for today - and especially vital for people involved in the lives of children. I found a lot to apply both in my teaching and in my parenting (not to mention my own screen habits!). I give this book 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC. This review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon closer to publication.

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