Member Reviews

This is the second book in this series about Adrian Croft, the son of an infamous crime boss in Regency England. His wife, Samantha, is actually a woman who was trained since she was a young girl to be some sort of super spy. She was tasked with finding Adrian’s secret files, but she fell in love with him and they got married. Then he found out that she’d been spying on him and now resents her. They have to resolve their romantic problems while investigating a new gruesome murder.

I enjoyed this series, but it’s rather dark. And it does end with a cliffhanger. I didn’t like that. I think it’s possible to carry forth a romantic mystery series without ending in cliffhangers.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I am obsessed with this new series. I read the prequel and first book before starting this one. I was immediately sucked into the Adrian/Samantha storyline and couldn’t wait to start Book 2 to find out what happened next. Despite both characters having mysterious pasts and having done things they know could be judged harshly by the other, they marry and must build a life built on lies. The tension of knowing each person has the capacity and ability to take down the other is how the book begins and Samantha and Adrian must decide how much they are willing to try to trust each other, if at all. Samantha is torn between her husband and the man who raised her and is put into situations where she must make choices about her loyalty. Eventually, the law catches up to Samantha and Adrian and we are left wondering if their relationship will survive. I can’t wait to find out in the next book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book

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Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of this book. I’ve always liked Sophie Barnes’ books, but this one is exceptional. I was on the edge of my seat, trying to guess who was the villain, and trying to see Adrian Croft as the villain the police chief wanted him to be. It’s the first in the House of Croft series, and unfortunately, I discovered at the end, that it’s a cliffhanger. This story is so complicated, with so many potential suspects, I’ll have to take notes so that I remember who everyone is when book two is released. I wish I had it in hand now.

There were times when I wondered if there had been a previous book where some of the background of the Crofts was explained. When I posted on Goodreads, I discovered there was. I wish I'd read that first. It's not that I couldn't follow this story; it's that I loved it so much, I wish I'd been introduced to it sooner. There was mention of the murder of Adrian’s sister, and Samantha being “rescued” from an orphanage by a benefactor, Dorian Harlowe, who turns out to be a spy for the Crown; he trains her and her sisters to be spies, as well. Samantha has been sent to ferret out information about Croft and his criminal activities and goes so far as to marry him to get closer to him. It’s really not surprising that she develops feelings for him and changes her allegiance, but she strives not to let the police chief or her father/boss know about her true motivations.

Samantha is a badass, and Adrian is lucky to have her as an ally, but there’s a small part of him that continues to doubt her loyalty. When he initially confronts her about her duplicity, she confesses her initial motivations but swears she would die for him now and her only desire is to protect him. He wants to believe her, and it seems as if he does, but there’s a nagging voice in the back of his head warning him she may betray him. Of course, the reader knows that she won’t because we’re privy to both of their thoughts.

Part of the reason the plot is so complicated is because, while Samantha and Adrian are working together to track down the murderer of the young girl from the beginning of the story, the police are simultaneously trying to find evidence that Croft is a criminal—and they expect Samantha to be helping uncover that evidence. She tries to thwart their efforts as best she can without making it clear she’s undermining them.

The story is tense and engaging, and subterfuge runs rampant. We still don’t know who the main villain is by the end of the story, although I have a theory. Honestly, I can’t wait to get my hands on book two because I’m dying to know what happens next!

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it had that concept that I wanted from this type of book. The characters were everything that I wanted and enjoyed the overall concept with them. It uses the romance element perfectly and was respecting done. Sophie Barnes has a great writing style and it left me wanting to read more.

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The second book in the series picks up shortly after the end of the first book. Samantha and Adrian are trying to work out their marriage when they are pulled into a gruesome murder investigation. There is a lot going on in this story, but it moves along well, and ends with a cliff hanger. I am looking forward to seeing where we are taken next.

I received an ARC for free and gave my honest opinion voluntarily.

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This novel has romance, intrigue, suspense and vengeance. The author keeps her readers enthralled and turning pages. I can't wait to read how the story comes to its conclusion.

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It's been a month or so since their wedding, and yet there is an odd tension between Adrian and his new bride, Samantha when they should still be in that "honeymoon" phase. Samantha worries about this, while Adrian wonders how he could have been deceived so well, and fallen for the spy sent to take him down. Will Samantha figure out her new husband has learned of her deceit? Will Adrian realize Samantha actually loves him and forgive her?

I was about 30% of the way into this book before I realized it was the 2nd in the House of Croft series. Author Sophie Barnes did an excellent job at recapping the important points from the first novel, without it feeling like a "recap". I was really digging the first part of this book, and slowly started to get bogged down with people and timelines. I took particular issue to some action timelines that happened in the same day, but descriptions did make sense. At one point, it was described that Adrian and Samantha arrived at a destination as the sun was sinking below the roof tops, and the sky was golden (I'm paraphrasing, but the author described Golden Hour beautifully) then, once they leave to their next location, they are following a person, and it is mentioned that attacking him would not be good in "broad daylight" (actual term used) That very much took me out of the story. A few chapters later, a similar incident occurred where two people meet just before 6pm, and then when one arrives home after this meeting, they are asked what they would like to drink "this afternoon" I am probably being too picky on this, but it really threw me for a loop, and had me questioning that I had just read, thinking I missed something in the story line that I needed to go back and check. Some of the other writing felt a bit immature at times. Though I was really curious about who the killer was, (I was right) and what was going to happen between Adrian and Samantha.
I will read the next book in the series, probably even the first so I can have the full story.
All in all, I would give it 2.5 stars, rounding up to 3 for the purposes of this platform's rating system.
Thank you to NetGalley and for the ARC of this book.

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I have no words to describe how absolutely 0 A TainteHeart Bleeds is. It has romance, intrigue, suspense and vengeance. I was extremely fortunate to receive an ARC of the story written by the amazing Sophie Barnes. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This is the second book in the House of Croft series, and a continuation of Samantha and Adrian Croft's story. Once trust is broken, it is very hard to rebuild and we see this with Adrian, always doubtful of his wife because she never told him the truth about how and why she came into his life. I am in awe of Sophie Barnes. She has kept her readers enthralled and I can't wait to read how the story xomes to its conclusion. Superb!

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Review: Really good writing sums up this first installment of a series yet to come. I enjoyed the story line that moved with alacrity while developing solid characterization. Samantha is a bit too much at times, what with her constant swooning while being oh so deadly at hand to hand combat. A bit funny that.

Adrian steals the show for me. He beats a hard brow in the mean streets of 19th century London. The exact "When" is uncertain, but may be prior to the industrial revolution.

The ending is not one but that can be a good thing.

I received this ARC for an honest review.

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Loved reading the mesmerizing and captivating story. Samantha continues to try to regain her husband's, Adrian's, trust, and Adrian has another gruesome murder to solve. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story full of twists and turns. Can't wait to read the next story in the series by the phenomenally talented author, Sophie Barnes!

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Oh Adrian and your bleeding heart!! This book was even more exciting than book 1, which was at a high bar already. The book starts of with a bang with a vicious murder of a Lady. Additionally, Adrian is aware of Samantha's deception. He does not trust her anymore and definitely does not want to love her. The big confrontation of the deception happens in the beginning, so we actually see some relationship building between Adrian and Samantha through the book.

They are both racing against time, she to protect him, him to find the murderer. It is a bit chaotic, with lots of plotlines happening in tandem. Stanton from book 1 is out to punish Adrian for the death of his son Newton, Harlowe and Kendrick and some higher mysterious power is out to take out Adrian forever, there's a child exploitation ring that is likely one of the plots of the next book, there's the main murder mystery, there's a beginning of a coup by Adrian's men and an unscrupulous Duke.

Yes, that's a lot but not difficult to follow and the thrill of the chase comes through well in the pages.

Thrilling, fast-paced,, different!! Book 2 ends on a cliffhanger. I cannot wait to see what is in store for book 3.

#netgalley #ATaintedHeartBleeds

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The 2nd installment of this series. Adrian has found out about Samantha’s betrayal. They are able to navigate through their feelings until an unexpected moment changes their relationship.
It was fast paced and exciting. I continue to enjoy the adventure that Adrian and Samatha are on. Can’t wait for the next one!

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