Member Reviews

I read the first three of the Cleo Coyle coffeehouse mystery books in this series when they were donated to the library where I worked. I had started an honor paperback collection which was (and still is) a huge success! I've been a huge fan of the coffeehouse mysteries ever since! After sharing them with my coworkers we were all ready to talk them up and share them with our customers. I ordered multiple hardcover copies for the library as well as each novel after that! Because I was on a reader's advisory committee for the library district, I was able to spread the word to all of the selectors. Each branch ordered this wonderful series. The power of the spoken word is amazing! Thank you to the authors, publisher, and the unknown reader that donated the first three books to my library! So many reader's lives have been touched. A huge thank you to Netgalley for the many kindle downloads!

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"No Roast for the Weary" is a cozy mystery. This novel is the 21th in the series. You don't need to read the previous novels to understand this one, and this story didn't spoil the whodunit of the previous books.

A member of the original Writer's Block group (who has mental problems) is writing a true crime unveiling whodunit of an unsolved crime. Two members of his group got into a fist fight behind the Village Blend, and one of the fighters was later found murdered in another part of town. In current day, this writer is attacked and unconscious, and his manuscript is nowhere to be found. And several people want to find it.

Clare was the one primarily investigating by finding the original group members and talking with them about the old Writer's Block Lounge. She asked good questions and realized that several people were lying about various things. This was a clue-based mystery, but the clues built up slowly and the critical clue didn't come until the end. Then Clare had to race to warn several young writers about an unexpected danger.

There were only a few uses of bad language. There were no graphic sex scenes. Overall, I'd recommend this interesting mystery.

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If you can pull off a cozy in NYC then you're all Aces in my book! I love how this series gives you all the cozy mystery small town feels but still manages to showcase some manhattan charm for those of us who miss the city. It's probably the #1 reason I keep reading it.

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Cleo Coyle adds another fun book to her coffeehouse series. Clare is worried because sales are down and foot traffic is almost non existent. Until her staff comes up with fantastic ideas to increase sales! They didn’t expect murder to happen. This series is such a delightful read, the characters might be your neighbors and the story keeps you involved. I just bet they wish they could have fewer murders happening all around them!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC

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I've read every book in this series. This new installment was quite good. I enjoy when the storyline dovetails with Madame's earlier life and the history of the coffeehouse, which doesn't always happen. It was also nice that we weren't in the killer's head, which I never like. The mystery kept me guessing and was just twisty enough.

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I've read all of the books in the Coffehouse Mystery Series so Clare Cosi and and all that of the other delightful characters are like old friends at this point. I was extremely excited about the release of No Roast For The Weary and it definitely didn't disappoint. This is another fun, fast-paced mystery in a long series with all of the characters that we've grown to know and love. I love that this story dove into the history of the Coffehouse a bit more and connected it to present-day NYC.
This is a wonderful series to introduce to Book Clubs. I've found that it's become very popular with our library patrons that attended a book club that featured the very first book in the series and it's been fun watching a few of them read the series straight through.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this free ARC in exchange for an honest review of the book.

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Rare is the series that can maintain quality and interest for volume after volume. The Coffeehouse series does this extremely well. The newest adventure for Clare Cosi and the rest of the cast is intriguing and rife with red herrings.. Harking back to the past while remaining in the present, Cleo Coyle has once again created a story that is as fresh as the Village Blend’s coffee beans.
Thanks to NetGalley for providing an arc of this book.

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