Member Reviews

A really fantastic concept with lots of great (blatant and subtle) nods to the forebears of sci-fi, but not executed as well as it probably could be. There are more knowledge-gaps than there should be; many things are left unexplained, underexplained, or outright ignored. There are also multiple "reveals" that feel unearned--Reich, for instance, brings in lots of characters very late in the game who either don't need to be there or should have been more "screen time," so to speak, before their abrupt intro and exit. I think this book would need to be at least 50-150 pages longer in order to really give the world he's created the detail it deserves. Otherwise, this is a fantastic book. His writing is excellent, and the world he has created is fascinating, making this a highly entertaining read.

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this book was about the end of the world, and is apocalyptic/dystopian future state. I think it was interesting to think of the world ending in this way, and it was written in a way to keep me entertained throughout the entire story, yes there were some lulls but not bad

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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