Member Reviews

Fabulous book by Diane Chamberlain. I didn’t want to put it down. This was my first ready by Chamberlain, but won’t be my last. I will definitely be recommending to others.

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Having recently finished the previously published “The Silent Sister” by Diane Chamberlain, I am happy to have had the chance for the e-copy; thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press!

This story was a mystery of family secrets; told in three distinct parts. I'm not sure when I had everything figured out, but it was definitely long before the big reveal. So many little moments and details of the story were left hanging by the end of part three. Although the epilogue does give a glimpse of Riley's future, it felt like a quick and incomplete way to end this entertaining family drama.

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This is more of a family drama rather than a mystery like I was expecting, but overall it is a great read. Chamberlain is an excellent writer and I was gripped by the drama throughout.

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This is going to be a hard review to right, only because I don’t want to give away everything yet I want to make sure that everyone who reads my review purchases this book. This is the one book I would recommend everyone read, the book of my year. The Silent Sister is a mystery story, but it is a strong heart tugging story. Told from the youngest child in the MacPherson family point of view, this story will show how everything you ever thought to be true could be wrong.

Riley was only two when when Lisa committed suicide. She didn’t even remember her sister. What she does know is that it tore her whole family apart. I love that Riley follows her heart, even when she is afraid of where it is heading. She learns more than she ever wanted to know, yet manages to stay strong and follow the leads wherever they will leave.

Diane Chamberlain’s amazing writing has left me wanting more. I know that she is an author that I will never hesitate to read. This is my first book by her and she has proven herself without a doubt to be an author I will read more of.

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Damn! Another absolute perfect read from Diane Chamberlain. Fast paced, slowly unwrapped and perfectly concluded. Love this author’s writing and regularly recommended to those seeking recommendations in this genre. She rarely disappoints and The Silent Sister is just one more example of that. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Reviewed for publisher via Netgalley.

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Riley MacPherson is returning to her childhood home after her dad passes away suddenly and she returns to check on her brother and settle all of the things. I knew from the prequel that I reviewed yesterday that there was definitely some drama in Riley's childhood and past and it was going to travel into her future/present.

Riley returns home and through some sleuthing on her own she finds out the real reasons why her childhood was hard and stressful and why her parents were the way they were. She finds out the real truth behind her sister and the past and then tries to change the future.

I am being vague because I don't want to ruin a darn thing in this book. There are so many revelations that are worth every page of the book

I knew from the prequel that there were going to be secrets and we would get to the bottom of them. Because I read a lot of books, I was able to predict what was going to happen and maybe guessed the secrets before I should have, but it didn't ruin my reading of the book. I can handle a predictable book if the story and plot are still good and this one was better than good.

I have only read a few Diane Chamberlain books, but loved each of them. I definitely want to want to continue reading her backlist and hopefully catch up soon!

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