Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for an ARC of Claire, Darling.

This was a fast-paced, compelling read. I especially enjoyed hearing the story from different points of view during the trial, as well as in the diary entries. All that being said, I didn't find the ending in any way surprising, and I feel others who frequently read this genre will also find the ending predictable.

3.5 stars

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Well, I guess I have some mixed feelings towards this book.
On one hand, I enjoyed the characters and the pacing of this book. On the other hand, I thought it was predictable and risk-free, so I never actually felt unsettled for the characters.
It is a quick read, in my opinion, so if you enjoy fast-paced mystery novels with a disfunctional couple as the protagonist, you might consider give this book a go.

Thank you to NetGalley and to Random House Publishing Group for the eARC!

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This was an interesting story, but it didn’t take any risks. For instance, I knew how it would end up by the halfway point of the book. It would have been much better if there HAD been a different reason for everything because that could have broken some new ground.

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What a ride. Although the reader can basically guess what’s going on with Claire early on, this was still immensely interesting and extremely fast paced. It was such an easy, digestible read. No matter the circumstances, it’s hard not to feel bad for Claire. The epilogue was the perfect cherry on top! I loved that last little punch.

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I started reading “Claire, Darling,” not knowing what to expect, though the cover itself made me want to read it.

Claire believes she is heading toward happily ever after with her fiancé, Noah. Yet, when she visits his workplace, she is stunned to cover he has worked there in months. When she reaches toward Noah for answers, she gets silence in response.

The novel alternates between Claire’s present and past, but the reader is given enough information (and intrigue) to keep going. While parts were predictable, I did enjoy the story. I would certainly read more from this author.

Three and a half out of five stars.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for this riveting tale.

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Wow! This is a rollercoaster of a book! Twists and turns and just having no idea what will come next. I’ll admit. , The writing is fantastic, and you really don’t know just what will happen from start to finish. I liked most of the characters, one is absolutely horrible, but really ties in with everything happening in this book. Thank you for the opportunity to red nd rate. I look forward to the author’s next book.

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I loved everything about this book. It got better and better storyline as it went along. I don't want to give anything away but was such superb writing and storyline with characters that entertwined with each other perfectly. Kind of sad I've finished it so fast

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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Oh Claire, what a truly terrible life you escaped. The flashbacks of her upbringing are just truly heartbreaking. This trauma remains generally unaddressed by Claire but comes to a head when her fiance ghosts her.

Claire learns of this ghosting when she stops by Noah's workplace for lunch. When she learns that he no longer works there, and he doesn't take her calls, she doesn't know what to do! Fortunately a good work friend lends a hand and Claire begins the process of finding out just exactly who Noah is. Along the way we are treated to Claire's most deepest thoughts in her journal and her childhood experiences through flashbacks. You won't know what to think, maybe even after you finish the book. What a ride!
#randomhouse #ballantine #clairedarling #calliekazumi

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Whose reality is real? And what is that reality? Ok book, good for a beach read. Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for this opportunity!

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This book a roller coaster to me. Claire thinks she is in a great relationship with Noah but he ghosted her. We then go back to her childhood and she she had a not so great mother. The writing of this book was great and kept me engaged. There was some twists and I really just wanted to keep reading until the end. Great book!

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this book was soooo so good! I love the initial set up, the confusion, frustration, fear and wonder you feel when you are reading through the main characters finding out about her husband who no longer works at where he had always worked, and had not told her about. I think the pacing was great, and the writing was well done, I was a fan of this book!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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It’s a shock when Claire brings lunch to her fiancé Noah at his office and learns he doesn’t work there anymore. He hasn’t for months. Worse yet, he isn’t taking her phone calls and she is blocked from his social media. When she finally tracks him down with the help of a friend, he is with another woman. What has happened? What did she do wrong? These questions will be answered but not before a tragedy upends Claire’s carefully balanced life. Claire’s experiences with Noah alternate with vignettes from her childhood and teenage years. She was manipulated by her amazingly cruel mother, a woman who obviously suffered from mental illness. Claire managed to survive and thought she had found a future with a man who loved her. She was wrong. Or was she? You’ll read Claire, Darling straight through with stopping. It’s that good. 5 stars.

Than you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group and Callie Kazumi for this ARC.

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Wow, I wasn't sure if I'd like this book, but the description caught my eye, so I decided to go ahead with it.
I'm still processing the story, because it is that good!
Claire is so happy with her fiance Noah. After 1 year together, they are celebrating as couples do, so Claire decides to bring him lunch, as a surprise.
Things go from bad to worse when she arrives and is told Noah no longer works there. Confused, Claire calls him and texts him, but he's ghosted her.
Furious and not making the best decisions, she searches for him with the help of a coworker. Why is Noah ignoring her, and why has he blocked her on social media?
Follow Claire's story, with flashbacks to her early life, and her narcissistic mother.
I couldn't put it down and read it in one night. I was shocked at the end, but Claire will always have a special place in my heart.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.
Solid 5 star review.

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