Member Reviews

Threads of Us" by Christie Havey Smith is a deeply touching and beautifully crafted novel that took me by surprise. From the very first page, I found myself drawn into a world rich with emotion and intrigue, making it nearly impossible to put down.

The narrative masterfully intertwines themes of loss, love, and hope, showcasing the complexities of human relationships through various perspectives. Smith’s ability to capture these moments is not just impressive; it’s unforgettable. There were several quotes throughout the book that resonated with me long after I finished reading, serving as poignant reminders of the beauty and fragility of life.

What I particularly loved was the mystery aspect woven throughout the story. It kept me engaged, eagerly turning pages to uncover the truths hidden beneath the surface. Each revelation was skillfully layered, adding depth to the characters and their journeys.

Overall, "Threads of Us" is an incredible story that I feel privileged to have read before its release. Christie Havey Smith has a remarkable talent for storytelling, and I can’t wait to see how readers respond to this heartfelt gem.

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this was a joy to read. Havey Smith manages to keep a consistency in the various voices that makes for a seamless, convincing reading experience. i was wondering how she would tie it all up in the end and was left most satisfied.

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Christie Havey Smith, the Author of “Threads of Us” has written an emotional and touching novel. In this captivating fictional novel, the themes surrounding the story are finding oneself, forgiveness, second chances, and road to recovery and redemption. . The author discusses the importance of family, friends, loyalty, communication, self-worth, emotional growth, love and hope.

The author vividly describes the dramatic characters as complex, and complicated. Gracie Wilder has always been a dancer, and on the night of the biggest and most important performance of her life, her father tragically dies. Gracie often feels she is not seen or noticed, and the missing of this career opportunity, and the tragic loss of her father leaved her with so many questions. Gracie’s father had secrets that were going to be revealed. Gracie also seems to have gotten a symbolic message from him, and now has to find the answers. Gracie has always wanted her father’s approval.

Beau Griffin, is a building contractor that was supposed to have a meeting with Gracie’s father. Beau has had a traumatic life, and he has lost out on career opportunities, because of an accident that he was involved with a Chicago building. Beau also seeks the approval of his father and mother.

After Christie delivers the Eulogy for her father, she leaves the funeral and needs some air . Beau sees her and expresses his sympathies. Before long, the two embark on an emotional rollercoaster ride of an adventure in seeking the answers to Christie’s questions, and also help Beau define his self-worth and growth. I highly recommend this memorable novel.

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