Member Reviews

3.25 stars

If you like single dad/widower romance with a heroine who rocks his world, From Nowhere just might be for you.

Let’s start with the things that this book does well. The world building is strong, the tension in the relationships feels authentic, and the bond between Ozzy and Lola is beautiful. Maren is strong in her convictions and doesn’t change who she is to fit into Ozzy and Lola’s lives, and yet both Ozzy and Maren manage to meet each other in the middle.

I enjoyed the secondary characters in the book as well, and would be interested in reading more from this world.

There were a couple of elements that didn’t work for me personally, but that are typically parts of the widower trope (see also: former in-laws who shame the MMC for wanting to move on). There was also another moment tied up in the climax of the story that didn’t quite work for me, but that’s just because it wasn’t my personal preference.

Overall, this was a story I knocked out in one sitting that made me feel lots of feelings.

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Marren and Ozzy are attracted to each other and it couldn’t be less complicated. Ozzy is a widower, living with his in-laws, and helping his traumatized daughter by agreeing to never ride in a car. Marren fights fires as an air tanker pilot, a job that is not risk free and she would like to be in a relationship with someone who is ready and able to be a partner. It is terrible timing and everything is stacked against them but instead of backing away they keep finding themselves drawn further in.
This was an emotional read. Ozzy is a loving parent to an adorable daughter who is still reeling after the death of her mother. He is an all around good guy, doing the best he can which isn’t always good enough. Marren is successful at a tough job, has good friends, and a stable life yet continuously refers to herself as a hot mess for egregious errors like spilling coffee on herself. I liked them together and loved Ozzy’s daughter. There were a few things I found jarring like the oftentimes juvenile humor and the way Ozzy not driving was treated as this huge issue. Granted, I currently live in a city but I’ve spent most of life without a car and just couldn’t relate to the constant use of not driving being such a detriment. Neither of those things prevented my teary eyes and need to seek out the first book in the series.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored this book and loved how the author touched on real life issues that can sometimes be difficult to speak about. Single dad trope is always one of my favourites too!

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Single dad meets fierce independent woman! Ozzy loves his daughter fiercely when his instant attraction to Maren happens will he be able to navigate live after loss?

This story certainly pulls at the heart strings and is so well written you feel all the feels.

I would like to see Will’s story!

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From Nowhere is the second book in the Wildlife series which already has my heart in a tight grip and it’s not even over yet.

We meet Maren in From Air as one of the roommates. She’s a tanker pilot, badass and funny and so loving. Ozzy works in the same company as a mechanic and let’s just say they had a very unique meet cute. The attraction is mutual but it always comes with some hurdles. Such as that Ozzy is a single dad/widower who lives with his in-laws that are pretty judgmental. His daughter Lola has had a very traumatic experience when her mother died so it limits their life to a certain extent.

I just adore how this whole story was portrayed so realistically and it’s everything I want to romance novel make me feel. There are struggles, trauma and fear of change of one fantastic Dad/person that are totally reasonable. The sensibility of one amazing woman who had the patience and all the love to give to her new people because Ozzy & Lola are a package deal.

The chemistry was so good! The anticipation, the build up had me on my toes. And it delivered in every single aspect. This is what I want when I read a single parent trope, to kid to be involved in the story and enrich it not just as an afterthought. And Jewel succeeded at it amazingly!

Heartwarming & emotional story of unexpected love and second chances at life.

I can’t recommend enough this book/series and also can’t wait for 3rd Will’s book to come out!

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From Nowhere* by Jewel E. Anne is a delightful exception to my usual indifference toward single dad romances. Once AGAIN, JEA delivers a captivating story that draws readers in from the very beginning. What sets this romance apart is how the relationship between Maren and Ozzy begins: Maren takes the initiative and asks him out, which is a refreshing twist you don’t often see in romance novels. From their first meeting, their connection feels effortless and genuine.

What I loved: The relationship I enjoyed most, however, was between Ozzy and his daughter, Lola. There's something incredibly heartwarming about a single dad who prioritizes his family above all else, and this dynamic added so much depth to the story.

What I disliked: my least favorite part of the novel was Tia’s character. Her anger toward Ozzy after the accident felt excessive and was genuinely irritating. It detracted from my overall enjoyment of the story, but thankfully, the strength of the other relationships made up for it.

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From Nowhere is the second of a 3- part book series I think I liked this one more than the first. Jewel always writes strong female leads and Maren was no different. Ozzy reminded me of Emmett from for Lucy- my favorite of all the Jewel E Ann books. He was funny, compassionate, cautious, loving, and fallible. I love Jewel E Ann’s attention to such meaningful details that tell you so much about about the character. For Ozzy it was the flowers and the notecards just like for Cage in the One it was the Chapter notecards. I don’t know how she thinks of all of these details! 5 stars!

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I absolutely loved this story. It was heartwarming, sweet, and endearing. Maren and Ozzy's "meet cute" had me laughing so hard. I felt sorry for Ozzy at first because he was awkward and had this sorta dry sense of humor. But Maren just loved that about him, was patient with him through it all, they were perfect for each other. Then there is Lola! This girl stole my heart along with Maren's and she had me wrapped around her finger. She truly stole the show. This book brings all the feels. It was heartbreaking at times and to see Lola overcome her fears will have you tearing up! There were plenty of times that I got frustrated with Ozzy by letting his in-laws dictate his life. But obviously Lola and his love for Maren outweighed the fallout between the in-laws. This was an incredible story that will take you on an emotional journey. I'm looking forward to Will's story next, and then I'm truly going to hate to see this series end!!

**Special thanks to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is what a book should be. Dont get me wrong, I love a good fluffy romance as much as the next person. This book took on real-life hard subjects that are sometimes hard to speak about and paired it with growth, love, and humor. Life isn't always rainbows and happy times, and Jewel E Ann writes that perfectly. 

I picked up this book at 10 pm on Friday night, and let's just say I stayed up way past my bedtime. It's one you can't put down. A rollercoaster of highs and lows, and you feel every. single. one. with these characters. The love story is a beautiful one of compassion, growth, patience, and understanding. 

I hope you love them! Ozzy x

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I loved this book so much!!!! I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one day. Maren and Ozzy were perfection. I couldn’t get enough of them. Their banter was perfection. It was such a beautiful, heartfelt story. This book will definitely be on my “favorite books that I love to reread” rotation!!! Also, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..Jewel E. Ann writes the most amazing “meet cutes”! They are always so funny and so perfect. Always!!!!

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I adored From Air and when I saw From Nowhere was available, I had to grab it immediately. Just like all other Jewel E. Ann books, I had to stop everything and read it immediately. I'm a sucker for a single dad romance and Ozzy was this trope personified. Maren was a heroine I immediately loved and they were truly a couple you wanted good things for - not to mention Lola, Ozzy's amazing daughter.

This series is amazing and I can't wait for book 3!

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I devoured this book.
It's so perfect. Single dad, cute kid, healing from grief and trauma, badass FMC, funny, sweet and spicy.
It's such an emotional book, so well paced and fluid.
I was laughing and crying and feeling so much. It's the kind of book that you just want to jump into there and hug everyone.

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This book will set your heart on fire! Jewel E Ann has done it again! She is the queen of taking your heart and twisting it to the breaking point and putting it back together. Jamie and Fitz are two of my favorites now! Jamie moves from Miami to Montana to spread her wings and travel after her mother’s death two years prior. She is a travel psychiatric nurse. She moves into Will’s house with two other firefighters. She fixates on Fitz. He is broken according to Will and Maren. He is anti-love, anti-relationships, and anti-fatherhood. Jamie is the sunshine to his grumpy. She is everything Fitz is not. The banter between Fitz and Jamie is epic! On her journey, she discovers more than she wants to know about herself. Will it doom her relationship with the hotshot fire jumper? Or will they both go down in flames? Get ready because Jewel is on fire with this one! Best read of 2024 so far! 5 amazing stars

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Nothing I write here is going to do this book justice, but I will say this...I fell in love with Fitz and Jamie in FROM AIR, but that was absolutely NOTHING compared to the way my heart became utterly obsessed with Ozzy and Maren in this book. Oh, and let's not forget Lola too!
Jewel E Ann is an incredible author - she had me laughing one minute and then bawling my eyes out the next. Ozzy is the best dad to Lola, but it was seeing him realise that he could find happiness again that had me wrecked. Maren was perfect, and I couldn't have thought of anyone better to bring joy back into the lives of this father/daughter duo.
I'm not sure if there are any more books planned for this series, but I would love Will to finally get his own happy ending.

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Cute and easy read!
Maren was in the first book and became friends with Jamie. I loved that Maren got her own story and her own happy ending. This book was fun to read. It did have some heavier content than the first book in the series. Maren, Ozzy and Lola are a great team in the book. You want Ozzy to stand up for himself more to Tia. But he is a great dad and really goes above and beyond. I didn’t like how he handled Maren’s accident but he did redeem himself.

Can’t wait for the next book

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This book destroyed me. Jewell E. Ann out did herself with this book. I don't think any book character can top Ozzy and his daughter Lola and the lovable Mauren. A very honest portrayl on loss and living .

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I clicked the wrong book and can't figure out how to undo this review 😂😂 actual review coming soon!

I clicked the wrong book and can't figure out how to undo this review 😂😂 actual review coming soon!

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An awkward chance encounter introduces Maren to a charming widowed dad and sparks fly. Residual hardships due to trauma and disapproving in-laws throw a wrench in the mix… will love prevail?

As always, I’m a giant fan of Jewel E. Ann and will read anything she writes. Maren and Ozzy’s love story was sweet and but more so than their relationship, my favorite parts to read were involving Ozzy’s daughter, Lola. The way Ozzy (and later, Maren) love her was beautiful.

The sneaking around and near insta-love in the first half was not my favorite… and I’ve gotta say, I know Tia was a grieving mother but her behavior was over the top and I could not stand it. Aside from that, I love how Jewel’s books always tug at my heart strings. I’m always invested in the characters she writes. Looking forward to Will’s story next!

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the chance to read an early copy.

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This book is all heart and soul! So many amazing characters come together to tell such a beautiful love story. I loved it so much! I desperately need Will’s book!

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Loved it! I loved the original characters. I really enjoyed the story telling. The banter was top notch. Ozzy and all his romantic gestures were swoon worthy. I loved everything about Maren. Little Lola was adorable. It is a slow burn romance where the relationship moves incrementally because so many characters are having to deal with grief and make adjustments for joy. And then a super nova hits and resets everyone’s trajectory in the best way possible. I’m giving this book all the stars!

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