Member Reviews

This author has picked a good genre. And her future is going to be mega if this is anything to go by. She just 'got it'.
It was giggly and yet had angst. It was spicy but the banter was not cringe or clichéd. The leads were really well written so you liked them instantly.
It was a great twist on the convenience to lovers romance trope.
I can't recommend this book enough. It was a joy.
Definitely one for those that don't want to feel a books filled with heartbreak to make it "real". But isn't any less meaningfully written. A book you'd look forward to reading.

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Somewhere Along the Line is the debut novel of Mallory Thomas and it’s probably one of my favourite stories this year. It’s such a fantastic character driven story that really explores the fears and misbeliefs that many of us face during relationships and the prose is so polished!

This story follows Piper, a free spirit who’s freshly (meaning nearly 2 years) out of a bad breakup with a banker, who works at a not-for-profit, while James is the exact person Piper is trying to avoid. After a dramatic incident ties them together in a “marriage” of convenience, the two work to navigate where their fake relationship ends and the real one begins, dealing with their own fears, grief and hangups along the way.

Unlike many marriage of convenience novels I’ve read, I appreciated the mundane nature of their reasons for “marriage” and in a cost of living crisis, it’s almost believable. But where this novel shines is the way the author has made the characters so perfectly flawed that they feel like any person you could meet down the street. They have their own misbeliefs about love and relationships, and their interactions felt really authentic.

While there was a bit of spice, it supported development of the relationship between the protagonists, and it didn’t feel forced.

My only complaint was I felt like the inciting incident never really got closed out - we never learn the outcome of the trial!

All in all though, this is my favourite debut of the year and I’m looking forward to what Mallory writes next. Thank you to the author, NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this early 💗

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SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINE is a sweet and cute love story! After meeting on the train on bit of a rocky, shoeless start, James and Piper find themselves looking forward to their morning commute to see one another. James offers to include Piper on his fare pass, listing her as his "wife," which then requires them to go on these non-dates to discuss this "fake" relationships of theirs. But Piper is at a time in her life where she can't afford to have any distractions and James believes Piper can find a much "nicer" gentleman to be with...they keep their distance when they want to do the exact opposite... what's it going to take them for to acknowledge that there isn't anything fake about their relationship? I thought their relationship was a believable and accurate representation of relationships that include insecurities and fears and growth it takes to overcome them.

Thank you to Thomas Books and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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a very cute cozy "fake" marriage romance! i absolutely loved piper and james and i loved them together even more.

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Ok, let me tell you, I absolutely loved this book! I wasn't too sure at the beginning, but after getting about 20% in, I was INVESTEDDDDD

Ok, so we have Piper aka Pipes aka P (iykyk) and her Banker Man (I swear he has a name but it's just more fun to write it this way). These two take the same train everyday, and while they are both attracted to each other, they don't make the move...well, until Piper's toenail does for her.

Suddenly, a crazy train incident happens, and these two are forced to share this "big lie" which isn't really all that bad, but could literally take the train away from them. *Insert dramatic gasp* How dare they!! These two stick with this fake marriage story and are seeing it through. Except, neither of them really have it together, and this is honestly the best thing about this book. I feel like a lot of times, we have this perfect fmc and a semi-flawed mmc, yet they make it work in the end and he changes for her. Yeah, ever heard the phrase "I can fix him?" Well, this was not it because Piper knew that's not what needed to happen. And I swear to you when she realized this, I jumped from my bed and yelled, "YES THANK GOD" because she actually had a backbone.

Okay, rant aside- I devoured!! Mallory had such a great flow, writing style, and honestly, this is just chef's kiss 🤌🏼 The only reason, and I mean the ONLY reason this did not reach 5 stars was because of the first 15-20%. I just didn't really see the vision, it seemed to drag a little, and I didn't quite vibe with the mysteriousness, but once I understood, I was HOOKED.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Thomas Books for eARC!

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4.5/5 stars!!

really really loved this. like, ‘read it in one day’ loved it.

piper was so relatable and james was a perfect book boyfriend. some of the things he said gave me ACTUAL butterflies!!!!

the whole concept was so unique and was executed perfectly. this was honestly such a great read!

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Somewhere along the line was a cosy, cute strangers to lovers romance that has a really well placed plot and an engaging storyline.

James and Piper were really fun and easy to read about. They were both likeable and their relationship was cute, light and fluffy to read!
The way they met and the idea of them sharing the train pass was really cute and unique however I did feel like you have to overlook a little about how far fetched some of the elements were. For example the bomb in the train set up a good concept for their growing relationship but seemed a little crazy for the type of book it was!
However, this set the story up really well - I also liked how the author provided a lot of depth to James and Piper. You felt like you really knew them well and could understand their issues and family trauma. It also played a relevant part in the plot.
Overall, I rated it 3 stars because it was an easy read with a happy, satisfying end. It also is a short book so would be a great book to sit with and finish it in one sitting. I didn't feel like it shocked me or will particularly be a memorable one but it was sweet and enjoyable. <3

thank you so much to netgalley for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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this book was really cute and heartwarming! The situation the main characters got them into with their „fake marriage“ was quite hilarious and really unique!
The grand gesture near the end of the book was so cute and funny, especially knowing how out of James comfort zone this was! :)

"After a while, seeing her stopped feeling like the means to an end.
Somewhere along the line, it started to feel like a beginning." ♥️

Oh, and I also absolutely loved the friendship between Piper and her best friend Sami!

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I really adored this book and cannot believe this is a debut romance for Mallory Thomas!

James and Pipers banter was adorable. I found myself smiling and laughing throughout! It was such a fun strangers to lovers story with their “meet cute” being in such an original way, and I loved getting dual POVs!

Thank you to NetGalley and Mallory Thomas for the opportunity to read this before it comes out this month!

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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I initially struggled with it in the beginning but ended up loving it. The fake marriage storyline took an unexpected turn and the romance surprised me. I also hope there will be a book 2 featuring a romance between Kyle and Sami. To P and J.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Books for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

A special thank you to Mallory Thomas for providing me with a copy of great book.

This was a great debut novel by an up and coming author with an original take on the fake relationship trope. I loved it! The meet cute is quirky and fun. Piper Paulson is not starting her day off on the right foot - literally. She’s somehow managed to lose a shoe on her way to the train. Accidentally using the suede shoe of the handsome stranger she always manages to notice on her commute to rest her shoeless foot, the two have a slightly awkward exchange before getting on with their day. The two coincidentally sit next to each other the next day and through their conversation the handsome stranger manages to convince Piper to be his fake wife in order to take advantage of the family fares commuter pass.

James Newhouse can’t help but notice the stunning woman who he sees on his daily commute. He daydreams about what she must be like and has the occasional daydream about what their future could look like. Between the stresses of his job and a complicated family situation, he can’t seem to have much energy for anything else. When he learns of Piper’s financial troubles he offers up a scheme to help her out with her fare pass. When they’re caught up in an emergency on their usual commute, they realize that their innocent scheme may be more complicated than they anticipated.

James is so endearing. His crush on Piper is so adorable, and their commute banter was so much fun. James is dealing with a lot, and he’s worried how that might affect Piper. In his words, he doesn’t want to put all of his baggage on to her and he uses it as a way to keep her at a distance at first.

Piper has a big heart. She was betrayed by her previous banker boyfriend who cost her her job during their break up. Despite this, she’s not jaded. With a new job, she’s finally on the mend, and has given up dating - especially bankers. Focused on her fresh start and new job, she doesn’t see James coming. Their interactions made me smile.

They’re both so earnest and playful with each other, which is definitely something James needs very much in his life. While Piper keeps him on his toes, he provides some stability. It’s a perfect balance. I really loved them as MC’s. There’s so much humor in this novel, and I appreciated how both MC’s were slightly awkward with each other at first and that James wasn’t an alpha bro, but a complex man with insecurities who’s just trying to do the best he can. It felt real, and I truly empathized with his circumstances.
My only quibble is the third act break up. I’m not a fan of the whole I’m doing this to not hurt you, and while it is addressed, it’s not my favorite trope out there. Also, I felt their separation was a bit long.

All in all I did enjoy this novel and look forward to more books from Ms. Thomas.

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This was the cutest book!!! I absolutely loved how clutzy the female lead was and both she and the male lewd were quirky and in their own heads. I love an imperfect funny couple and they fit the bill! The way their relationship bloomed without them fully realizing it and then the sparks went off!!!

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"You may recall that I curled up into a catatonic ball for the remainder of the ride."
"Hmm, I don't remember it like that. My memory is of you being a very brave, concerned, and cozy ball."

Hasn't anyone who has ridden public transit had a crush on a random stranger? I adored the premise of this book, the way that fake dating and marriage of convenience were smashed together for the purposes of saving money and getting through grief. I also appreciated the way anxiety manifested differently in the two main characters, with James having intense social anxiety and Piper having more panic. The plot of being witnesses to a crime felt fresh, and the spice was well written.

Did I get a little annoyed during the third act break-up? Of course, it weakened the story for a bit. But the author rallied and had a very adorable, over-the-top ending to fit the cute-but-silly vibe throughout the book. Overall this novel was super cute, and I can't wait to see more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC in exchange for my honest review!!
PS: My Somewhere is the western suburbs of St. Louis, MO. I don't ride public transit, but this book makes me want to!

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What an excellent debut romance!!! I absolutely loved this book and I found myself smiling multiple times at Piper and James. This book was so cute and sweet and I couldn't put it down. Thank you to Net Galley for giving me the chance to read before it comes out this month!

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Somewhere Along The Line is a romantic novel that explores the unexpected journey of two strangers, Piper Paulson and James Newhouse, who find themselves in a marriage of convenience. This arrangement was initially intended to be purely practical, existing only on paper. However, as they navigate the complexities of their lives and the pressures surrounding them, they must convincingly act as if they are truly in love.

The narrative highlights the evolution of relationships from pretense to genuine affection, showcasing how love can emerge in unexpected situations. It combines humor with emotional depth, making it both entertaining and poignant.

Somewhere Along The Line gives readers a heartfelt journey filled with witty banter and moments that tug at the heartstrings, ultimately leading towards a satisfying happily ever after.

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Strangers to friends to love, all from meeting on a commuter train! Loved the progression of this relationship, watching the different trials, and the ending had a cute twist I wasn’t expecting.

I flew through this book, felt like the characters grew and were easy to love, appreciated the side characters, and overall really enjoyed this read.

The only “issue” I had is finding it slightly unrealistic, but also we all suspend reality for most of the books we read anyways. Also - referring to themselves seriously as criminals because of sharing a family train pass felt a little silly (but maybe I shouldn’t be trusted since I’m all for sharing accounts with “family,” ha!)

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I absolutely loved this book and won’t stop raving about it!

It starts off fun and light with charming banter, but as the story progresses, it delivers a perfect dose of angst and heart. The romance? Utterly sweet, and the few spicy scenes were written so well—tasteful but with the right emotional punch. If you enjoy contemporary romance that balances humor and heartfelt moments, you’ll fall for this one.

Piper and James are both so easy to root for. I connected with Piper instantly—her quirks and anxieties made her feel so real, and I wanted to protect her the whole way through. And James? Even when he made some questionable decisions, I couldn’t help but cheer him on. Their chemistry was everything, and the way their perspectives were written kept me glued to the story.

Mallory Thomas absolutely nailed this debut. I’m already excited for whatever she writes next—fingers crossed for more of Sami and Kyle!

This is one of those reads that leaves you with a smile on your face. I really hope we get a physical release because I need it on my shelf!

Thank you to NetGalley and Mallory Thomas for the chance to read this gem in exchange for an honest review.

Posted on Goodreads on Monday, October 7th
Will post on Amazon on publish date Tuesday, October 22nd

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Are you looking for your next great read? Pick up Somewhere Along The Line. I loved this book! It was great!

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Ahh, listen, I’m not gonna shut up about this book because I loved it that much!

We started with a lot of comedic banter but the second half packed an angsty punch. As a whole, the romance was so so sweet, and the few more spicy scenes, I felt, were written well.

If you enjoy romance by Hannah Bonam-Young or classic rom-coms like “While You Were Sleeping”, I think you’d like this one a lot!

I liked our two romantic leads and I enjoyed both their POVs. I thought James was so sweet even though I felt like giving him a headshake “my son, no” at times. I loved Piper wholeheartedly, I am usually the anxious person embarrassing myself on the train, so I honestly felt like I wanted to pack her in a tiny box and protect her.

Personally, the book could have ended after chapter 23 and I would have been satisfied. I believe this may be Mallory Thomas’s romance debut and I’m just sold on her next books (especially if starring Sami and Kyle…👀). I can’t wait to see her writing get even better with time.

I really really need a physical release for this, hopefully we’ll get one in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley and Mallory Thomas for providing a complimentary digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This romance is a delightful twist on the classic marriage of convenience trope, packed with heart and humor. As Piper and James navigate the ups and downs of pretending to be married, their chemistry sizzles with witty banter that keeps the pages turning and moments that genuinely tug at the heartstrings. Watching them walk the thin line between pretense and real feelings is both hilarious and poignant. This story beautifully captures how love can blossom in the most unlikely circumstances, and their journey to a happily ever after is as satisfying as it is steamy. If you love a romance that blends humor with emotional depth, this one is a gem!

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