Member Reviews

I devoured this book! I honestly haven't read much like this book. I have read the cute little romcoms but his has substance and a pov I am not used to reading.

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This is a beautiful yet tragic tale of survival, love, and loss that takes readers on an emotional journey through the Southern Plains. The story follows Bridget O’Connell, a brave and stubborn young woman whose life is forever changed after an attack by Comanche warriors. Abducted and renamed Fire Girl, she must navigate the challenges of living in a new world, one that is as fierce and captivating as the prairie around her.

What captivated me most about this novel is the glimpse into Comanche life, a culture both strikingly different and deeply fascinating. Bridget’s evolution from a white settler to a member of the Comanche community is one of the novel’s most compelling aspects. Her transformation is gradual and believable, filled with moments of both strength and vulnerability. Bridget is a strong, determined character, but her stubbornness in clinging to grief is as frustrating as it is understandable. I found myself sympathizing with her conflicting loyalties—torn between the world she knew and the new world she is forced to embrace.

The slow-burn romance between Bridget (Fire Girl) and Lone Wolf is one of the novel’s highlights. It reminded me of the tension-filled relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. It’s a quiet yet powerful connection, driven by conflicting emotions, simmering tension, and the constant push-pull between desire and dislike. Their dynamic is complex and rewarding, and I appreciated how the author took the time to let their bond develop naturally, without rushing the emotional depth.

While Where Fires Burn is undeniably dark and heartbreaking at times, it’s also incredibly beautiful. The story is full of hope, love, and resilience amidst cruelty and loss. The historical inspiration behind the book adds layers of authenticity, making the world feel real and lived-in.

Overall, this book was a tumultuous rollercoaster of emotions that left me eagerly anticipating the next installment. If you're looking for a story that weaves together history, romance, and a powerful exploration of inner conflict, Where Fires Burn is one you won't want to miss.

Thank you NetGalley and Prickly Pear Publishing for this ARC!

TRIGGER WARNINGS: graphic violence, depictions of rape, sexual violence, childbirth trauma, suicide, graphic torture

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A young girl named Bridget gets kidnapped by a Native American tribe during a revenge raid. They decide to adopt and integrate her in their society. Though she struggles at first, slowly but surely she finds her way in this new life.

The most important aspect of any historical fiction novel is crafting a convincing atmosphere and setting. Luckily that is where this book and author shine. Where Fires Burn showcases the immense amount of research the author has put into this novel. Visible in the attention to detail from the rich descriptions of the landscape, to the food eaten, to the languages spoken.

A novel however cannot rely solely on setting, and must also feature distinct, memorable characters. Here again the author provides. Characters are multidimensional with their own merits and faults. We get to know the inner workings of our main character and how she relates to the people around her. Over the course of the novel we see her grow from a young girl into a young woman.

Finally the plot keeps moving forward at a steady pace, while never becoming overly predictable. It was hard to put down this novel at times. I just wanted to find out what the author had in store for us next. This novel is a great start to a series, and I cannot wait to read the next installment!

Where Fires Burn is the perfect novel for the reader who loves to feel deeply. From loss and grief to love and belonging. Veronica Castillo evokes strong emotions with her debut novel. This novel is also for anyone who would love to learn more about a slice of 19th century Native American history through stunningly written fiction.

CW include, but are not limited to: animal death, cutting of limbs, explicit sexual content, kidnapping, loss of a loved one, mutilation, PTSD, racism, rape, self-mutilation, starvation, stillborn baby, suicide, torture, trauma, violence.
This novel features a relationship between a minor and adult by today's standards, but not by the standards of the time and culture this story takes place in.

Thank you Prickly Pear LLC and Veronica Castillo for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This book was superb. 4.5 stars! The novel was medium paced with strong character development. It was character-driven and had loveable characters. It was an easy read yet the subject matter was a bit challenging in that the characters went through many changes. It was an emotional read. I can't wait for Book 2!

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This was a decent book! It did have some boring parts/ lulls but other than that I did enjoy the way that the author wrote. I liked the information, I did learn a few things from this book. I do think it had quite a bit of unrealistic things and scenarios happening which took away from me. I think it was just okay

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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