Member Reviews

Erin Hahn writes spicy books with a serious side that tackles the nuances of real life. With Maren's story, she again has a book that made me want to laugh and cry as the characters lived everyday lives. On the surface, older brother's best friend, single dad, military veteran Joe raising a daughter with autism could make a reader feel like Hahn is just trying to check all the trope boxes, but it never feels that way in the reading. I appreciate her dedication to showing truth in life experiences through her writing, and the fact-checkers who give feedback on the portrayal of those experiences. (Note: not everyone who lives an experience has the same view of it, so I recognize that even with fact-checkers, it may not align with everyone, but I appreciate that it aligns with someone's.)

I devoured this audiobook despite being in the middle of our county fair; the narrators were fantastic and I wanted more of Maren and Joe's story.

Note: this is the third in a series. I have read the first two, but honestly, you could jump in with this one and not be lost since each book follows a different main character. That said, there would be a few spollers for the tirst two books since the MC's of those make appearances here.

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Thank you Netgalley Erin Hahn and Spotify for the alc. My opinions are being left voluntarily. What an absolute perfect book. Top to bottom. My favorite Erin Hahn book no question I am kotnsure if I read the previous 2 in the series if not immexcoted to go back and read book 1 & 2 and 3 all over again..

I immediately ran to preorder this book..

I'm also calling it my favorite October book!!!!!


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