Member Reviews

Can't Help Faking in Love by Swati Hegde is a charming and vibrant desi romance that skillfully combines comedy, ethnic diversity, and unexpected love. Against the backdrop of a Bollywood-style wedding and Bangalore's bustling streets, the story presents Harsha Godbole, a young woman determined to succeed in life without the help of her affluent family. However, Harsha comes up with a daring idea when her career aspirations fall through and she has to attend her cousin's wedding while unemployed and single. She recruits her favorite barista, Veer Kannan, to be her pretend boyfriend.

In an effort to help his brother pay for his schooling, Veer, a good-hearted man who gave up his aspirations of becoming a Bollywood superstar to support his family, accepts Harsha's outrageous proposal. A straightforward transactional arrangement soon turns into something more as Veer and Harsha's chemistry becomes undeniable. Their relationship feels genuine and compelling because of the sensitive moments and lighter banter that pepper their growing bond.

Can't Help Faking in Love is unique in that it strikes a mix between romance and deep dives into issues of family responsibilities, individual identity, and having the guts to pursue one's aspirations. The story gains emotional depth from Harsha's fight for independence and Veer's internal struggle between his obligations and goals. Because of how likable and sympathetic both characters are, readers will find it easy to get invested in their journey.

The vividness of Indian culture is evident in many aspects of Hegde's writing, from the opulent wedding celebrations to the family dynamics that influence the lives of Harsha and Veer. The book deftly blends deeper themes of self-discovery with the pleasure of a phony relationship cliche, leaving readers both entertained and moved by the characters' development. For lovers of modern romance with a multicultural twist, Can't Help Faking in Love is an enticing tale full of warmth, humor, and heart.

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I've never read a romcom that was reminiscent of Bollywood, so I was thrilled to dig in to this novel. I don't typically like the fake dating trope but this one was fun and interesting, and a lot more plausible than they usually are. I loved the building romance between the two main characters and could feel their chemistry through the pages. If you're looking for a cute, cozy romance that's quick to read and has the added bonus of diverse characters and settings, then you should absolutely pick the gem up!

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This novel is an enjoyable mix of romance, family drama, and a splash of Bollywood glamour. Harsha Godbole and Veer Kannan’s story takes the familiar fake-dating trope and adds a refreshing twist with its unique setting and culturally rich backdrop.

Harsha’s internal struggle to break free from her wealthy family’s expectations and make her own way in life is relatable and engaging. Meanwhile, Veer’s down-to-earth charm, paired with his own family responsibilities, makes him a lovable character. Their chemistry is sweet, and watching them navigate a wedding full of over-the-top events adds plenty of amusing and heartwarming moments.

However, the plot is fairly predictable, and some of the conflicts feel a bit too easily resolved. While the Bollywood wedding setting is vibrant, there are times when the story could have delved deeper into the characters’ emotions and backstories. Despite this, the book still delivers a fun and lighthearted romance that keeps you invested in Harsha and Veer’s journey.

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This book was a cute and quick romcom that is reminiscent of Bollywood movies with a fake dating trope. We are introduced to Harsha, who is a recent grad and has chosen a career in photography. She comes from an affluent and prominent family with parents who don't approve of her career or love life (or lack there of). In order to appease her family at some upcoming wedding events she convinces her favorite barista, Veer, to act as her boyfriend. All the makings of a story with overbearing parents who are too traditional and children who defy them, a story many of us who are Indian are familiar with. This book also explored taboo subjects for Indians such as divorce, homosexuality and pre-marital sex. I enjoyed the story and it was a fast read. I found the writing to be a little choppy at times, it was like the author was pressing the fast forward button instead of developing the story or characters. Not faulting the author for this, just something I noticed, this isn't meant to be a deeply serious read. Happy to see that more South Asian writers are becoming passionate about sharing stories and would happily support the author by reading more of her books!

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing for this ARC!

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there’s something about south asian romances i just love. this one had the added advantage of being fake dating, which is usually at least an instant two star for me— but i was grinning from ear to ear by chapter one, so clearly this is much higher for me.

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Wow I absolutely devoured this book in a day! I loved it. I don’t normally enjoy reading romances about “rich” people, but I think the spin of only one of them being wealthy, and the different culture and setting really was a breath of fresh air for me. It was unique to anything I’ve read before and really held my attention. I was rooting for the couple! I adored them. It’s spicy, it’s sweet, full of sexual tension. Lovely, fun romance!

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Harsha proviene de una familia acaudalada y, hasta hace poco, disfrutaba de los beneficios de su estatus. Sin embargo, se dio cuenta de que debía actuar de acuerdo con los deseos de su familia y está cansada de no poder hacer las cosas por sí misma. Por ello, decide renunciar a su herencia, mudarse a otro país y buscar trabajo por su cuenta. Sin embargo, pronto descubre que la vida no es tan fácil sin los contactos y el dinero que solía tener.

Veer trabaja como barista en una cafetería; su sueño es ser actor, pero cada casting al que asiste termina en rechazo. Es un buen hijo y hermano, y se esfuerza por pagar la universidad del hermano, aunque su trabajo no le deja el dinero que desearía.

Harsha es clienta habitual de la cafetería de Veer y, cuando se encuentra en la necesidad de encontrar a alguien que finja ser su novio, él acepta sin pensarlo ya que la colegiatura está por vencer.

Disfruté de cómo se desarrolló la relación; todo me pareció natural. Además, me gustó que ambos crecieron tanto personal como profesionalmente.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 ⭐️ rounded up to 4

Can’t Help Faking in Love is a cute rom com perfect for fans of the fake dating trope and all that comes with it, like intimacy practice and only one bed. I enjoyed the television quotes at the beginning of each chapter, they were all very fitting and cute. For me, this wasn’t too distinct from other fake dating stories, but it was still an enjoyable read. I particularly enjoyed the end of it and how it wrapped up in a way that was devoid of frustration and was satisfying.

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