Member Reviews

This in an excellent overview of the Society of Jesus. Ever since their creation the Jesuits have been controversial. Here you can get find a lot of myths busted and learn a lot of new information,

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This book was written in 2014 after the election of Pope Francis, who also became the first Jesuit to be elected Pope. The History of the Jesuits is a very long and some would at times controversial one. At one time Pope Sixtus V signed a brief to do away with the order but nothing came of it and by 1540 Pope Paul III gave them commendation and permitted them to ordain priests. What is not in this book and what people you a Catholic or not is to read or find a book about the history of the church and you will see that at some parts of the history kings were wanting to control the church through the Pope and therefore if they did not like the preaching of an order they wanted to do away with that order. Also as you get farther along in the history of the Jesuits that is not always talked about. They also fought against the Spanish in especially South America were the Spaniards wanted to make the local Indians slaves the Jesuits fought against that and created schools and wrote down the language that they were using. There is much more and a lot what I am writing about was not in the book but the author also has more books on the Jesuits. Plus there are other books. Being Catholic and going to Catholic schools I also found it important to learn the history of the church good and bad. This is a good book to start with.

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I did not realize that I had not submitted my review for this book. My apologies.

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