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When I discovered that Jill Eileen Smith had a book releasing that focused on Mary Magdelene I was quite intrigued. I've read a couple of her other books and have really enjoyed how she brought biblical times and characters to life. With Dawn of Grace she did it again. Only this time, the story was from the New Testament.
We get to see Mary Magdelene as a child and then a young adult before she joins Jesus' followers. I felt the author did a great job showing how Mary may have become possessed by seven demons, what her life could have been like while possessed, and how she felt when Jesus freed her. The reader journeys along with her as she travels with Jesus and his disciples and all the other people who follow him seeking healing and other miracles.
I like the way the author showed how Mary and the other women could have been helping financially and what it may have looked like to follow Him from town to town, listening to His teaching and experience His miracles. In addition to the words Jesus speaks in the Bible, the author has also included conversations He may have had with his followers. At one point I think this would have bothered me as it isn't exactly from the Bible. However, I don't feel what was added contradicts anything that Jesus is recorded as saying. I like thinking of how He might have interacted with His followers aside from what we read in Scripture.
Dawn of Grace is a wonderful book and one I highly recommend. I think it would be a great read leading up to Resurrection Sunday.
I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

Well I have certainly learned something new. I have grown up in the church. My dad was, and still is, a pastor. I have read the Bible for myself since I was a little girl. I can't tell you the number of times I've read the Bible all the way through.
And I have always thought that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.
Why did I think that? I have no idea! But there is no Biblical evidence that she was. My mind is blown.
That's one of the many reasons I love Biblical fiction: I feel like I learn something new each time I read a Bibfic book.
All that aside, this book was good. I was thoroughly invested in Mary's story, though I felt that she found Jesus maybe a little too early in the book. Don't get me wrong-the rest of the book was good. But I think there could have been more at the beginning.
But after she met Jesus, I did enjoy seeing the day to day life of a disciple. I know many people won't read this genre because they don't feel that it aligns with Scripture, they don't want this to become Scripture to them, etc. But Jill does a wonderful job of sticking to the Word of God. In fact, almost every word that Jesus said here comes straight from Scripture. And the Passover week? Whew. Nothing could have prepared me for those emotions.
This book made the Bible living, breathing history for me.

NOTE: This review will post on The Well Read Fish Christian fiction review blog (thewellreadfish,com), Goodreads, and BookBub on 02/05/25. Amazon and B&N reviews to post on release day.
Thank you to NetGalley and Revell Books for my ARC.
Jill Eileen Smith is one of my favorite Christian authors, so when I saw Dawn of Grace available on NetGalley, I immediately requested it. This is Smith’s first venture into writing a story set during New Testament times vs. Old Testament. Her novel, The Prince and the Prodigal remains one of my all-time favorite Christian reads, so naturally I was looking forward to Dawn of Grace.
Smith went straight to the heart of difficulty in tackling the story of Mary Magdalene. There has been much speculation about Mary’s backstory and how her life intersected with that of Jesus. Of the women who populate the New Testament, she is the certainly the most notable (with the exception of Jesus’s mother, Mary).
In Dawn of Grace, the reader meets Mary Magdalene as a young child, then becomes witness to her life as it unfolds. From her possession by demons to being set free by Jesus, following him during his ministry years, to witnessing his crucifixion and resurrection, Smith allows us to experience events through Mary’s eyes. Carefully considered fiction weaves with historical elements, but the blend feels seamless, and Jesus’s teachings are delivered as written in the four Gospels. Those parts are much like reading scripture.
I liked the inclusion of many of the women of the New Testament—Susanna, Joanna, Martha, and Mary—to name a few—but some characters are more fleshed out than others. Given the scope of territory the novel covers and the amount of people who populate it, the author did well in bringing familiar moments (and settings) to life. Faith elements are strong, especially as related to Jesus. I got a true feel for how it must have been for the Jews of the time, expecting their Messiah to be a conquering king, questioning if Jesus was going to deliver them. Even his own disciples had doubts.
If I have one quibble, it’s the lack of emotional attachment I usually feel to the lead characters when reading one of Smith’s novels. The book skews more plot-driven than character-driven, which is perhaps why I felt a smidgen of detachment. I DID ache for Mary, especially in her fear for Jesus, and her dread that he might someday leave her.
Overall, this is a well-presented blend of plausible fiction and Biblical history woven into an uplifting tale of faith, hope, and devotion to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. If you enjoy Biblical fiction, you’ll find this novel well worth your time.

In my opinion this wasn't so much a book about Mary as it was about all those who followed Jesus and Jesus himself. The book was very bland. The choice to reimagine Mary's life was sound and historically it was entirely plausible. Having read and enjoyed several of the author's previous works I expected more than just a rehashing of the Bible. The majority of the book was the group moving from one place to another and everyone being confused by Jesus' teachings. While the writing was good the pace was entirely to slow.

Dawn of Grace
Mary Magdalene's Story
by Jill Eileen Smith
Pub DateFeb 18 2025
Christian| Historical Fiction
Revell and Netgalley have provided me with a copy of Dawn of Grace for review.
What happens when the hope she has found slips from her grasp when she's pulled from the depths of despair?
Mary, bound to her demons and incapable of freeing herself, walks in shadows until one day she meets a healer, a rabbi who is radically different from the religious leaders and family members who were powerless to help her. Since her earliest days, Mary Magdalene has experienced fear and loss so deep she can never recover. One day, Mary walks in shadow, bound by the demons inside her and incapable of freeing herself--until she meets a healer, a rabbi radically different from the religious leaders and family members who were unable to assist her.
Mary's only mission in life is to serve the one who freed her. As long as she has him, she is determined never to leave, fearing that if she loses him, she will return to her former bondage. Even if the unthinkable happens and her savior is arrested and sentenced to execution, she cannot abandon him. Let her be buried in his tomb, for she cannot live without him.
When Mary is on the verge of despair, she realizes that while faith is never perfect, perfect love casts out fear--and Jesus makes all things new.
I give Dawn of Grace five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

If I could give this half stars, I would give Dawn of Grace a 4.5. The pacing of the first part of the book was really fast. I can understand why this might have been because much of Mary's life before we meet her when Jesus casts out her 7 demons is unknown. So I read this section like I read a lot of fiction... quickly. It was fascinating to read about the culture back in the New Testament times and how common demon possession and paganism were and how intertwined they were.
After Mary meets Jesus, the story pace starts to slow. This is such a fine line for Jill Eileen Smith to walk because she wants to hold true to the Bible and not misrepresent Jesus, but still write a complete and compelling fictional novel. I thought Smith does a fine job of incorporating the Biblical text. I appreciated her using Jesus's words and not expanding on them much and not writing what Jesus was thinking. Where Smith's judgement comes in is Mary's thoughts, which is fine because we don't know much about them from the Bible.
I did feel like there were parts that were repetitive. It was almost like I was reading the Bible with all the miracles, even though I know Smith doesn't include everything in the Gospels. I might have preferred more about Mary after the resurrection of Jesus and less from before.
Overall, this was a great piece of Biblical fiction that holds true to the Jesus in the Bible and doesn't try to add to His life.

Thank you to Revell and NetGalley for this #gifted book!*
Synopsis: “We all have a past, Mary…Everyone needs Jesus to forgive them of something. If we were all holy as God is holy, we wouldn’t need him.” Mary feels that she knows the need for forgiveness perhaps better than anyone else in her circles. After being possessed by demons, she encounters the amazing healing of Jesus and begins to follow this radical teacher alongside his disciples. At first the people love him, but the further into his ministry they go, the more people turn from him. Even Mary and the disciples are confused by many of Jesus’ teachings. If this is the Messiah, would he really die? What about the promise of his presence? Can Mary trust that Jesus is really the Savior he says he is?
Analysis: Biblical fiction can be such a challenge when it comes to balancing Scripture, culture, and creativity. It was interesting to see this author’s portrayal of Mary. You’ll even get to see some of the other Marys in Scripture and how they all had different roles in Jesus’ ministry. Sometimes it did feel very focused and repetitive when it came to Mary’s inner dialogue. I would have preferred a little more plot-driven. I didn’t always agree with some of the ways Jesus was portrayed (An example: one quote said Jesus “appeared anxious” to leave somewhere.) and how some of his quotes were added in. But overall, I think the author handled Jesus well in a work of fiction and used Scripture appropriately. There is a tiny thread of romance too if you’re hoping for that in Mary’s story! Overall, this book is very character-driven, so if you’re looking for a deep dive into a biblical character’s thoughts, I think this would be a good place to start!
Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
*I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Loved reading the inspirational and awesome story. When Mary of Magdalene meets Jesus, he heals her of the seven demons living inside of her, and Mary begins her journey of following Jesus. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story.

I enjoyed reading Dawn Of Grace by Jill Eileen Smith. Her attention to details along with her storytelling skills brought Mary Magdalene to life. She created a backstory for a little known character from the Bible. Her descriptions the despair one would feel at being possessed compared to the joy of deliverance really made me think. Reading Dawn of Grace made me review the life I have and be thankful for everything God has given me. I highly recommend Dawn Of Grace.
I was given a copy of Dawn of Grace with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

Dawn of Grace by Jill Eileen Smith is a moving biblical novel that follows Mary Magdalene’s journey from a demon-possessed woman to a follower of Jesus Christ. Through Mary’s eyes, we get a probable backstory on how she came to be possessed and what happened after Jesus healed her.
Mary was presented as a character who felt unloved throughout her life and was easily led astray by others. Her gullibility and desire for more control over her own life seemed to be the catalyst for her possession. I felt the author did a marvellous job portraying a dutiful yet innocent girl, who regretted asking evil spirits into her life. In fact, the author did such a good job of this that I found I had to put the book down several times as it disturbed me.
Smith did a remarkable job of bringing the Scriptures to life. However, I felt like I was reading the Bible. This is not a bad thing, but I was expecting a side-story of some sort where the author didn’t feel the need to be constrained by the Scriptures. While she did this with Mary and her friend Susanna, once that part of the story was over, it lacked any further excitement.
Mary’s possession and healing were over faster than I would have liked. It would have been nice to see a bit more adventure in the story along with more character growth in Mary. Her inner thoughts were the same in almost every chapter after she was healed, and the story seemed to stall as she and the disciples followed Jesus around the country.
I loved the way the author portrayed Jesus and her inclusion of other women who followed Him. I appreciated the faith message in this book and how Jesus redeems us. I realize, too, that telling a story from the Scriptures is difficult, especially where Jesus is involved. The author did a great job of imagining what Jesus would say while combining that with what He actually said.
Her depiction of Mary at the garden tomb with Jesus was memorable and gave me chills. In fact, Mary’s devotion to the Lord and her love of Him is something I wish more Christians (myself included) aspired to.
Dawn of Grace is ultimately a story of love, discipleship, and self-discovery that will stir the flames of your faith. I highly recommend it.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Revell through NetGalley for my honest review.

A deep moving story following Mary of Magdala. The depth of detail brings this part of the Bible to life in a new way.

Jill Eileen Smith does a fantastic job in writing this type of book, it uses the Mary Magdalene concept perfectly and enjoyed the overall story being told. The characters felt like they belonged in this type of book and was invested in what was going on.

I was so excited to see another book from my favorite Biblical author Ms. Smith!
This is Mary Magdelene's story.
I must admit the first few chapters of Mary's life were quite creepy. I don't understand why a person would let that happen to them. It's nothing but misery.
I truly felt like I got to know this character quite well.
I really liked her a lot and her three friends although at first I didn't. Especially Susannah. She's quite the influencer isn't she? A bad one so to speak.
I finished this book in one day. Of course I was sad when this story ended but it does a have beautiful message within it.
This book shows that there's always hope and a light at the end of the dark tunnel if we choose to accept it.
5 stars from me for this delightful read. I highly recommend it.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine

“Maybe the idols and spirits weren’t so bad after all.”
Biblical fiction author, Jill Eileen Smith, explores one of the major themes of the bible, challenging God’s sovereignty, and highlights the dangers of putting our hope in anything that we allow to take the place of God.
None of us would admit to idolatry, but Satan has veiled it as attention to self, security, approval, success, relationships, and wealth. When we give these things more attention than they deserve, we are making them idols. The children at the beginning of this book find idols when they are playing at the seaside and although one of them knows that it’s wrong to play with them or bring them home, the other convinces her that it’s ok. What someone discarded carelessly instead of destroying became the downfall of someone else…the ripple effects were astounding. There’s a lesson in that for all of us.
At first, the plan is to seemingly play with these idols as if they were dolls, but the real reason for the attachment is rooted in a feeling of lack of control. One of the characters is driven to have power over her circumstances and it almost leads to her downfall…had she not met Jesus.
There’s so little in the Bible about Mary Magdalene but we do know that Jesus cast out of her seven demons and that she followed him faithfully. Smith has reimagined this biblical story to give us insight into how those demons found a home in Mary and show us the dangers of allowing them access to our hearts.
Smith capably placed me in Mary Magdalene’s shoes and I felt her fear before she met Jesus, her relief as he cleansed her and the joy that arose from fear as he died and was risen again. I had a better understanding of how fear operates and appreciated a little more how the Pharisees' lies originated from fear and from something they couldn’t control.
Smith showed us a radically transformed life; one that was free from what was holding her back. She also showed us a faithful follower who was ready and waiting. But, what spoke to me most was the uncomfortable chapters where the ‘spirits’ were in control. I realized the danger of building walls and of my human desire for control. I don’t think I’ll forget the above quote anytime soon.
This spectacular book isn’t just a Bible story; it’s applicable today and offers a solution to our fears.
I was gifted this copy by Revell and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.