Member Reviews

I listened to this in one go after receiving it from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

As it was just the audiobook it took me a bit of time to get to grips with the various different characters and remember their names but it didn't take long.

This is a fast paced thriller that keeps you guessing right to the end. I didn't expect to be as attached to some characters as I was.

There were some dark topics handled such as white supremacy and incels but both were handled well.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys thrillers for sure.

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The beginning of this book jumped around a bit- and I did audio making it a little harder to track but I feel it came together really nicely!

In the beginning, we see a scene with a Husband put a woman in chokehold, the husband was stopped by a bullet that was not shot by any cop. They assume a hunter in the right place at the right time helped them out. Until a similar murder happens shortly after, having the small town questioning if they’re dealing with a serial killer.

Jack and Jill (yes these are the partners names) are one story line. Competitive against each other they came up in the police force together and have found themselves working the case of the mystery “Hunter” they must work together to help solve the mystery.

Themes here of local government vs FBI investigation, white supremacy and old school thinking.

I felt this very relevant and the tie in from past and present stories was beautifully down. Jaw dropping when the Deja Vu - what comes around- character name all came together. Excellent.

I know this just came out but I was shocked to see the lack of reviews!! This book has amazing potential, I would look for more by this author!

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the ALC in exchange for an honest review!

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Is there a serial killer or just a good Samaritan with a twisted idea of justice? This fast paced thriller takes the reader on one wild ride! We meet Jack Ludlum and Jill Jarred, who do not care for each other, as they prepare to take the state level investigator exam. The pair are eventually paired up to investigate some seemingly related sniper attacks in a small rural town. The local sherrif refuses to believe the killings are related until a deputy proves him otherwise. On her own, Jill has been secretly investigating hate groups. Could all of this somehow be related? Full twists and turns, a great psychological thriller.

5 stars

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Jack Ludlum and Jill Jarred are both law enforcement agents who have to work together whilst somehow dealing with their competitive natures as well as an inconvenient spark of chemistry between them.

In a story that combines potential serial killers with confirmed white supremacists, and a few other things besides, the ideas had potential, but the execution felt lacklustre.

The relationship between the male and female MC was a little too predictable, and there was a lot of telling rather than showing in the book. This one was not for me, it gets 2.5 stars..

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