Member Reviews

A good middle book in the trilogy. I have been highly anticipating this since I finished book one. It was a long wait and again I cannot wait for the next one. But like most middle books it is just a bridge between the beginning and the end. I liked seeing old characters come back and the action/romance scenes were fun but it just didn't hit as high as the first in the trilogy.

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If you’ll recall from my review of “Forging Silver into Stars”, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the new perspectives and voices in this spin-off series, but dare I say I enjoy Callyn, Jax, and Tycho even more than the original trio. “Gold” starts with our characters being separated, so each POV provides perspective on the mounting conflict against magic, as well as insight into our characters’ state of mind.

Syhl Shallow is on the brink of war, and there seems to be no way to avoid it. Queen Lia Mara’s people fear King Grey’s magic and want her to evict her husband from the castle and their country for good. Additionally, there’s the promise of battle on another front; the scravers who were originally banished to the ice forest of Iishellasa have left the forest and are attacking both Syhl Shallow and Emberfall.

All the dynamics have changed between “Silver” and “Gold”.

“I’ve never battled with my own sense of duty and honor like this before, and I hate it.”
Everyone has a role to play at court. Whether you’re a metal worker, a lady-in-waiting, a soldier, or the King’s courier. All of our characters are struggling with their place at court for one reason or another.

Kemmerer is a master at not only weaving a story between multiple perspectives, but also examining the human spirit through internal monologue. While the country of Syhl Shallow is on the brink of a two sided war, our main characters are struggling with their insecurities and personal relationships.

Callyn and Alek, find themselves partnering together, but they have a sordid history and she doesn’t trust his motivations or intentions. Further still, she harbors a secret of her own and doesn’t know what to do with it.

Jax manages to integrate into Emberfall’s day-to-day while he doesn’t speak their language and he knows people actively hate him.

Tycho is in conflict with his oldest friend and doesn’t see a way past it. He’s always been loyal to Grey, but lately their relationship is strained and they continue to find themselves at odds. I feel terrible for Tycho. He was drafted into conflict at such a young age, and has done nothing in his life but be at the will of others, fighting for others. Poor kid deserves a beautiful vacation and an easy life.

Kemmerer managing to show the characters’ personal growth along with plot development while they’re all separated is such a difficult thing to accomplish, but she does it with absolute skill. Her writing seems simple but page after page is layered with depth and detail. She takes complex connections and power moves and makes them digestible by having the characters work through them in their internal monologues on the page.

“We keep coming to this point, and I don’t know how to end up at any other.”

War is coming. That’s a fact. War with the People. War with the scravers. War with each other, if they don’t learn how to start communicating effectively and get past old hurts.

“Carving Shadows into Gold” is book two of a trilogy, so before you open the book you should know that the main plot points and conflicts aren’t going to be resolved here. This book is 100% written to set up for the final battle, and to that point if I’m being honest and speaking from my heart, I feel like series could have been a duology. There’s not a lot that happens to advance the plot except for some attacks to build the tension and drama. I don’t hate it though. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see how everything plays out in the finale.

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This was a well done sequel.
We start off right where the first one ended. Tycho and Jax are headed to Ironrose Castle in Emberfall and Callyn is headed to the Crystal Palace in Syhl Shallow. On the way back, Tycho, Jax and the soldiers are attacked by scravers. With this attack and the rumors of other attacks happening, Ren immediately sends Tycho back to Grey, leaving Jax in a place where he doesn't know their language and next to no one knows his. In Syhl Shallow, the king and queen seem to be at odds and Lord Alec is freed and keeping an eye on Callyn. There is unrest between and within the kingdoms.
I really liked getting to know these 3 characters better. Callyn and Jax were thrown into completely new situations and are separated from each other. I liked following Jax's journey starting his new blacksmith job and struggling to even ask for a stool so he can do his job efficiently. He was so isolated, but started making friends, even though a lot of the people there thought he was a traitor. I liked how Callyn started becoming more confident. She grew closer to the queen and realized that the king and his magic weren't as bad as the rumors she had heard. I think Tycho's POV was my least favorite, though I still liked it. I liked the friendship he grew with Malin. Tycho dealt with growing apart from Grey even though they had once been so close.
The only thing I didn't love about this book was how long it was. I think it could have been shorter (similar to the first one). But even so, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. It seemed very character driven to me and we got to know them very well, so the plot itself moved pretty slowly. It was political, which isn't my favorite thing, so that may have been partially why it felt slow. It did however lead to an ending that made me excited for the third book. It was kind of heartbreaking and I'm just hoping it ends well!

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The second book in a trilogy sometimes falls a little flat and I definitely felt that here. I did read book one and two in the same week but I just felt like it was a lot of people not knowing how to communicate with each other. It’s very Tycho and Jax heavy which was fine but I missed Callyn. I’ll definitely keep going with this series but I’m hopeful these characters will have had extensive therapy before then.

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I am really enjoying this series! The relationships, the found family, the political intrigue and rebellion all have me so invested in this story! It’s been a while since I’ve read a really good YA fantasy and this series is absolutely scratching that itch for me!

My only complaints:
• Callyn did not get her first POV chapter until 21% in and I feel like some of that first 21% could have been cut out because not much really happened
• The ending felt very abrupt
• I’m a little confused at how Tycho and Callyn both randomly developed magic still

Otherwise I really liked this one and flew through it. I’m very much looking forward to the next book in this series!

Thank you to Bloomsbury for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Many times, the second book can fall flat. This definitely does not fall victim to that trend. There was action and intrigue, and I fell even more in love with Jax and Tycho. I had hoped we would get many more chapters for them in this installment, and we do! This book has three perspectives: Jax, Tycho, and Callyn. I felt like we got so much more information and progress from Jax and Tycho’s chapters.

What I absolutely loved about this was the fact that there was so much happening. Some people may think the buildup will be slow, but I loved it. I feel like I was allowed to make a stronger connection to Jax, Tycho, and Callyn as individuals. They each had their struggles and needed to find who they were as individuals after something extremely traumatic.

Jax felt like an outsider. Tycho felt like a prisoner. Callyn felt confused about what was right to her.

If you wanted chapters of Jax and Tycho spending time together, you won’t get that exactly. They both have a role to play, and they are separated due to those expectations. Jax has to adjust to life in a place that doesn’t speak his language, a forge he is not used to, and figure out how to cope without Tycho with him. It’s made even more difficult once the Scraver attacks become more prevalent and violent.

Tycho found himself wondering when he was going to be held to his promise to a scraver in the previous book. He is constantly afraid of what is going to be asked of him. The further he travels, the longer he stays in one location, the more he learns about his magic, what the scravers need from him.

Callyn is set up in the palace, as a royal nanny of sorts, and does errands for the queen. She ends up visiting Alek and learning about his mission. Everything comes to a disastrous end when scravers attack.

This was a fantastic read! If you read Forging Silver into Stars, you won’t be let down by book two in the series. By the end, I was on the edge of my seat and in desperate need for the next book!

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This book is a pressure cooker and I could not put it down!

Following the events of the previous installment, “Carving Shadows into Gold” picks up with Tycho, Jax, and Callyn as they learn to wield the magic that is dividing their kingdom.

All three characters undergo significant growth as they navigate life outside of Briarlock and the challenges that come with being cast apart. Tycho’s unresolved trauma begins to haunt him now that he is beholden to both the king and to the magical scraver that came to his aid, Jax faces prejudice as he works in a kingdom that was once enemy to his own, and Callyn has a hard time discerning who to trust at the royal court.

I kid you not when I say that the tension in this book escalates to reach a fever pitch! With all three characters spread across both kingdoms, their points-of-view allow the reader to learn more about how the brewing war surrounding magic has affected not only the populace, but also the royal family. There is a lot in the way of political maneuvering as Callyn and Lia Mara work to prevent Syhl Shallow and Emberfall from being pitted against each other by the Truthbringers. Having to watch some of my favorite characters from the “Cursebreakers” trilogy—in addition to Tycho, Jax, and Callyn—suffer under the weight of the pressure hit me with a wave of emotion, because I’m so deeply invested in the lives of all of Kemmerer’s characters!

While perhaps not the sole focus of the book, the romance made my heart ache. The looming conflict definitely serves as a source of tension for both Tycho and Jax’s as well as Callyn and Alek’s respective relationships. Their love is continuously put to the test, yet it remains steadfast. The intense yearning will definitely make you swoon!

I anxiously await book 3 in hopes that it will put my heart at ease!

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Carving Shadows into Gold is book two in the Forging Silver into Stars series by Brigid Kemmerer.
Everything about it was great... the characters, the world, the magic, and political intrigue was just outstanding. .
A well-written, intriguing fantasy that will keep readers turning the pages.
The characters were rich. The plot continually surprised me. I had so much fun reading this book.
This fantasy story was absolutely phenomenal!

Thank You NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I loved this one! It was so well done, and I love the romance and the enemies-to-lovers vibes. The only thing I would have loved to see more was more of Harper and Grey and Rhen, but I know this isn't their story. It makes me want to go back and reread the original trilogy.

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Carvinfg Shadows into Gold is the second book in the Forging Silver into Stars series by Brigid Kemmerer. Picking up right where the first book left off, the story is an entertaining mix of mystery, political intrigue, and complex characters.

Like the first book, the story's strengths are the writing, the characters, the relationships, and the world-building. The author has a way of sucking you right into the story with an immersive writing style that flows so well. I love when stories come to life in my mind, and Kemmerer always does that for me. This is a vast world, and that's really explored in this series, especially since so many characters go in different directions. I like that the story is told from multiple points of view because there is so much going on, and the plot has so many layers. Seeing things from multiple perspectives shapes the characters and also shows how complex the politics and lives of the people who are affected by them are.

Many relationships and characters are put to the test, and there are a couple of fractured relationships that broke my heart a little bit. There are also a few super intense scenes that challenge Callyn, Jax, Tycho, Grey, and others in gut-wrenching ways. My word! My heart was in my mouth in a couple of scenes!

I love that the story explores all kinds of relationships, from committed marriages to new love to friendships and even contemptuous ones. The characters and relationships are all complex and layered, and it's so intriguing to see how they change and reshape.

The story did feel a bit slow at times, but it was still so well-written and intriguing that even the slower parts kept my interest. I definitely want to continue the series because I am emotionally invested in these characters, and I need to know what their futures hold. lol

Thanks to NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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HELLO i’m supposed to just move on from this and wait for the next one??? miss kemmerer continues to step it up with every new release, and these characters man. they’ve stolen every inch of my heart and i don’t need it back, i just need the next book 😭😭 this was phenomenal as always!!!!!

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Carving Shadows into Gold - eBook ARC from NetGalley
3.5 Stars
Brigid Kemmerer’s Carving Shadows into Gold continues the journey begun in Forged Silver into Stars, bringing back beloved characters like Tycho, Jax, and Callyn. Told through multiple POVs, this installment dives deep into court politics, magic, and the strength (and strain) of personal bonds.

One of the standout aspects of this book for me was the relationships. The dynamic between Tycho and Jax was a highlight, and their moments together added emotional depth that kept me invested. The LGBTQ+ representation was another strong point—thoughtful, fresh, and handled beautifully.

That said, the pacing felt very slow at times. While I can appreciate the deliberate buildup needed to craft a multi-layered narrative, I often found myself wishing for the story to pick up. There were moments when the plot felt stretched, and I couldn’t help but feel this story might have benefited from a bit more editing to tighten the narrative. It did give me a bit of that “second book syndrome” vibe—where the stakes are being set for bigger things to come but the momentum falters slightly.

What’s undeniable, though, is Brigid Kemmerer’s talent as a writer. Her prose is consistently stunning, and even though Carving Shadows into Gold isn’t my favorite of her works, it’s still a strong addition to her catalog. Fans of the series will likely appreciate the nuanced character growth and rich exploration of bonds and betrayals, even if the pace requires some patience.

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Our queen Brigid strikes again! Words cannot express how THRILLED I. was to get my hands. on this! I was beyond. excited to hear more from Jax and Tycho and this book DID NOT dissapoint! Sitting here (not so) patiently waiting for book three Ms. Brigid!

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3.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, Bloomsbury YA, and Bloomsbury USA Children's Books for this advanced copy. You can pick up Carving Shadows into Gold on January 28, 2025.

While I loved the Cursebreakers series and Forging Silver into Stars, this one was a bit of a miss for me. It fell a bit into second-book syndrome, where most of what occurs is set up for the third book. And while some character growth occurs, for most of the book, characters repeat the same arguments over and over again.

*Slight spoilers ahead*.

Grey and Tycho, for one, are still in the same weird limbo they were in for the entirety of the first book. That limbo has now slightly expanded to Tycho and Jax, and it's definitely affected Grey and Lia Mara's relationship. I know they aren't the main characters of this series, but it just hurts to see the couple I loved from the original series go through so many struggles and (avoidable) issues.

I think Jax and Callyn had the most interesting POVs this book, especially with Callyn being front and center to the court politcking and drama happening in Syl Shallow. But her relationship with Alek still kinda gives me the ick, and she spends so much time wondering who to trust and doubting people every other time that it's starting to make ME feel paranoid.

I think Jax had the most growth in this book as he's thrown into a completely new country and has to adapt to a different language and culture than he's used to. I loved seeing him make friends and learn to assimilate, but his reunion with Tycho at the end of the book felt a bit...lackluster? And they didn't talk out their issues with the long-distance?

Idk. While I loved Tycho in the original series, I feel like he's just turned into an angry, sullen teenager now who doesn't know how to express or process his feelings. Mans was angry or pissed off the whole book until he became friends with Malin, who is officially my favorite character. We stan an unproblematic king.

If you enjoyed the first book, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one. I'm still curious to pick up the third, but I hope a lot of these character relationships and rifts get resolved.

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Carving Shadows into Gold picks up immediately after Forging Silver into Stars, so if you can read these back to back I would recommend it. If not, no worries Carving Shadows into Gold gives enough backstory that it will remind you what happened. This has magic, political intrigue, sweeping sagas and love. It’s very YA, which usually isn’t my jam, but Brigid Kemmerer is a sorceress because I couldn’t put it down.

Carving Shadows into Gold has the same three POV’s as the previous book, Jax, Tycho and Callyn, woven together in a way that kept me enthralled. Jax has to find his way in Emberfell where he knows no-one, doesn’t speak the language and has to really come into himself. Tycho’s bonds to Grey are tested, his love for Jax and the deal he made in the previous book may come back to bite him. Callyn’s faith in magic is tested, her bonds to the queen deepen and I loved seeing her training to protect herself. These three are tied together by friendship and love while the kingdom is under attack from outside forces and within.

This book drags a bit but it’s a second book in what I think will be a 3 books series (her other 2 YA series are 3 books). I expect the third book will wrap up everything. I wanted a bit more of Tycho and Grey working their issues out and Grey with Lia Mara but I’m hopeful book 3 will give me that HEA. The relationships are wonderfully built and flushed out - if Callyn and A, Jax and Tycho don’t get an HEA, I might revolt. Even the complex feelings of Tycho and Rhen are so well done, their conversations broke my heart. Carving Shadows into Gold has a great balance of action, emotion and magic with a cliffhanger that left me wanting more.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for sending this book (eARC) to review, all opinions are my own.

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I really enjoy these characters and was excited to see hoe Jax and Callyn's lives changed after the events of the first book. Their chapters were the most satisfying parts of this book for me. It was also interesting to see more of Tycho's perspective in this book and I really enjoyed his friendship with Mal. There are some interesting things brewing and I am curious where this is all going. That said the pacing felt off and like things were dragging on as we just lead into the big conclusion. This really felt like it could have been combined with the events of the first book into one story, that sets up the conflict for what will now be the third book. Overall it's still a great book and I am drawn in by the characters.

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This book continues the story very well! It is a little bit of a filler book, but that’s okay, I’m curious to see what happens next.

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Carving Shadows into Gold by Brigid Kemmerer
Rating: 4.5 stars
Pub date: 1/28

Thank you so much to Bloomsbury for my advanced copy!

Brigid Kemmerer does it again with Carving Shadows Into Gold, the next gripping installment in her Emberfall universe. Picking up right after Forging Silver Into Stars, this book delivers a perfect mix of magic, political intrigue, and personal growth.

The story follows Tycho, Jax, and Callyn as they navigate challenges that could reshape their lives—and their kingdom. Tycho’s dangerous bargain looms over him, and every choice feels like life or death. Jax is adjusting to life in Emberfall, far from the simplicity of Briarlock, while Callyn finds herself in the court of Syhl Shallow, unsure of who she can trust. Their paths are full of tension and tough decisions.

Kemmerer’s world-building is rich and immersive. It’s full of magic and political drama, intertwined in ways that feel natural. Fans of the Cursebreaker series will love seeing familiar faces like King Gray and Queen Lia Mara and how their stories continue to evolve.

What really stands out, though, is the character development. Watching these three grow and wrestle with their identities is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The stakes are high, the emotions run deep, and the ending ties up just enough to leave you satisfied while setting up the next book perfectly.

If you love fantasy with compelling characters and a dash of danger, this series is a must-read. Start with Forging Silver Into Stars, then dive into this one. You won’t regret it!

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I am very sad to say that I didn't love this. I'm a huge Kemmerer fan and loved the first book in this series. I found this book to be a whole lot of nothing happening, I found the dynamics between Jax and Tycho frustrating (what happened to the Tycho I fell in love with????) the thing that sent me over the edge with this though was what happened with Sephran. we grow to love him for what a good friend he's been to Jax and then he like lowkey SA's him???? what? and then Jax is just like, it's okay I forgive you? absolutely not. so weird. so out of the blue. I'm not sure I'll be continuing with these unfortunately.

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Carving Shadows into Gold is the second book in the Forging Silver series. I do 100% recommend reading Kemmerer’s Cursebreaker trilogy first, as this is a spinoff series set in the same universe.

I did find this story a bit on the slower side, and it felt like a book two of a trilogy, but I’m very excited to see where it goes next.

Thank you to Bloomsbury, Brigid Kemmerer, and NetGalley for an advanced electronic copy in exchange for an honest review. Carving in Shadows into Gold will be released January 28th.

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