Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book! It did feel like a 2nd book in a trilogy in that I could tell this book was a lot of setup for something bigger and didn't have a grand plot of its own. The character work in this is exactly what I'd expect from Brigid Kemmerer; I loved every second I got to spend learning more about Tycho, Jax, and Callyn! I hated that they all spent so much of the book apart, but it's a shared frustration with the characters themselves, and a testament to how connected to them I feel. Of the three MCs, I think I appreciated Jax's growth the most in this. Callyn's arc felt a little smaller by comparison, but I think book 3 will be her time to shine.
My biggest disappointment was that we didn't see Callyn sooner. I spent more than 10 chapters feeling anxious that we wouldn't see her at all! It would have been nice if her first chapter had been earlier.
This book is a must-read if you love this world Kemmerer has created. I love how set up this now feels for book 3 and I know it's going to come out the gate swinging. I still don't know who I'm "rooting for" since so many of our MCs are at odds right now and I just want them all to be happy! Knowing Kemmerer, they will be, but I'm going to be cringing from now until then while I wait!

“Carving Shadows into Gold,” by Brigid Kemmerer
I really liked this book. My favorite part was Jax and Tycho’s relationship, it kept me glued to the pages. It has a little romance but way more action and political intrigue than anything else, so if that’s what you like in books then this book is perfect. The entire series was really good, and I enjoyed reading it. It’s not my favorite series she has done but it was a close call. 4 out of 5 stars.
-Political Intrigue
-Multi POV
Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, the publisher, and Brigid for giving me an arc copy of this book! All thoughts are my own.
I have a lot of feelings about this book and a lot to still process. I loved every ounce of this book, even the parts I disliked…I loved. I’m not sure how she did it but Kemmerer had me feeling all the feelings while reading this. Jax and Tycho, and then Callyn and Alek, my heart has so much love and want for them all. There were so many mixed emotions about them and especially with the king and queen.
So much happened and it’s hard to express it all. I may come back to my review and edit. I just need yall to know that I am obsessed with this book and I need book 3 asap.
Side note: I really, REALLY need C and A together, so Brigid if you see this, please do me a favor and don’t rip my heart out in book 3. I have a lot of hope for T and J but Mr.S better back up cause I ain’t having all that.
5 stars!!!

If you love Jax and Tycho and want to see more of them, you will absolutely get that. Jax + Tycho are sweet.
My favorite POV is Callyn so it was hard to get excited about this book when she's not present until after Ch 11.
This one was not quite up to the same standard as the first book and I hate to say this but it feels like it may suffer from middle book syndrome.
I think if you've read the Cursebreaker series and love the world this will be a must read to return to the world, but without that context this feels a little flat.
Overall not a bad read but not quite as good as the author's Defy the Night series. imo.
Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for sending this book (eARC) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

I NEEDED this story and these characters in my life this week. I was fully prepared to be a little let down. Partially because it has been so long since Forging but also because second books in fantasy trilogies are often just ok. I knew it was long. I knew it was the middle. So I went in prepared to read this a little at a time over a week. I am so glad that I did. Pacing myself as I read allowed me the time to remember Tycho and Jax. It gave me space to fall back in love with Emberfell and Syl Shallow. I love how Kemmerer builds a world and then lets us savor it.

This is the continuation of Tycho, Jax and Callyn’s story, which is a continuation of the Cursebreakers series. I love this author and this world she has built, however I was frustrated by the main characters for most of the book. Not much really even happens over these nearly 500 pages. Callyn is just not very likable and Alek needs to just go away. Tycho and Jax individually had their own trials and tribulations but I saw some growth there.
I also miss hearing the perspectives of Harper, Grey and Rhen. Can’t we get a few chapters from them? War is certainly looming and we need to hear from these people. I think my hopes are always too high and then they are dashed by reality.

Realistic, well-rounded, and well-developed characters, a gripping plot, and some fulfilling romance. I thought the pacing was excellent. Fans of the fantasy genre will find this book to be an engrossing read. The reader is captivated and eagerly awaits the next installment of the series due to the harmonious blend of political drama, personal development, and the constant magical dangers. Long after the last page is turned, Kemmerer's captivating tale continues to captivate readers!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book. My biggest complaint about this book is that I thought it was a duology and about halfway through it became clear this wasn't the last book in the series. Now I have to wait FOREVER for the next one. That being said, I loved it. This was a great follow up to Forging Silver and she continued to explore the complex, morally gray, emotionally charged situations that a lot of the characters found themselves in. I loved how Brigid continues to tell the stories of her MCs from the original Curse series, while also telling the new stories of her fully rounded and absolutely lovable characters from this series. I love love love Jax and need her to be nicer to him. Tycho was as complex and intense as ever. And the Callyn story line went exactly how I wanted it to go. Ugh this book was so good! So much happened without actually progressing the plot too far and I think that she set up a really intense third book that will hopefully have a lot of redemption and peace for all of them by the end.

Carving Shadows into Gold by Brigid Kemmerer is book two in the Forging Silver into Stars saga from the Cursebreakers series. We are reunited with Tycho, Jax and Callyn, amongst others and immersed quickly back into their world. Secrets, lies, promises and vows have the characters searching for answers in a time where war is looming. Love and friendships are tested. Magic continues to grow. Time is running out.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was missing these characters something fierce. It is a multiple point of view character driven plot and I am here for it. This one didn’t have a ton of action but you can feel the character arcs and the final scenes are leading to something huge.

Thank you to Brigid Kemmerer, Bloomsbury Publishing, and NetGalley for the e-print ARC of this book!
Age rating: 14-15+
If you’re looking for a fresh, exciting fantasy to add to your TBR and haven’t already boarded the Brigid Kemmerer train, you just need to, at this point. Her works are so enchanting and fulfilling, and this one doesn’t disappoint.
We follow Tycho, introduced in A Curse So Dark and Lonely, now grown into a strong young man and holding a position as the trusted King’s Courier. Jax, a blacksmith, and Callyn, a baker, are fresh characters that have only appeared in Forging Silver into Stars thus far. In this new installment, Carving Shadows into Gold, we get to discover their personalities to a deeper extent.
After the battle at Briarlock, there is a noticeable strain in Tycho’s relationship with King Grey, so he is relieved to be returning to Emberfall. This time, he is able to take Jax with him. He’s excited for the chance for them both to relax and not have to worry about distance separating them anymore.
Unfortunately, almost as soon as they arrive, Tycho is called away again to deliver an urgent message to Syhl Shallow. Scravers from the north have joined the ever-present threat of the Truthbringers against the throne. Neither group is accepting of the magic possessed by King Grey, and will go to great lengths to sever his ties to the throne and Queen Lia Mara.
Jax, left alone in a hostile country where few speak his native tongue, struggles with his duties as a royal blacksmith. Juggling that, along with archery, horseback riding, and language lessons proves to take more of a toll than he had anticipated. Making matters worse is the fact that few soldiers accept him as one of their own, and like to make his life even more difficult than it already is. His relationship with Tycho only seems to waver as Tycho is kept longer and longer in Syhl Shallow, days away.
In the Crystal Palace, Callyn faces challenges of her own. A newly appointed lady’s maid and babysitter of Princess Sinna, Callyn has never been present in such an elaborate place as a palace, let alone actually been offered to live there, so she is content and grateful to have such an opportunity. Even if she misses Jax and her bakery, the Queen is kind to her, and her sister, Nora, is able to stay by her side almost always.
Things are looking optimistic…until Lord Alek shows up. Callyn can’t tell if she should trust him or not, and it doesn’t help that her lingering feelings for him keep getting in the way of her decisions. Even when she isn’t looking for him, she still crosses his path…and she isn’t even sure she minds those interactions, guilty as they make her feel.
Will the kingdoms be able to withstand the threats—old and new—plaguing them? What about the relationship between Tycho and Jax? Will they be able to breach the gap and weather the storm, or will it break them? And Callyn…will the spark she once had with Lord Alek reignite, or will it burn them both to the ground?
Find all of this out in Carving Shadows into Gold!
As always, Brigid Kemmerer delivers a thrilling tale that keeps readers intrigued from beginning to end. Beware: once you start this book, you won’t be satisfied until it’s finished.
Happy reading!

✨Book Review✨
Carving Shadows into Gold - Brigid Kemmerer
📖 Our Emberfall and Syhl Shallow adventure continues - picking up where Forging Silver into Stars left us. We’ve got Jax, Callyn, and Tycho as our chapter POVs. Reminder that Tycho has most recently made a dangerous bargain with a scraver to save the kings life - Jax has escaped his life in Briarlock and is being taken on as a blacksmith in Emberfall - and Callyn is at the Syhl Shallow court watching the Queen’s daughter and learning who can and can’t be trusted at court. Magic is dividing their kingdom and time is running out with war looming.
📚 Oooo this one was so good. I loved the way that characters found themselves moving towards things they previously were opposed to. The plot development and character development for characters we met in the Cursebreaker Series (namely the Queen and King) were so well done. Brigid did a masterful job making you both understand and deeply question different stances from certain characters. Her world-building is done in an understandable way and I am already eagerly awaiting the next installment in this series. Also the ending was *chefs kiss* with some good loose ends tied up while somehow unraveling enough that the next book is set up perfectly.
Special Shoutout to @NetGalley and @BrigidKemmerer for allowing me to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this. I am so delighted to have gotten my hands on it early - even if that means I’m waiting extra long for the next book!
🌟 If you liked the Cursebreaker series then do yourself a favor and move straight into this spinoff series. You’ll want to start with Forging Silver into Stars and then read this one. Brigid Kemmerer has built a world that is worth spending your time in.
#BookReview #Cursebreaker #ForgingSilverIntoStars #CarvingShadowsIntoGold
#BookRecommendation #Bookish #BookLover

*Thank you to Bloomsbury, Brigid Kemmerer and Netgalley for providing me with an E-ARC of "Carving Shadow into Gold" in exchange for an honest review *
This was such a good sequel! I loved seeing Tycho and Jax again! Anyone who loves Brigids books as much as I do is in for a treat!

JAX AND TYCHO!!! My precious favorite characters of maybe all time. I’m OBSESSED!!!! It’s hard to describe how much I love this book so please bear with me.
I screamed when I got the email that I was approved for this arc. I literally dropped everything and ran to my kindle. I think I was already sweating when I began reading. That’s how much I love this series (and anything Brigid writes).
This sequel is EVERYTHING we needed and more. I loved it. My whole heart belongs to Jax and Tycho and I think I could 100 books about them and never get bored.
If you liked the first one, you will absolutely need to preorder this one so that you can impatiently devour it like I did. 100/10 stars.
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. I will be honored to talk to every single customer about this book.

I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Y’all. I just want Tycho to be happy. And Jax to be happy. And everyone.
So trilogies sometimes have a rough second book, where there are a lot of transitions and moving around and sometimes they just aren’t interesting.
This isn’t one of those.
I wanted so desperately for Tycho and Jax to get out of their damn heads and do something. I want Cally to be happy without the douchebag. I want the kingdom to just all get along. But we can’t always get what we want.
That being said, it isn’t necessary a bad thing. The tension and discord made the resolution much more satisfying, and it was written in such a way that it didn’t feel uncomfortable or forced. One of my least favorite tropes is miscommunication, and this book definitely has it all throughout it, but it was done in such a way I don’t mind. The characters are constantly learning and changing their minds about things and perceptions of others, so the characters worked everything out very naturally. It was really wonderful to read and watch the characters really develop through the book.
The plot is certainly action packed enough to keep interest, but there are plenty of tender moments and moments of doubt as well. This book isn’t as emotional as some I’ve read, but there’s plenty of sweet moments between main characters. Jax’s PoV was my favorite because it really highlights the struggle a newcomer who doesn’t speak the language would have. My favorite part is honestly how well Kemmerer humanizes her characters. They feel real and kept me invested the whole book. Even minor characters make an impact.
Of course it leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger, but no one’s life is in immediate danger, so there’s that.
All in all, this was fantastic. I’m dying to see how the last book plays out, because there are a lot of things in motion now and a lot of alliances and betrayals to come.

Carving Shadows into Gold continues the journey of Tycho, Jax, and Callyn from Forging Silver into Stars. While I loved the first book for its fast pace and gripping storylines, this sequel didn’t quite capture the same spark for me. The slow-burn lacked intensity, feeling more like a “no-burn” experience. I had hoped to finish the book quickly in one or two sittings but found it too easy to put down, ultimately finishing it out of a sense of obligation rather than enjoyment.
The character arcs were another challenge for me. Grey has unfortunately become unlikable, Tycho feels diminished compared to his earlier portrayal, and Callyn stood out as the sole character I truly connected with. Interestingly, the scraver Nakiis ended up being the most compelling part of the plot. I remain hopeful for the next installment, with the potential return of Rhen and Harper, a more nuanced Grey, and a stronger, more determined Tycho. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. I would recommend this book primarily to fans eager to continue the series as they await the next chapter.

Brigid Kemmerer has done it again! What a joy to return to Emberfall and Syhl Shallow. A compelling storyline, well-rounded, well-developed, and realistic characters, and some satisfying romance make the second book in this trilogy a winner in my book! Now I'm just said I have to wait for the ending.

The second installment of this spin-off series picks up where the first left off. The pacing was a bit off throughout, it was very slow in the first 60% of the book and finally picked up towards the end. I expected some cliff-hangers (which we got) but I was hoping for something more to be given to the readers in this title as well. It felt almost as if it was a huge build up to what happens at the end of this novel. I appreciate the character development throughout, Kemmerer always excels at that in my opinion. It was nice to see more of Rhen, Harper and Grey in this one as well. I will say that some of the sexual content feels like this should be categorized as a New Adult title instead of Young Adult - particularly looking at it through the lens of a library. Ultimately a solid choice for fans of the series.

Brigid Kemmerer is an auto-read/auto-buy author for me. Forging Silver and Stars is already a favorite on my shelf and I was absolutely thrilled at the opportunity to read this eARC before release. It was wonderful and I just love her entire magical universe. Highly recommend and go read the first one as well as her other trilogy A Curse So Dark and Lonely!
Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

The story of Tycho and Jax opens with their journey to Emberfall, during which there's a vicious attack by scravers. With scravers terrorizing the countryside, Tycho worries about the consequences of his promise to Nakiis. Prince Rhen orders Tycho away to warn the King and once again he finds himself riding away from Jax. Callyn's story opens with her chasing the princess through the palace, part of her new job as Sinna's lady in waiting. Soon it becomes her responsibility to figure out why the Queen was attacked, trapping her in a game of politics that may turn deadly.
I'm going to start by saying, Jax and Tycho are sooooo sweet. They're sweet together and sweet to each other. If you are looking for a lighthearted romantasy that makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, this book's opening salvo fits the bill. But as wonderful as it is it can't stay that way for long. Their relationship becomes strained by the necessity of finding balance between their love for each other and the need to maintain their reputations.
Callyn's story is less sweet... Let me be so bold as to call it mildly sour. Callyn is trying to assimilate to palace life but finds herself being humiliated by Nolla Verin on a daily basis. She's afraid of the King and she's being used by the Queen. And if that's not complicated enough, she can't allow herself to admit that she's still in love with Alek because he betrayed her. Where Tycho and Jax are sweet, Callyn and Alek's relationship hooks you with sexual tension. As angry as she is with Alek, you know it's not over yet.
What I enjoyed:
I thoroughly enjoyed the pacing, Brigid Kemmerer's sense of timing is great. At no point did the story drag on with useless details or irrelevant character interactions. One thing consistently led to the next, and had I had the time available I would have read it in one sitting easily.
I'm not a romance reader by nature. I find there isn't enough going on in them to keep me entertained. But with Carving Shadows into Gold the romantic elements in this story were surrounded by action sequences and complimented by character growth: Jax making friends and overcoming the trauma that his father left behind, Tycho learning to let his guard down and beginning to question his oath to Grey, and Callyn realizing that not everything is black and white.
What didn't I enjoy?
This contains one of my pet peeves of too much blushing. It's in every single chapter. Sometimes blushing occurs multiple times a chapter. No matter the situation, someone is always blushing. People don't actually blush every five minutes and I think it ruins the quality of the characters when everything under the sun embarrasses them. Why are they so insecure?
Not really sure BK knows who her target audience is, I certainly don't. The writing style is what I would expect to find in a Young Adult novel (especially with all that blushing), but some of the content is not suitable for kids... Things heat up around the 20% mark. I would maybe classify it as light reading for the New Adult. I feel like the author needs to firm up her writing for the new adult or, remove sexual content for the young adult.

I received a free electronic copy from Netgalley and Bloomsbury USA Children's Books in exchange for a fair and honest review.
I have been stalking Netgalley forever since reading Forging Silver into Stars. FOREVER. So believe me when I tell you I was screeching out loud when I saw it pop up in my search. I absolutely could not wait one more millisecond to get back into my favorite world, Emberfall.
Unfortunately it took a while for this story to take off. At around the 25% mark I was beginning to get really worried because I was not getting sucked in and the story felt stale and stagnant. Somewhere around the 50% area it began to take off. Especially with the more consistent appearances of Grey, Harper and Rhen. While in the first part of this book I was beginning to wonder if I would even bother with the next installment but after that ending you better believe I will be stalking Netgalley on a freakishly frequent basis for the third installment.