Member Reviews

Oh my goodness, what a book this has been. My poor emotions! I have literally had all the feels and I’m not ashamed to admit I cried reading this.

Amber is just so likeable, you could easily imagine being friends with her. Every single one of us have dated a Bradley. I definitely rolled my eyes at him a few times. I wish I’d had a friend like Tyler. He’s just completely gorgeous, one of those men with a really good heart.

Dove is the queen of a romance. This book is definitely a very strong contender for my favourite book by Dove. I’ve had all the feels, moments of laughing, crying and been so caught up in this one that I’ve devoured it in just hours.

This has all the makings of a screen worthy plot. I absolutely loved this from beginning to end. This has been perfectly paced and executed. Don’t You Want Me Baby is just a glorious comfort hug wrapped in a beautiful bookish gem.

Everything about this book has been brilliant. Our romance queen is back, with a polished crown and a gorgeous masterpiece filled with the best characters.

This is a book that deserves all the praise and recognition. Dove is definitely at the top of her game with this one and it really is a beautiful and wonderful story.

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this one.

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3.5 stars. Overall this book was enjoyable. It was a little predictable and the characters were slightly annoying at times because they weren’t coming out and saying how they felt about each other. But I like friends to lovers and accidental pregnancy so I enjoyed those aspects a lot. Tyler and Amber were meant to be together and I liked that he knew it the whole time. I just wish we got to see a little more of it.

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I enjoyed this quick and easy read. It’s great for fans of the friends-to-lovers trope, which is one of my favorites. The plot was interesting; I also really liked the characters and cared about what happened to them. Tyler and Amber are both caring and hard-working people, and it was easy to root for them.

However, this wasn’t a five star read for me for two reasons. First, the premise (about wanting a baby ASAP) wasn’t totally convincing to me; the heroine is only 30 and it seems wildly irresponsible to want a newborn baby AND a new, demanding business working nights at the same time. Additionally, most of the conflict felt unnecessary, just there for the sake of dramatic tension. Tyler essentially had a rational solution to every problem, but Amber kept responding “Oh no! It could never work! I am so heartbroken!” Of course, characters in a novel don’t always have to make the right decision, and growth makes a story more interesting, but it just got tiring after so many times.

It was still a fun read and I found it hard to put down despite my frustrations with Amber. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC.

Content notes in case it’s helpful to someone: language, alcohol use, sex, mild violence

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Excellent… I was totally involved in the story, the characters and their lives. Emotional and poignant… beautifully written and so evocative. A truly fantastic read!

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