Member Reviews

"Taken" is a story about a woman named Alice. Having had a troubled childhood that she feels guilty for and losing a child herself, Alice falls apart... I won't give away more of the story because you really have to read it! It's confusing and twisty, in a good way, making you scratch your had as you will not see what's coming! It's written in great detail with deep emotion and the ending just ties it all together!

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now this story is so addictive a very twisty read. Alice is so happy with her husband Tom they have a baby and are now moving to America for his job and to be buy his parents. but only after a few days' tragedy strikes they lose their baby Alice blames herself. she thinks Tom does not understand her grief. her brother comes to her and helps her talk Tom to going back to England for her help with dealing with the grief Alice does not trust her husband. it's a very touching read someone will do anything to hurt Alice

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My thanks to Net Galley, Boldwood, and the personal invitation I received to review this arc.

3.5 stars. I did like this book but I thought this was going to be about a straight forward abduction. It seemed to go all over the place with Alice's paranoia. I get that losing Noah would trigger that in a mom , but the majority of the book in the beginning established that. It finally did pick up for me when she got on that ship. However, the extent of that ending? A bit out there. All in all not a bad read but not wowed.

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I could not put this book down. An absolutely riveting story that had gripped me from the first page. As a mother this book pulled at my heartstrings. This being said; the book should come with trigger warnings as it contains some sensitive themes.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC.
This is an honest review.

4.5 Stars

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First time I have read this author and I was a bit disappointed, thought it was going to be about a straight forward abduction case.

I couldn't really get into the storyline as it seemed to jump around a bit, just wasn't for me personally.

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

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Holy wow. I just finished this book, fighting off sleep (and staying up later than I probably should!) so I could finish the last several chapters of the book. It is well written, and builds slowly but efficiently until about the last 1/4 of the book (the part I finished tonight) when you can’t put it down. Without giving anything away, trigger warnings include infant loss and mental health.

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I had a hard time getting Into this one.. it seemed to drag in the beginning and didn’t pick up until about 3/4 thru. It did have a decent ending.

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I don't know, this book just isn't that great. It's very drawn out, but also very choppy jumping ahead all of the time. It didn't really have much suspense to me. I only got about 35% into it and then skimmed. I didn't even care to really see what happened at the end. Her last two books just haven't been the same-they almost seem similar to me.

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This had that thriller element that I was hoping for and was engaged with the suspenseful atmosphere. I had enjoyed other books from Danielle Ramsay that I read and was glad it worked overall with what I was expecting and was charmed by.

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This was a strange one. I have read Danielle Ramsay's police procedurals before so thought this was going to be a straightforward abduction case. Instead it was more about the reaction of a mother to the loss of her child. It was an ok read but not really my type of thing.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book

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Definitely a good book. After Alive loses her son Noah to SIDS, she starts losing her mind. husband has her committed, she grows intensely paranoid. She starts to lost blocks of time. Then she discovers she is pregnant again. Her biggest fear is harming this child. But without the support from her husband how can she make it through. Her second baby is taken and she doesn’t know what to believe anymore. One thing is for sure, thing are never what they seem.

I would recommend this book to anyone who like suspense and twist and turns.

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Thanks netgalley for this very good but sad story of Alice who on loosing her baby Noah while she slept is convinced it is all her fault as it was when her mother accidentally drowned when Alice was 13.
Alice gets mentally ill and is sent to a mental home to recover.
Everything was good before they relocated to America and Alice wants to go,back to England
She is released from the mental home and determined to get better but she is pregnant again and has another boy.
This time it is different and she has a nanny to look after him but things do not go according to plan and Alice thinks her husband wants to put her back in the mental home and take her baby away.
Alice runs away with her baby and that is when her life takes on an even darker turn and he disappears.

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This book was an absolute page-turner, capturing my attention from the very beginning. As a mother, certain aspects of the story resonated deeply with me, evoking strong emotions. However, I believe it is crucial to mention that the book contains sensitive themes that may be triggering for some readers.

I would like to express my gratitude to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an advance reader copy. This review is based on my honest opinion and assessment of the book.

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Imagine being accused of a crime you did not commit and then imagine that crime is killing your own baby..

OMG this novel is harrowing, heartfelt and oh so good,

I loved it

It is a pacy read that kept me on edge and although I did guess the outcome, which did not ruin my reading, I was gripped..

If there were more stars to give I'd happily give them

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Wow this was a very heartfelt read from start to finish the loss of there child then everything else they went through I really felt there emotions all the way through .
I would definitely recommend this book to friends and family.

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awesome harrowing thriller about a woman just post partum dscovering her husband's plans for her and trying to find her baby

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This book was very well written with excellent twist and turns. Minus one star because I was able to predict how it was going to end towards the beginning of the book.

This book is great for people who love psychological thrillers.

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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In “Taken,” the protagonist finds herself in a harrowing situation where she is accused of the most heinous crime imaginable—murdering her own baby. With only hours left before a passenger ferry docks in Spain, she must race against time to locate her missing child and prove her innocence.

The story unfolds as the main character grapples with her troubled past, which includes the tragic loss of her first child. The narrative takes place on the anniversary of this loss, adding emotional weight to her current predicament. As she flees from her home and husband, she becomes increasingly aware that someone is aware of her darkest secrets and has taken her baby for reasons that are initially unclear.

The police are suspicious of her actions and want to understand why she has fled. The protagonist struggles with how to explain her mental state, particularly after experiencing a breakdown following the death of her first child. She fears that her husband has ulterior motives and plans to have her committed, leading to further tension in their relationship.

The novel explores themes of motherhood, mental health, trust, and survival. It raises questions about perception versus reality as the protagonist fights to convince both herself and others of her innocence while uncovering deeper truths about those around her.

As the ferry approaches its destination, the urgency escalates. The protagonist must navigate through layers of deception and confront both external threats and internal doubts to reclaim her baby before it’s too late.

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Alice and Tom lose their baby, Noah. Alice, understandably, cannot cope with the loss and is admitted to a Mental Health Hospital to recover. She is also guilty about something that happened to her mother when she was a teenager.

Alice falls pregnant again, and strange things start happening.

This book had a slow start. It seemed a little repetitive, but then started getting interesting, and exciting.

I however, did predict the ending, not giving any clues or spoilers. You will have to read the book yourself to see the twists!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Alice and her husband Tom tragically lose their baby son Noah. Alice goes to pieces be ends up in a mental health facility while she recovers from a breakdown. Later they have an 8 week old son Eli and a nanny to help. When ‘a friend’ sends her an incriminating video and tells her to check Tom’s emails, Alice panics. He plans to have her committed and take Eli away to America to begin a new life. Alice ups and leaves on a ferry to Spain. And then her baby disappears.

Oh wow! This starter slowly and was quite traumatic. I thought it was going to be a disappointment. Then twist after twist, explosive revelations and a fast paced story. I was paying attention and did suspect one thing (no spoilers) to be proven right. A satisfying ending with all loose ends tied up. Highly recommend.

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