Member Reviews

The Hushed has a unique premise: when someone with a secret dies (which is nearly everyone), their secret becomes a living, breathing being with the sole purpose of seeking out the subject of that secret and revealing it to them. When they fulfill that purpose, they die. But some of those beings, called Hushed, have either forgotten their secrets or found other ways to resist the "pull" to find their chosen subject and thus continue living. Eerie and her "brother" Logan, both "born" at the same time when the Ironbark Prison burned down, are two such Hushed. Some humans don't like this and see the Hushed as threats or fake humans, with a few hunting them down, possibly including Logan Winspeare, the son of one of the victims of the Ironbark fire, but Eerie can't help feeling drawn to Logan.

Drawing inspiration from Twilight, The Host, and other supernatural YA stories while finding its own unique twist, The Hushed does a good job of creating a complicated plot in a complex world. Some of the "twists" are predictable, but the parallel storyline in the ancient past is intriguing, and ties in well to the current plot by the end of the story. The narrator does a wonderful job of bringing the story to life.

Thank you to the author, Blackstone, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book early. My opinions are expressed freely.

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This book was a mix of the paranormal with some romance and thriller vibes added in. Eerie is a "Hushed," a living secret bound to a dark past that she cannot remember, yet she feels the weight of her forgotten truth slowly creeping up on her. I loved this idea and the story is so well paced and written. Overall, a very fun read from K.R.Blair.

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Love, love, Loved this book! What an interesting premise as well as an enchanting cast of characters, no pun intended. I enjoyed the story and the realistic emotions and situations. Can't wait to read more!

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This was a weird and wild ride! Imagine trying to keep a secret for your whole life! This was my 1st book by Kathryn Blair but will not be my last, I am adding all of her books to my TBR!


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Loved this.

Eire doesn’t want to die, she does not want to know why secrets she was born from. But she keeps getting pulled and finding out more about the secrets she was born from.

The love for her brother is endless and she does not want him to dig for more information from the secrets they were both born from. She wants to live and she wants her brother Fabian to live too. But he is bent on wanting to know the truth. To have a choice in knowing.

The mystery the slowly pricing things together keeps you wanting to keep listing/reading.

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K.R. Blair's "The Hushed" offers a fresh twist on the paranormal thriller genre, introducing us to a new kind of undead—the Hushed. The novel weaves a dark and intricate tale of Eerie Ashwood, who, unlike normal college students, harbors a secret that could lead to her demise. Blair masterfully builds a suspenseful narrative around the mysteries of Eerie's past and her forbidden romance with Logan Winspeare, whose quest for truth about his mother's death only draws Eerie closer to her own dangerous revelations.

While the book excels in its originality and depth, diving deep into a complex web of ancient secrets and the existential plight of the Hushed, it occasionally stumbles with its pacing and character development. The romance between Eerie and Logan feels rushed, lacking the foundation that would make their deep connection believable. Despite these drawbacks, "The Hushed" is a compelling read, especially for those who revel in richly crafted worlds and intricate plots. The additional depth provided by the audiobook's familiar and skilled narration (same narrator as the Cresent City series) adds a comforting layer to the sprawling mystery.

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This book drew me in with its dark, mysterious premise of hushed, a personified secret created by the death of someone with something to hide. They appear human and die upon revealing its truth, which it feels compelled to do. Of course add in forbidden romance and you’ve got one heck of an interesting read!

The FMC Eerie and her brother are unique even among hushed as they don’t remember their secret. Eerie finds herself in the middle of a compelling mystery and a man she cannot keep herself from becoming attached to. The closer she gets to Logan, the closer she gets to her secret, one she finds is much bigger than imaginable. If her secret is told, death follows.

I couldn’t put this book down, it was addicting with a convoluted tale full of action, love, power and complex evolving relationships. The end was so satisfying for me and I highly recommend to those who enjoy thriller, paranormal, sci-fi fantasy and romance vibes.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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DNF. I just could not get into this, though I tried multiple times. It seemed right up my alley, but it turned out I misjudged.

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The Hushed by K R Blair


A world in which your darkest secrets come back as people when you die.

Eerie is a hushed. Logan is a hell-raising son of one of the infamous Ironbark Prison fire. Eerie doesn’t know what secret formed her but she knows it’s connected to the Prison fire. The Hush are compelled to reveal their secrets and drop dead shortly after. Hushed are also out casts in society and often live on the run.

What I loved:
🤍Strong FMC
🤍Forbidden Love
🤍Supernatural creatures called the Hushed
🤍Good Trauma representation

What’s not my cuppa tea:
☕️ slower pace, I prefer mid paced books
☕️ YA romance / closed door
☕️ That I have to wait for the sequel

Ideal Reader:
A fan of a thriller with Romantasy. Fans of The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare.

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The premise of this work is interesting, but the execution just didn’t quite work for me. There are parts interspersed throughout the main plot that are somewhat like flashbacks (called “drifts” in the book) that tell a secondary story. Especially in the first half of the book, these sections only really made the story feel that much more disjointed and fragmented. It also made the timeline unclear and made it feel like random things were just happening that didn’t have much relevance to the plot. The pacing of this work is also painfully slow, to the point where it’s over halfway through before much begins to happen.

The setting wasn’t utilized strongly, which made the work feel somewhat adrift. There was also a lot of telling rather than showing, which detracted from the experience as a whole. This also made it difficult to really connect with the characters and their story, and that lack of emotional connection made the work feel a little boring overall. It also made the romance feel completely forced and unnecessary and not like a real romance at all.

If you like YA and urban fantasy, and don’t mind insta love and slow pacing, then you may like this one. My thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for allowing me to read this work. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for allowing me a free copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

I keep going back and forth on what rating I want to give this. It's a 3.5 in my opinion, but I can't decide if I want to round down or up. Ultimately I think I will round it down.

This was just too YA for me, which was not in the tags or I likely would have skipped over. The world wasn't as fleshed out as it needs to be either. Thats not to say it wasn't enjoyable or a good concept, because I absolutely loved the concept of The Hushed/secret keepers. But the YA genre has a way of writing and story telling that just isn't for me, and a lot of plot opportunities were missed or shorted. I'll probably get into some spoiler territory because I have some logical pieces to sort out.

Straight from the start, I disliked the seemingly unnecessary choices on the part of the author to make the character(s) high school/juvenile. It felt very much like a conscious choice that did not serve the purpose of the story. But also, I was going into it not expecting that kind of setup with the characters since it wasn't tagged YA. I saw in the original book release The Breath of Bones, the MFC was 17. At least she upped her age in this version (I think anyway, since she's in college) but is likely a player in how YA it reads as well.

The MFC is set up to be so level headed, cautious, and resourceful but naturally that dissolves the minute she gets some male attention or ends up in sticky/stressful situations. She ends up falling for every single setup, not once thinking anything might be a trap. It didn't feel like there was chemistry in the main relationship, or much build up to it besides just being in proximity to each other/interacting a few times before everything just fell together.

The concept of the Hushed is so unique and interesting that despite some confusion in setup/pacing, I am craving to learn more. I love that no one in this world/universe can get away with keeping life altering secrets. The God of this universe is a petty one & I am here for it 😂 But for real, there's a nice sense of justice that comes with the Hushed existing, even if they aren't readily accepted into society. It's definitely the messiest way someone could have designed a secret-keeper, but if it was less gruesome I don't think it would be as persuasive lol. The implications of the way society COULD have set up a system for the Hushed is also mind-bending. Imagine if they'd been more savage about it. Society hates the Hushed? Wanna get rid of them? You make them register themselves anyway, why not also imprison them and force them to expel their secrets to their source? Takes care of 2 problems - the secret, and the Hushed!

There were a handful of logical "why would you do/think that" moments for me that I think work in the end because it is a "YA book". You can't think too hard about some of the things or you'll run yourself in circles around the plot. There's been a couple times where it almost feels like it's missing pieces? Somehow during key moments I would manage to get lost - like we're too busy rushing to the climax to worry about how we're getting there. I don't really know what caused it, but it's not typically a problem I have with audiobooks. I think another thing that would have helped is getting more in-world history with The Hushed. Our MFC could have visited a library to research her kind, or hopped on a "dark web" forum since she's obviously familiar with that. I feel like there HAS to be more info out there, we just didn't explore it in the beginning when it was needed for the reader/MFC to understand. Also, more world history. We have enough real life history to draw inspiration from to set up the world more believably than what we got. The Hushed are world-wide, right? Theres got to be some political takes/landscapes across countries that we could learn about to deepen everything and enhance the readers understanding of how The Hushed function in societies in a WHOLE WORLD perspective, not just this little town.

The one thing that really threw me off though was the "how did we get here/who are we" stuff. I am ALL FOR our characters having their personal beliefs and visions of why they exist, who they are, what their purpose is, etc. It just felt like the way it was done didn't make sense or link back up in a way that, in retrospect, made things connect. It seemed like it was just a method of introducing concepts to readers to use for later plot points, not deepening the characters themselves.

I really did like this setup/universe though. I hope we get more background/history/insight into the greater universe itself in book 2, as well as some more fleshed out characters/relationships that this one felt lacking in. This feels like such a solid premise that we could easily have a million spin-offs/plot twists, it just needs the right direction. I'm looking forward to reading book 2 & finding out where all this is going!

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Hushed are born from humans who die with a secret to tell. Hushed die when they tell their secret to the ones it will hurt the most. Eerie can't remember her secret, and as the story unfolds, she realizes that her creation goes back to the beginning of the hushed.

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"The Hushed" is probably one of the most unique books I've read/listened to in recent years.

This paranormal mystery introduces a new and rather intriguing kind of entity and I love the obscurity surrounding their existence. Eerie is an intriguing FMC and discovering things alongside her was a lot of fun for me.

I think this book is perfect for everybody who is looking for something new and unexpected that's riddled with secrets, as well as readers who enjoy high stakes, conspiracies and secret romance sideplots.

Also, if you enjoy audiobooks, you should definitely check out how skillfully Elizabeth Evans is bringing the story to life.

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The Hushed are essentially a species of humanesque magical beings who are here temporarily until their purpose is fulfilled. They are abused and hunted by the people who resent them.

Eerie has some special circumstances tied to her and her brother's evolution, but she doesn't quite have the full picture yet. Eerie and her brother manage to find some allies and build some friendship, but their lives are still in danger, both from those who resent them and that they will immediately expire upon the fulfillment of their purpose. This was a unique storyline with regard to the magical elements that affect the characters.

This story ended on a cliffhanger, and I cannot wait for the next installment!

Great audio narration.

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I really enjoyed this paranormal romantic thriller - I went into this blind & I think that made it all the better. The dynamics of how things work in this paranormal world wasn't too hard to grasp.

✨ It did seem somewhat familiar, just can't put my finger on it, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

✨✨ Thank you Blackstone Publishing - Audiobooks & NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I don't think I was at all prepared for this book which must be why I'm still struggling to figure out WTH I just listened to. This was obviously intended for a YA romance audience or at least I hope t was because it was so hard to follow, didn't make sense and wasn't interesting enough for me to even care. Maybe its just this genre that's foreign to me but I don't recommend this one. My thanks to Blackstone Publishing for providing the audio version for review. All opinions are my own.

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This was an OK read with an intriguing premise and eerie themes . The blend of paranormal thriller and forbidden romance for a good plot, but I did not relate with the characters at all, Its a moderately fast paced story, and some twists were predictable. While Eerie's mystery kept me hooked, the story didn’t fully deliver the tension or depth I was hoping for.

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I liked the concept of this book with, essentially, ghosts as second rate citizens. I really wanted to like it because this seemed unique but it just could not hold my interest. I DNF at the 53% mark. I can’t decide if it was the narration or slow moving story but it just didn’t keep me invested.

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This had New Age "Shatter Me" vibes from the beginning, and I was instantly sucked into it.
The story moved quickly, it was easy to follow along, it was not hard to understand the world and their magical limitations and powers.
The idea that when a secret is taken to the grave, a "humanoid" person wakes up with that secret to tell and then they die is sooo interesting. The pull to tell this secret to the people involved sounds so intense.
Eerie and her brother not having a pull or a secret to tell makes them so interesting and you just have to keep listening to figure out their mystery!
There is a touch of romance, nothing intense, very YA and closed door which is exactly the feeling you want from these characters in this world.
There is a great secret revealed in the end and a good cliff hanger that makes you excited for book 2!

Also the narrator is the best, aka Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.

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I listened to this on my vacation and it was fantastic. Made the car ride seem much quicker than it would have otherwise been. Gripping, edge of my seat, fantastic. Kept my attention the entire time

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