Member Reviews

I got 37% into this and gave up. It’s not that it was bad. In fact, the writing was pretty good. I just couldn’t concentrate or follow the three storylines. I think this is a fault of my own and not the author’s.

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I REALLY liked this one. I confess it freely - I am enjoying the revenge genre, particularly in audio format. I find that listening, particularly when the narrator captures the emotional range (from the fragility of survivors and victims to the self-righteous anger and indignation of the vengeance seekers) makes for an extra satisfying experience. Redfearn does a really fantastic job capturing the pathos of her characters, making it easy to empathize across the spectrum of human emotions represented. The pacing and characterizations are very well managed and draw the reader in from the opening pages and refuse to let go until the bitter end. It's not an easy story to listen to - there is a lot of trauma and dark violent pathology here - but it is a very rewarding one on the whole.

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Wow! Well, this was very different!! Very original!!

And, from the authors note at the end, it was her second novel…just renamed, and I guess re-worked! But, phenomenal! (And I see that she now has seven under her belt!) I’ll definitely be looking 👀 for more from her!!

Meet Dick. He’s a middle aged, working class, kind of guy. He’s also a scientist. And if his original breakthrough had taken off like he thought it would, well, he’d be a very wealthy man…

Meet Dee. She’s Dick’s sister. She has an 11 year old son (Jesse) who is precious to her…and her brother. The three of them are very close.

Meet Otis. A pedofile. He’s in jail for raping kids…young boys… and Dee is the one who put him there. He’s written to her from jail, telling her that he can’t wait to see her, and her son, when he gets out. 😮🫣 (This is where I’d be looking to get a gun permit…)

And lastly, meet Steve. He’s FBI. He lost his son at a young age, after mistakenly being thought of as someone else. His mission in life now is to try to protect, basically the scum of the earth, those who prey on and abuse young children…

That’s all I’m giving! If you think it sounds good, definitely pick it up!
Trust me when I say this is JUST THE BEGINNING…and the spirals and u-turns it takes along the way will have your mouth hanging open… (or just dragging on the floor, like mine…)

But wow! What a gift this was! I’m not one to give out 5 stars very freely, but this one deserves every single one of them, and more!

It really makes you think. 🤔 You’ll be asking yourself…what would I do in the same situation?? And the ending?? Priceless!!

#TwoGoodMen by #SuzanneRedfearn (#SERedfearn) and narrated beautifully by #CurtBonnem.

5+ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨✨✨ for me!!

Thanks to #NetGalley and #BlackstonePublishingAudiobooks for an ARC of this one that was recently released, and I was lucky enough to receive a copy of, yesterday!! Look 👀 for it on shelves NOW!!

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Thanks so much for reading! And if you ‘liked’ my review, please share with your friends, & click ‘LIKE’ below… And, let me know YOUR thoughts if you read it!! 📚⭐️

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