Member Reviews

I was really interested and locked in the very beginning of this graphic novel, especially all the stuff having to do with climbing. Once the character's story switched to her joining the school paper I was pretty bored. I stuck with it until close to 70%, but tbh it felt like torture. I was fully bored by this one.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an e-copy of this book. I’ll first start off by saying that I liked the art style and the overall message even if it was hard to discern. But I had a really hard time following along which is an issue that I’ve never with graphic novels. It seemed like the panels would just jump around and the text didn’t make sense in a lot of places. It felt like I was missing pages sometimes. There would be random characters that would pop up out of nowhere and talk and then the next panel they would be completely gone and it would be a new set of characters. There would be text bubbles that just sounded like they weren’t supposed to be there, and didn’t flow with the rest of the text on the page. It just made reading this a chore and unenjoyable.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!!

Wasn’t a huge fan of the art style here, but I enjoyed where the story went. Kirby’s interest in climbing because of her dad was sweet. I’m glad she got some closure and character development. This was a cute graphic novel and I’ll have to read more from this author for sure!

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